Prom Reminders to Seniors of 2014

Prom 2014 is less than 2 months away and we need several things from each grade 12 student ASAP. Please go through the following check list and ensure you submit these items ASAP.

  1. $150 Prom Fee.

-All prom fees are due to Devon Bolger by March 28th, 2014

  1. Kindergarten/Pre-school graduation photo and current graduation photo.

-At the cap and gown ceremony there is a slideshow of each graduate. We need you grade 12 graduation photo and your kindergarten or pre-school graduation photo (if you have one). If not a photo of you when you were young will do just fine. All photos are to be submitted to Jade Menne by April 17th

  1. Baby Photo

-At the prom ceremonies we have a Guess Who display, showing baby pictures of each student. We are looking for any cute baby picture you would like to share. All photos are to be submitted to Jade Menne by April 17th

  1. Fun Pictures of the Graduating Class

-At the Prom Ceremony there will be a slideshow of the graduating class, memories of their years together. We are looking for any pictures you would like to share to include in this slideshow, featuring this year’s grade 12 students. These can be any fun pictures that have been taken (school appropriate). We are looking to include as students in this slideshow so please submit your photos. All photos are to be submitted to Jade Menne by April 17th

  1. Song Ideas

-At the prom ceremony we are looking for suggestions of the songs you would like to dance to for the following dances:

1)Dances with the Parents (There will be two parent dances)

2)Dance with your Date

3)Dance with a fellow senior

4)Entrance Song for the walk in – grand march ceremony.

All song suggestions are to be submitted to Rachel Watts by April 17th

  1. Suggestions for the quote for the Title of the prom. The Theme is “Enchanted Forest”. The title will go on a banner that the seniors will sign as part of the ceremony and be raised in the gym to remember the class of 2014.

All Quote suggestions are to be submitted to Laura Baikie by April 7th. A vote, if needed will take place later that week.

  1. Decorations Requested

-Please see the attached list of decorations that the prom committee is looking for to assist with the materials required for the prom decorations in the gym. If you have any of these items, please consider allowing the committee to borrow them and use them for the decorations. Decorations will be returned after the prom. If so, please label the item clearly and bring them to the school for storage. (Please see Ms. Miles upon delivery).