Pronunciation guide
This pronunciation guide is mainly for English speaking readers. The pronunciation of Greek and Latin words in other languages, such as Dutch or German or Spanish, is quite different. We can expect that the pronunciation of some words will remain highly disputable and we will never get consensus about. The main function of this guide is to give readers at least some idea of how to pronounce the names of the various deities mentioned in this encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia Mythica pronunciation guideArticle / Pronunciation / Area
Acheron / {ack-uh-ron} / Greek
Achilles / {uh-kil'-eez} / Greek people
Actaeon / {ak'-tee-uhn} / Greek people
Adrasteia / {a-dras'-tee-uh} / Greek
Aeacus / {ee'-uh-kuhs} / Greek people
Aegisthus / {ay'-gis-thus} / Greek people
Aeneas / {ay-nay'-uhs} / Roman
Aeolus / {ee'-oh-luhs} / Greek
Agamemnon / {ag-uh-mem'-nahn} / Greek people
Aganippe / {ag'-uh-nip-ee} / Greek
Aias / {i'-uhs} / Greek people
Alcestis / {al-ses'-tis} / Greek
Alcinous / {al-ki'-no-uhs} / Greek people
Alcyone / {al-sy'-uh-nee} / Greek
Amaltheia / {am-al-thee'-uh} / Greek
Ambrosia / {am-broh'-zhuh} / Greek
Amphitryon / {am-fi'-tree-ahn} / Greek people
Ananke / {a'-nan-kee} / Greek
Anchises / {an-ky'-seez} / Roman
Andromeda / {an-drahm'-uh-duh} / Greek
Antaeus / {an-tee'-uhs} / Greek
Antilochus / {an-til'--o-kuhs} / Greek people
Antinous / {an-ti'-no-uhs} / Greek people
Antiope / {an-ty'-oh-pee} / Greek people
Anu / {ay'-noo} / Mesopotamian
Anubis / {uh-noo'-bis} / Egyptian
Aphrodite / {af-roh-dy'-tee} / Greek
Apollo / {a-pol'-lo} / Greek
Arachne / {uh-rak'-nee} / Greek
Ares / {air'-eez} / Greek
Arethusa / {ar-uh-thoo'-zuh} / Greek
Ariadne / {air-ee-ad'-nee} / Greek people
Aristaeus / {air-i-stee'-uhs} / Greek
Armageddon / {ahr-muh-ged'-uhn} / Other
Artemis / {ahr'-tuh-mis} / Greek
Asclepius / {as-klee'-pee-uhs} / Greek
Astyanax / {as-tie'--a-naks} / Greek people
Athena / {a-thee'na} / Greek
Atreus / {ay'-tree-uhs} / Greek people
Augeas / {aw-jee'-uhs} / Greek
Ausonia / {aw-so'ni-uh} / Roman
Automedon / {aw-tom'idon} / Greek people
Bacchus / {bak-uhs} / Roman
Bellerophon / {buh-lair'-uh-fahn} / Greek people
Boreas / {bohr'-ee-uhs} / Greek
Briseis / {bri-say'-is} / Greek people
Cabiri / {kah-bi'ri} / Greek
Calchas / {kal'-kuhs} / Greek people
Callisto / {kuh-lis'-toh} / Greek
Calypso / {ka-lip'-so} / Greek
Cassandra / {kuh-san'-druh} / Greek people
Cassiopeia / {kas-ee-oh-pee'-uh} / Greek
Cecrops / {see'-krahps} / Greek
Cephalus / {sef'-uh-luhs} / Greek
Cerberus / {sur'-bur-uhs} / Greek
Ceres / {sir'-eez} / Roman
Chaos / {kay'-ahs} / Greek
Charon / {kair'-uhn} / Greek
Charybdis / {kar-ib'-dis} / Greek
Chiron / {ky'-rahn} / Greek
Circe / {sur'-see} / Greek people
Clytemnestra / {kly-tem-nes'-truh} / Greek people
Cornucopia / {kohr-noo-koh'-pee-uh} / Greek
Cronus / {kroh'-nuhs} / Greek
Cyclopes / {sy'-klahps} / Greek
Cylleneius / {si-le'ni-uhs} / Greek
Danae / {dan'-ay-ee} / Greek people
Danaus / {dan'-ay-uhs} / Greek
Demeter / {dih-mee'-tur} / Greek
Deucalion / {ue-kay'-lee-uhn} / Greek
Dido / {dy'-doh} / Greek people
Diomedes / {dy-oh-meed'-eez} / Greek people
Dionysus / {dy-uh-ny'-suhs} / Greek
Dodona / {doh-doh'-nuh} / Greek
Echidna / {e-kid'nah} / Greek
Echo / {ek'o} / Greek
Electra / {ee-lek'-truh} / Greek
Electra / {ee-lek'-truh} / Greek people
Enceladus / {en-sell'-ah-dus} / Greek
Endymion / {en-dim'-ee-uhn} / Greek
Eos / {ee'-ahs} / Greek
Epimetheus / {ep-ee-mee'-thee-us} / Greek
Erebus / {air'-i-buhs} / Greek
Erechtheus / {ir-ek'-thee-uhs} / Greek people
Eris / {ee'-ris} / Greek
Eros / {air'-ohs} / Greek
Eumenides / {u-men'-i-dez} / Greek
Europa / {yur-oh'-puh} / Greek
Eurynome / {ue-rin'-ah-mee} / Greek
Furies / {fyur'-eez} / Roman
Gaia / {jee'-uh} / Greek
Galatea / {gal-uh-tee'-uh} / Greek
Gemini / {jem'-in-y} / Greek
Glaucus / {glaw'-kuhs} / Greek
Gorgons / {gohr'-guhns} / Greek
Hades / {hay'-deez} / Greek
Hebe / {hee'-bee} / Greek
Hecate / {hek'-a-tee} / Greek
Hector / {hek'-tur} / Greek people
Hecuba / {hek'-yoo-buh} / Greek people
Helen / {hel'-en} / Greek people
Helenus / {hel'-uh-nuhs} / Greek
Helios / {hee'-lee-ahs} / Greek
Hephaestus / {huh-fes'-tuhs} / Greek
Hera / {hir'-uh} / Greek
Hercules / {hur'-kyoo-leez} / Roman
Hermaphroditus / {hur-maf-roh-dy'-tuhs} / Greek
Hermes / {hur'-meez} / Greek
Hermione / {hur-my'-uh-nee} / Greek people
Hero and Leander / {hieer'-oh, lee-an'-dur} / Greek people
Hesperides / {hes-pair'-i-deez} / Greek
Hestia / {hes'-tee-uh} / Greek
Himalia / {hy-mal'-ee-uh} / Greek
Hippolyta / {hi-pahl'-i-tee} / Greek people
Hippolytus / {hi-pahl'-i-tuhs} / Greek people
Hyacinthus / {hy-uh-sin'-thuhs} / Greek
Hygieia / {hy-jee'-uh} / Greek
Hyperion / {hy-peer'-ee-uhn} / Greek
Icarus / {ik'aruhs} / Greek people
Io / {ee'-oh} / Greek
Iphigenia / {if-uh-juh-ny'-uh} / Greek people
Iris / {y'-ris} / Greek
Irus / {i-ruhs} / Greek people
Ixion / {iks'-ee-ahn} / Greek people
Jason / {jay'-suhn} / Greek people
Kraken / {Krah'kun} / General folklore
Laestrygones / {lie-stri-go'-nays} / Greek people
Lamia / {laym'-ee-uh} / Greek
Laomedon / {lay-ahm'-ih-dahn} / Greek
Larissa / {la'-ree-suh} / Greek
Leda / {lee'-duh} / Greek
Lethe / {lee'-thee} / Greek
Leto / {lee'-toh} / Greek
Lotophages / {lo-to-fag'-es} / Greek people
Lysithea / {ly-see'-thee-uh} / Greek
Maenads / {mee'-nadz} / Greek
Marsyas / {mahr-see-uhs} / Greek
Medea / {meh-dee'-uh} / Greek people
Medusa / {muh-doo'-suh} / Greek
Meleager / {mel-ee-ay'-jur} / Greek people
Memnon / {mem'-nahn} / Greek people
Menelaus / {men-uh-lay'-uhs} / Greek people
Metis / {mee'-tis} / Greek
Midas / {my'-duhs} / Greek
Mimas / {my'-mas} / Greek
Minos / {my'-nuhs} / Greek
Mnemosyne / {nemoz'ini} / Greek
Morpheus / {mohr'-fee-uhs} / Greek
Naiads / {nay'-ads} / Greek
Narcissus / {nahr-sis'-uhs} / Greek
Nemesis / {nem'-uh-sis} / Greek
Neoptolemus / {nee-ahp-tahl'-i-muhs} / Greek people
Nereids / {nee'-reeds} / Greek
Nereus / {nee'-ree-uhs} / Greek
Nestor / {nes'-tur} / Greek
Niflheim / {nee'-ful-hym} / Norse
Nike / {ny'-kee} / Greek
Niobe / {ny'-oh-bee} / Greek
Odysseus / {oh-dis'-ee-uhs} / Greek people
Orestes / {ohr-es'-teez} / Greek people
Orion / {oh-ry'-uhn} / Greek people
Orpheus / {ohr'-fee-uhs} / Greek people
Palamedes / {pal-uh-meed'-eez} / Greek people
Pandora / {pan-dohr'-uh} / Greek
Paris / {par'-is} / Greek people
Patroclus / {pa-tro'-kluhs} / Greek people
Pegasus / {peg'-uh-suhs} / Greek
Peleus / {pe-lay'-uhs} / Greek people
Pelops / {pee'-lahps} / Greek people
Penelope / {puh-nel'-uh-pee} / Greek people
Persephone / {pur-sef'-uh-nee} / Greek
Perseus / {pur'-see-uhs} / Greek people
Phaeton / {fay'-uh-thuhn} / Greek
Philoctetes / {fil-ahk-tee'-teez} / Greek people
Philomela / {fil-oh-mee'-luh} / Greek people
Phobos / {fo'-bos} / Greek
Phoebe / {fee'-bee} / Greek
Phoenix / {fee'-niks} / Greek
Pirithous / {py-rith'-oh-uhs} / Greek people
Pleiades / {plee'-uh-deez} / Greek
Pluto / {ploo'-toh} / Roman
Polyphemus / {pah-luh-fee'-muhs} / Greek
Poseidon / {puh-sy'-duhn} / Greek
Priam / {pri'-am} / Greek people
Priapus / {pry-ay'-puhs} / Roman
Prometheus / {proh-mee'-thee-uhs} / Greek
Proteus / {proh'-tee-uhs} / Greek
Psyche / {sy'-kee} / Greek
Pygmalion / {pig-mayl'-ee-uhn} / Greek
Pyramus and Thisbe / {peer'-uh-muhs thiz'-bee} / Other
Python / {py'-thahn} / Greek
Remus / {ree'-muhs} / Roman
Rhea / {ree'-uh} / Greek
Romulus / {rahm'-yoo-luhs} / Roman
Sarpedon / {sahr-pee'-duhn} / Greek
Satyrs / {say'-tur} / Greek
Sciron / {si'ron} / Greek people
Scylla / {sil'-uh} / Greek
Selene / {suh-lee'-nee} / Greek
Semele / {sem'-uh-lee} / Greek
Semiramis / {sem-ir'-uh-mis} / Other
Sibyl / {sib'-ul} / Greek
Silenus / {sy-lee'-nuhs} / Greek
Sinon / {si'non} / Greek people
Sinope / {see'-noh-pee} / Greek
Sisyphus / {sis'-i-fuhs} / Greek
Styx / {stiks} / Greek
Tantalus / {tan'-tuh-luhs} / Greek people
Tartarus / {tahr'-tuh-ruhs} / Greek
Telemachus / {tuh-lem'-a-kuhs} / Greek people
Tethys / {thee'-thus} / Greek
Thalassa / {tuh-lass'-uh} / Greek
Thanatos / {than'-uh-tahs} / Greek
Thebe / {thee'-bee} / Greek
Theseus / {thee'-see-uhs} / Greek people
Thetis / {thee'-tis} / Greek
Thisbe / {thiz'-bee} / Other
Tiresias / {ty-ree'-see-uhs} / Greek people
Titans / {ty'-tuhns} / Greek
Triton / {tryt'-uhn} / Greek
Tuatha Dé Danann / {thoo'a-haw day dah'-nawn} / Celtic
Twm Shon Catti / {toom shon kat'i} / Celtic
Ulysses / {yoo-lis'-eez} / Roman
Uranus / {yoo-ray'-nuhs} / Greek
Vesta / {ves'-tuh} / Roman
Vulcan / {vuhl'-kuhn} / Roman
Zeus / {zoos} / Greek