/ “Demonstration Project for
Power Supply to Telecom Stations through FC technology”
/ “Demonstration Project for
Power Supply to Telecom Stations through FC technology”

Deliverable 10.1

[Project web-site]

Version 1.1

Report submission date: 31/03/2012

Dissemination level: PU

Work Package 10 [Dissemination and exploitation]

Work Package Leader: Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”

Contributors: Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”

This project is co-financed by funds from the European Commission under Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

Application Area SP1-JTI-FCH.4: Early Markets

Topic: SP1-JTI-FCH.2010.4.2 Demonstration of industrial application readiness of fuel cell generators for power supply to off-grid stations, including the hydrogen supply solution

FCH-JU-2010-1 Grant Agreement Number 278921.

Dissemination Level
PU / Public / X
PP / Restricted to other program participants (including the Commission Services)
RE / Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services)
CO / Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)


Coordinator: Dr. Rossella CARDONE - ERICSSON Telecomunicazioni S.p.A

Documentprepared by

[Stefano Cordiner, Università di Roma Tor Vergata]


Document Log:

Version / Date / Summary of changes and review level / Author
0.1 / 21.2.2012 / Draftsubmitted to discussion / Stefano Cordiner
0.2 / 23.3.2012 / Draftcompleted / Stefano Cordiner
0.3 / 27.3.2012 / Minor corrections

Table of Contents


1.1Purpose of the document

2.FCpoweredRBS website


2.2Website Structure

2.2.1 Section of the public part

2.2.2 Section of the restricted area



1.1Purpose of the document

The purpose of this document is to describe the structure and the content of the FCpowereRBS Project official website. One of the primary goals of Early Market demonstration projects is to achieve success stories and have as much of the publicknow about it as possible. Within FCpoweredRBS Project an important part of this dissemination issue is addressed by the project official website that is available operating at the URL:

The website contains both general information about the project (scope, partners,structure etc) and updated news about project development. To the degree possible project data will be make publicly available. These could on going trials,reliability, cycles, etc., even though confidential information would be preserved by means of opportune data normalization.

Furthermore the project website includes a restricted section which is accessible to project members and the FCH JU officers only and which contains all commondata such as main templates, meeting notes and minutes, project deliverables etc...

The main aim of the document is to presentthe Public part of the web site, but the role of the internal part will be mentioned as well.

The website is organized and maintained by University of Rome “Tor Vergata” UNIROMA (the WP10 leader) incooperation with all Project Partners. The Public part (the Partners section) also comprises links tothe individual web pages of the Project partners to presenttheir role and results achieved in the Project.

The FCpoweredRBS web site will be continuously updated and extended during the Project life and at least the two successive years.

The document presents the state of the web site as of the end of March 2012.

2.FCpoweredRBS website


The structure of project website is designed in a clear and consistentway, so that visitors and potential users can easily locate all information intended for them. Uponentering the homepage of the Project, the navigator may be able to browse all the main sections:

1. Top navigation:

• Introduction

• Project description

• Partners

2. Right navigation:

• Access to the restricted area

• Documents area

• News and events

• Disclaimer

3. Additional information: Search engine (which serves the whole site)

2.2Website Structure

2.2.1 Section of the public part

The public section contains some general information about FCpoweredRBS project, the partners and the FCJHU contest the project is inserted.

A section containing links to other Projects, themes about hydrogen and fuel-cells and also to associations and initiatives is also present.

The site layout and design contains the general layout and design elements that will be used by the project partners for presentations. In particular, the project symbol, which has been approved by the partners during the March meeting, is the following:

The main page is reported in the following picture.

A clear connection to the FCH JU and to the EC is also present with the official symbols and direct links to respective web sites.

A slideshow is present on the Main page with highlights of the most recent Project events and redirecting to the proper URL for detailed description.

The website is designed to be very flexible and will be updated on a regular basis. At the time this document is issued the structure is the following

  • Introduction
  • Log in
  • Project
  • Project Objectives
  • Scientific and Technological Background
  • Project Structure
  • Project – Deliverables
  • Project status
  • Partners
  • Documents
  • Disclaimer
  • Registration

The main project information are briefly reported in the Introduction whereas detailed information on the project objectives, structure, the scientific and technological background and the project status are illustrated in the respective sections.

In the Partners section, a description of the Consortium as a whole and of the different Partners profiles is given together with the contact details:

2.2.2 Section of the restricted area

The restricted area is made accessible by means of interactive dashboard. The authenticated users can then navigate the website having access to the restricted areas which cannot be seen from the general public.

This area is restricted to Project partners and to the FCH JU Project Officer.

The restricted sections will contain the working documents reporting project evolution. In particular Minutes of Meetings and project Deliverables will be contained in this area during their completion process.

Important documents will also be shared using the same principle in the Document Section


This document presents the characteristic of the FCpoweredRBS web site which has been prepared to both contribute to project results and activities dissemination and as a facilitation tool to handle inter-project information in detail and in a uniform manner.

The public part of the web site is especially important, as its role is to contribute to the diffusion of the results of this demonstration project as well as to attract potential new customers and contribute to the diffusion of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen technologies in the Telecommunication market which is seen as an important early market.

FCpoweredRBS 10.11 of 8 Dissemination: Public