Due Date:______
Odyssey Unit
Packet 1.5
Grammar: Pronoun / Antecedent Agreement
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement Review Notes
Practices 1-4
Class period: _____
English 9
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement Review Notes
Pronoun: Word that stands in place of a noun
Antecedent: the noun that the pronoun replaces
Maria forgot her coat.
Antecedent: Maria
Pronoun: Her
Pronouns and Antecedents need to agree with one another; they both need to be singular or they both need to be plural
EXAMPLE: The players, exhausted from the double overtime game, picked up his sweats from the locker room.
INCORRECT: “his” is a singular pronoun; “players” is a plural antecedent
CORRECT: The players, exhausted from the double overtime game, picked up their sweats from the locker room.
Practice 1: Identifying the Antecedent
For each sentence, circle the antecedent of the sentence. Then, underline its corresponding pronoun.
1) The band members collected their uniforms.
2) All students can choose their roommates.
3) Penny and Paul practice their music.
4) The coach grabbed his jacket when he ran to the player.
5) Neither Sally nor Martha will be given the leading roles unless she improves.
6) Everybody should bring his own fishing equipment.
7) Every door and gate post had its sign of welcome.
8) Despite the threatening weather, nobody thought to bring his umbrella.
9) Every member of this family had his special chores and responsibilities.
10) Nobody would admit that he was tired.
Practice 2: Choosing the Correct Pronoun
For each sentence, circle the correct pronoun that agrees with the antecedent.
1. / Somebody dropped (their/his or her) wallet.2. / Most of the class pushed in (their/its) chairs.
3. / Some of the girls sang (their/her) favorite song.
4. / Katelyn and Radikha called (their/her) parents on Saturday.
5. / Daniel or Dave left (their/his) sunglasses on the table in the hallway.
6. / Neither Mary nor Paul studied (their/his or her) spelling words.
7. / All of the players liked (their/his or her) coach.
8. / Everybody must wash (their/his or her) hands before dinner.
9. / Many good athletes spend (their/his or her) time training after school.
10. / One of the buildings lost (their/its) electricity yesterday afternoon.
11. / These puppies still belong with (their/his or her) mother.
12. / Nobody broke (their/his or her) promise.
13. / Nora placed (their/her) watch on the shelf by her bed.
14. / Rick or Davaughn brought (their/his) guitar.
15. / Most dogs are loyal to (their/his or her) owner.
Practice 3: Changing to the Correct Pronoun
In the blank provided, change the underlined word to the correct pronoun.
______1. Nobody knows that eating chocolate-broccoli muffins is a good way to provide their bodies with vitamin C.
______2. The troupe of knife jugglers shocked their audience when a butcher knife accidentally decapitated the head of an old woman's poodle.
______3. Either the grill crew or the manager must give their permission for you to return that half-eaten double cheeseburger.
______4. Both the computer monitor and the refrigerator door have its shiny surface smeared with dog snot from our curious puppy Oreo.
______5. Which member of your track team makes their opponents resemble turtles trying to compete with a hare?
______6. The catering committee for the Halloween dance received many compliments for their squid eyeball stew.
______7. The new and improved laundry detergent restored Hector’s mud-stained pants to its original condition.
______8. After feeding several quarters into the gumball machine, a person learns that they have little chance of receiving the miniature camera in the display.
Practice 4: Writing Correct Sentences
Rewrite each sentence so that the antecedent and the pronoun are in agreement.
1. Would everyone please bring their computer to the writing workshop?
2. The principal indicated that every staff member had to submit their self evaluation by Wednesday.
3. The operations officer noted that every soldier should have their own blanket.
4. School psychologists note the importance for every student to express their emotions.
5. Is every candidate for the position going to be given their application materials at the interview?
6. If any investor has a question about the quarterly reports, they should contact their broker directly.
7. If every customer complains that an item is missing in their order, something is wrong with our procedure.
8. Would everyone who attended the meeting, please bring their tee shirt to the rally?