Project Purpose Statement:


  1. Improved customer service by providing tools that guide the user to where they need to go and by presenting a common look and feel to the Water Management Districts.
  1. Improved staff efficiency by reducing the staff time required to direct the users to the correct entity.

Fundamental Objectives / Indicators:

Develop and implement an interactive permitting web portal for the water management districts / The team has approved the web portal and it is accessible on the Internet.

Customers /Stakeholders:

Customers / Stakeholders
Dave Fisk, SJRWMD / Office of communications (SJRWMD, SFWMD, SWFWMD, SRWMD, NWFWMD)
Dave Moore, SWFWMD / Information Resources (SJRWMD, SFWMD, SWFWMD, SRWMD, NWFWMD)
E-Permitting Coordination Committee

Team Members

Name / Role
Victor Castro, SJRWMD / Project Manager
Mike Register, SJRWMD / Business Expert
Gloria Lewis, SJRWMD / Business Expert
Judy Fuetter, SJRWMD / E-Permitting integration
Art Williams, SJRWMD / Hardware Infrastructure
Marie-Christine Leavitt, SFWMD / Business Expert / E-Permitting integration
BJ Jarvis, SWFWMD / Business Expert
Dave Barton, NWFWMD / E-Permitting integration
Terry Redman, SWFWMD / E-Permitting integration
Jon Woods, SRWMD / E-Permitting integration
Juan Tobar, SFWMD / Spatial Integration
Steve Dicks, SWFWMD / Spatial Integration
Trevor Campbell / Project Oversight

Team Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Team members will serve as a liaison between customers / stakeholders and the team.
  • All members enthusiastically participate in this project and encourage individual users’ input.
  • Business experts and designated application testers will participate in the testing of the web portal.

Boundary Conditions for the Team:

  • Open and honest discussion
  • Contribute to the team effort
  • Complete task assignments in timely manner
  • Provide positive support for team decisions
  • Participate in all meetings
  • Endorse and actively support team recommendations
  • Utilize the SJRWMD 5 – step Project Delivery System process

Operating Guidelines:

  • The team will escalate unresolved issues to E-Permitting Coordinating Committee
  • Decisions made by the project team are final.
  • The team will meet weekly on Fridays at 10:00 am via telephone, video conferencing or in person as required.
  • Upon completion of the phase I project the team will report back to the E-Permitting Coordination Committee and begin scoping phase II.
  • SJRWMD, SFWMD & SWFWMD will each contribute $17,000 for the development of the project.
  • SJRWMD will provide financial oversight for the project.
  • SJRWMD will hire and manage appropriate contractors.
  • SJRWMD will host the web portal.
  • Victor Castro will serve as Project Manager and is responsible for developing agendas, leading meetings, and developing schedules and timelines.
  • Project status will be reported to the team on a weekly basis.
  • Trevor Campbell will provide project oversight and will assist with the coordination between the Water Management Districts.

\\Palsvr\dev2\Oracle\Florida Water Management E_Permitting Website\Florida_Water_Mgmt_District_Epermitting_Charter.doc