Property Owner: Matthew S. Jordan, Phone 845-380-3041

Name/Address: Sky View Apartments

1611 Route 376

Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Property ID: Grid #6259-03-494306

& #6259-04-503292

(Town of Wappinger)

Property Type: Apartment Complex

Property Size: Land: 1.8 acres

Building: 17,376 Square Feet in four buildings

Construction/Age: Masonry and wood frame/1960’s, 4 Buildings

Tenancy: Multi-tenant

Interest Appraised: Leased Fee Estate

Highest & Best Use: Continued use as an apartment complex

Zoning: “GB; Highway Business” with a wide rage of

Commercial uses including office, retail,

wholesale, recreational, cultural, etc. Subject

property considered to be a pre-existing

non-conforming use.

Water/Sewer: 2 wells & 4 septic fields

(pumped on a scheduled basis)


As of March 7, 2002, Sky View Apartments consists of four one-story structures containing a total of 30 units and a rental/maintenance office. Total gross building area is 17,376 square feet. Unit breakdown consists of one (2) studios, two (1) efficiency, fifteen (15) one-bedroom units, and twelve (12) two-bedroom units. Construction details of the improvements of the apartment complex are as follows:

FOUNDATIONS : Poured concrete and concrete block.

BASEMENTS : None in 3 apartment bldgs, 1 in house

STYLE : Simplex style apartments.

FRAMING : Wood Frame.

EXTERIOR WALLS : Aluminum or vinyl siding with brick fascia;

aluminum soffits.

ROOF/ROOFING : Wood gable roof with asphalt shingle covering.

Aluminum gutters, leaders, and downspouts.

The house has a new roof.

WALKWAY : Macadam; some concrete or wood stoops.

WINDOWS : Wood double hung or casement windows;

Some with storms & screens.

FLOORS/FLOORING : Carpet or vinyl covering over poured concrete

slab. Resilient flooring in kitchens.


WALLS : Painted drywall

BATHROOMS : Ceramic or vinyl tiled floor, ceramic tile

wainscoting walls; standard porcelain fixtures.

Plastic laminate countertops.

KITCHEN : Linoleum or vinyl tiled floors, wood or laminate

cabinetry and plastic laminate countertops,

stainless steel sink, electric ranges, and


PLUMBING : Copper, lead and galvanized.

HEATING/HW : The three apartment buildings were

converted from oil to gas, saving us 45%, as

we used latest technology System 2000

rapid heating boilers. The house has a new

efficient oil fired furnace. THE IN GROUND


ELECTRIC : Adequate. Individually metered; 125 amp/unit.

LIGHTING : Incandescent and fluorescent.

ENTRANCES : Each unit has individual entrance from outside

through wood entry door. Some units with

storm doors.

AIR CONDITIONING : Provided by electric window units mounted in

through wall sleeves.

REFUSE REMOVAL : Refuse is placed in designated areas in

parking lots.

PARKING : Ample in parking lots.

BUILDING AREA : # of Bldgs. Sq. Ft. Total

2 6,336 12,672

1 3,696 3,696

1 1,008 1,008


Boiler Rooms : 200

Rental Office : (Above Grade) 100


BASEMENT OFFICE : (Finished) 800

TOTAL : 18,076


Studio 1 400 400

Efficiency 2 500 1,000

One Bedroom 15 540 8,100

Two Bedrooms 12 630 7,560

Total Square Feet 17,876


Sky View Apartments are located on a 1.8 acre irregular shaped parcel with 325 feet of frontage on the westerly side of Route 376 (a/k/a New Hackensack Road). North and south boundary runs a depth of 244 and 241 feet, respectively. Western (rear) border runs

a length of 325 feet.

Topography of the site is at grade with the state highway and consists of basically level land. On-site improvements consist of paved and concrete curbs; paved side-walks and parking areas, enclosed refuse areas, exterior signage, post & rail as well as stockade fencing and landscaping. There are 3 new gas fired heat/HW boilers and 1 new oil fired heating furnace in the house with 2 apartments & offices.

The area is served by electric, telephone and gas. In the absence of municipal services, an on-site well and sub-surface septic systems are utilized.


According to FEMA Community Panel #361387 0005A, dated June 15, 1979, the subject parcel is not located in a flood hazard area (Zone C).

APPRAISAL: $2,500,000


As of the date of appraisal, the subject property was situated in a zoning district designated “GB; Highway Business”, by the official Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger.

The “GB” zone permits the following principal uses:

1.  Professional, banking, business or governmental offices (not exceeding 10,000sf).

2.  Retail stores or shops (not exceeding 6,000sf).

3.  Restaurants and other places serving food or beverage not including fast food facility with drive-thru.

4.  Personal service businesses, funeral homes, day car center and day nursery.

5.  Places of worship, including rectory, parish house and religious school.

6.  Library, museum or art gallery.

7.  Temporary outdoor sales.

8.  Special permit uses include public garage; gasoline filling stations; private, community & fraternal recreational clubs; neighborhood scale recreational uses; contractor’s supply or lumber yard (8 acres or more) and motel.

“GB” Zone Area and Bulk Schedule

Minimum Lot Area : 15,000 SF

Minimum Lot Width : 100 Feet

Minimum Setbacks:

Front Yard : 75 Feet

(measured from state highway)

Rear Yard : 30 Feet

Side Yard : 20 Feet

Maximum Building Coverage : 25% FAR - .4

Maximum Building Height : 2 ½ stories or 35 Feet