Proposal Assignment (15 points)
You are to write a proposal for your internship experience, which should determine the tasks that you perform. Your site supervisor should approve this proposal before it is turned in, but it is the student's responsibility to write the proposal. The proposal is a specific list of learning objectives that you will achieve during the internship. Some internship programs already have certain objectives for you. These should be included in the proposal along with additional objectives that reflect goals that you have for the internship. The nature of these objectives will also depend upon what the site supervisor and staff feel is appropriate for you to learn during your internship, therefore, these objectives should be developed with your supervisor.
Format for the proposal includes a statement of your general objectives for this internship experience, specific learning objectives that will help you achieve your general objectives, a plan for implementing these objectives into your internship hours, and a plan of assessment for your achievement of these objectives. As part of the assessment, I want you to write a brief paragraph about how this internship fits into your future-plans. Additionally, I want you to address what you think you will be getting out of the internship.
***As part of the assessment, you should develop a checklist (based on your objectives) that your supervisor can initial or sign as a part of your Final Report. Turn this checklist in with your proposal.
The student will be graded on the initial proposal, but is also expected to revise the proposal according to your TA's comments. DO NOT use the word “research” anywhere in your proposal (unless you are research assistant in a university setting) or you will be asked to redo your proposal. The revised objectives will be included in the final report. Anexample proposal is provided on D2L, follow it closely. Be sure to include at least 2 general objectives or you will be marked down. In addition, follow the outline format shown using numbers (not bullets) or you will be marked down. The proposal is due two weeks after the starting date for your internship.
Please download your proposal to the drop box provided on D2L in .doc format.
DO NOT email me your proposal!
Change the name of this to FirstName_LastName_Internship_Proposal
Evaluation for the Proposal is as Follows:
Points / Learning Objectives / Implementation / Assessment5 / All learning objectives are clear, measurable, ambitious, and attainable. The specific objectives reflect the overall general objectives. / The plan to achieve the learning objectives is clear, precise, and specific. / The plan of assessment represents clear and quantifiable ways of demonstrating that the learning objectives have been obtained.
3-4 / Most objectives are clear, but some specific objectives are not measurable, ambitious or attainable. / The plan to achieve the learning objectives is slightly unclear due to a lack of specific information. / The plan of assessment is not clear and/or quantifiable for certain objectives.
1-2 / The objectives are not clear. Specific learning objectives and general objectives unrelated. / The plan to achieve the objectives is unclear or the implementation plan for most of the objectives is missing. / The assessment plan is not specific, unclear, and/or most of the objectives are not accounted for in the assessment.
0 / No objectives listed. / No implementation plan. / No assessment plan.