Genius Hour

Proposal and Action Plan

What is Genius Hour?

Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn at school during a set period of time. Students will spend several weeks researching their topic before creating a product that will be shared with the class/school/world. Creativity is encouraged.Throughout the process the teacher will assist student with projects and ensure that they are working towards achieving their goals.

Select an Idea/Topic:If you could research and become a "genius" about any topic (school appropriate, of course), what topic would you choose? The topic or idea should be something that you are passionate about and “want” to research, enabling you to become a “genius” in that area. What topic would you like to learn more about during the Genius Hour activity? Write this topic in the form of a “Driving Question” that you will attempt to answer. Explain your rationale for selecting this topic.

Goals: Clearly state your goal(s), from required checkpoints to the final presentation.

Long Term/Final Presentation Goal(s):




Action Plan: What specific actions or steps are you going to take to achieve your long term/final presentation goals? Include specific topics to research, materials that need to be gathered/created, skills that need to be practiced, etc. Create a clearly defined checklist of the actions that will help youto become a "genius" on this topic.






Checkpoints:Each student will be responsible for ongoing activities, which lead up to the following required checkpoints:

Checkpoint #1 – Date: ______

Checkpoint #2 – Date: ______

Final Presentation – Date(s): ______

Social Studies Connection: Connect your idea/activity to one of the following S.S. Domains:

  • History: Research and discuss the history of your topic. How has this topic changed over time? What impact has this topic had on Georgia, the United States, or other areas around the world? Predict how this topic will continue to impact people during the future.
  • Geography: Research and discuss how your topic is implemented/used around the world. Is your topic used consistently around the world or does the use vary between different cities, states, or countries around the world? Include maps and/or pictures of places around the world where your topic is used.
  • Economics: Research and discuss the economic impact of your topic. What impact has your topic had on the economy of Georgia, the United States, and/or around the world? Include charts, graphs, etc., that display economic information related to your topic.
  • Government: Research and discuss how governments have encouraged or discouraged/prohibited your topic, in Georgia, the United States, and/or around the world. What rules or laws have been created that impact your topic?

Final Product: Throughout the semester, each student will research, work, and practice, to become a "genius" about something that you are passionate about. The final product should answer your Driving Question, which may have evolved or changed throughout your research. Near the end of the semester, you will be required to present information related to this topic and your process to the class. This presentation could be a PowerPoint or Prezi, a demonstration of your topic, a student created video, or some other teacher approved presentation method. How do you anticipate presenting your topic to the class?

Checklist: Each of the following must be represented in your Final Product!

Introduction about your topic, Driving Question, goals, and purpose of the activity.

Presentation of information about your topic (*see Final Product).

Process and methods that were used to become a “genius” on your topic.

Social Studies Connection to one of the four S.S. Domains (*listed above).

Conclusion about what you learned about your topic and how your understanding of the topic increased and/or changed throughout the activity.

List of valid and appropriate sources that were used to become a “genius” on your topic. Sources should be cited in MLA Format (