The Maryland Robotic-Ride Project

Equine Ambassador


The Maryland horse industry has faced many challenges over the years. It is widely recognized and agreed that the inadequate influx of new, and especially young, horse enthusiasts is a threat to all horse related activities. The Maryland Robotic Ride project would address this problem.

The Ridemaster® is a robotic horse which realistically simulates that riding experience of a real horse. This durable, high tech machine could enable the potential novice rider to develop certain fundamental skills that would maximize the probability a rider would have a safe, effective and fun experience on a live horse. The Maryland Robotic Horse would enable an instructor to teach initial core riding principles. It could be used for therapeutic riding, beneficial to both disabled and able bodied riders alike, novice through experienced.

The promotion of equestrian activities and their numerous benefits to individuals and the greater community is the ultimate goal. A Ridemaster® simulator with a hauling/shipping trailer, truck and generator would be an independent, fully mobile unit easily transported to any venue in the state.

The initial acquisition of equipment (Ridemaster®, truck, trailer, and generator) would be paid for by donors. Recognition for such contributions could be permanently displayed on the Ridemaster®. With the acquisition of equipment via donors, along with the contribution of website support and scheduling of use management by The Maryland Agricultural Resource Council, a stream of revenue could be expected. Sources for the revenue would include:

a)  Sponsorship, an annual fee for endorsement/advertisement use (i.e. – sponsor business cards, flyer promotion and listing on a banner to accompany the MD Robotic-Ride at all times)

b)  Rental fees for use by instructors and students

c)  Paid event appearances

These revenue sources would be dedicated to all operations and maintenance expenses including insurance (liability, auto, loss, etc.) depreciation with eventual replacement, and operation supervisor/assistant salaries.

MARC’s involvement would require no financial obligation, but would assist in the day to day operation of the Ridemaster®. A preliminary list of prospective donors is enclosed. Your input would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.


  1. Three well-established equine veterinary practitioners centered in central Maryland, Drs. Harrison, Westerlund, and Williams, to propose the robotic ride project to stakeholders.
  1. Equine organizations such as Maryland Farm Bureau, Maryland Horse Breeders Association, Maryland Thoroughbred Horseman’s Association, Maryland Racing Commission, Maryland Jockey Club, MD Million, Maryland Association of Equine Practitioners, the Horse Expo, Sagamore Racing, and any organization benefiting from horse ownership.
  1. Maryland Horse Industry Board certified equine experience centers.
  1. Equine related businesses such as feed and bedding providers, transportation, farriers, horse publications, tack shops, and other related industries.
  1. Equine related clubs and associations such as the Pony Club, 4-H, Maryland Combined Training Association, Greenspring Valley Hunt Club, Maryland Dressage Association, and others.
  1. Local colleges and high schools, as well as private lesson programs, that can introduce organized equestrian sports to new riders, or expand riding disciplines for existing riders.
  1. To introduce equestrian sports at large events such as the Maryland State Fair, local community fairs, steeplechase events, etc.
  1. Therapeutic riding organizations, as well as the Wounded Warrior Project, for rehabilitation use.
  1. To join current public health initiatives to encourage exercise in children and healthy outdoor activity.


RidemasterÒ / 24,819 GBP / $38,493.00 (as of 5/1/13)
Customs / $1,539.00
Shipping / 1,800 GBP / $2,787.00 (as of 5/2/13)
TOTAL: $42,819.00
Pick-up Truck (used) / $20,000.00
Trailer / $20,000.00
Generator (220 volt) / $4,000.00
TOTAL: $44,000.00

GRAND TOTAL: $86,819.00

Note: RidemasterÒ has one full year warranty, and is engineered to run 43,630 hours nonstop. It requires 220 volts for operation.


event appearance / potential revenue / Annual Estimate
Boarding Stable Visit – 1 day / $400/visit (unlimited) / $2,000
Maryland Million / $1,000/year (annual event, one day) / $1,000
Maryland State Fair / $4,000/year (annual event, multiple days) / $4,000
Wine Festivals / $500/visit (numerous) / $2,000
Race Tracks / $1,000/visit (numerous) / $2,000
The Mill (various locations) / $2,000/visit (numerous) / $2,000
Dover Saddlery, etc. / $1,000/visit / $1,000
Dogwood Tack, Carroll County Tack, etc. / $500/visit / $2,000
Advanced training for existing riders / $120/25 minute training session
Etc. / Etc.
Total: +$16,500/year

If the above event schedule were to be accepted as an example, with a 6 hour/day, 25 to 30 days, employee time would total 180 hours per employee. Total salaries would be approximately $5,000/year, at the rate of $18/hour for a supervisor and $12/hour for an assistant.


Sponsors will receive advertisement, business promotion, and community recognition.

If we assume 30 sponsors at $250 a sponsor per year, the total would equal $7,500 per year.

Total revenue = $24,000 annually

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The Maryland Robotic-Ride Project

Equine Ambassador


The availability of the Ridemaster would also be a synergistic fit with marketing programs that The Maryland Horse Industry Board (MHIB) and the American Horse Council Time to Ride Program have been developed and implemented to interest more people in riding and buying horses.

MHIB is working on plans to initiate a network of Approved Equine Experience Centers in the state with the Baltimore County Center for Maryland Agriculture at Cockeysville to be an Experience Center hub. This idea was promoted in Phase II of the Maryland Horse Park System study, held in September 2013 in conjunction with the Maryland Stadium Authority. The idea is to be able to send newcomers, and re-entry folks, to certified riding centers where they can be introduced to horses in a safe, friendly, positive and fun environment. In conjunction with this network, MHIB is working on developing a network of junior riding clubs in elementary schools that would introduce more children as well as their parents to horses. Interested children and adults could then visit the Experience Centers to learn more about and enjoy horses and take part in programs at those facilities.

The robotic horse could be used to travel to schools, experience centers, malls, shows and festivals to give a simulated horse riding experience. It would be used to simulate real life pony rides without the insurance liability. The British Horse Society currently uses four such robotic horses to travel around England to interest folks in riding activities, according to Steve Day, CEO of Dover Saddlery.


A)  Business Insurance

1)  Commercial Auto: Pick Up ($25k)/Enclosed Trailer ($30k) ~ $4,000/year

2)  Inland Marine: $50k in property coverage for simulator, generator, equipment ~$500/year

3)  General Liability: on premise/off premise use of simulator ~ $1,500-$2,000/year

In total you can expect to pay around $6,000-$7,000 in business insurance on an annual basis.

B)  Replacement cost for Ridemaster®

1)  If this machine is designed for 4-5 years of continuous use, a reasonable life projection of 15 years could be expected. Therefore, it might be assumed that $2,500 be retained annually for replacement funds. (15 x 2,500 = $37,500)

You can expect to pay $2,500 per year.

C)  Operation Supervisor and Assistant Salaries

1)  Supervisor - $18/hour

2)  Assistant - $12/hour

D)  Operation Miscellaneous Cost

1)  Fuel (truck and generator)

2)  Vehicle Maintenance (i.e. - service, tires, etc.)

3)  Simulator service and repair

4)  Banner production cost

5)  Advertising

You can expect to pay $7,500 per year.

The Maryland Robotic Ride Project is a self-sustaining venture.

We believe this project has enormous potential. Please help us achieve it! Thank You.

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