Name of the Organisation (Acronym in Brackets)

1. Please leave all instructions (all in italics) and headings. Do not delete any sections
2.Maximum number of pages excluding Annexes – 25
Project Title:
Total Funding Amount / UGX
Period: / From: / To: / (Dates of implementation)
Presented by:
Contact Person: / Tel No:
Physical address: / Email:
Postal address: / Website:

1.1.Project Summary:

Provide highlights about the proposed project, indicating contribution to DGF Areas of intervention (AoIs)

1.2.Geographic Summary:

Provide a summary (district level) of the geographic coverage for the project

1.3.Project Beneficiaries:

Please indicate the planned direct beneficiaries of the project
Numbers / Male (total) / Female (total) / Youth- Male / Youth - Female


DGF Proposals - November 2017


2.1.Brief strategic background about the organisation:

Please describe how this project is linked to the strategic plan of the organization.

2.2.Context Analysis:

Please provide your analysis of the context, including how you came to identify the problem discussed below

2.3.Problem Statement:

What problem is this project seeking to address? Highlight involvement of beneficiaries in defining the problem and proposed solutions. What are the causal factors leading to this problem? Why have the particular project location(s) been selected to address this problem? What is the intended outcome of the project?

2.4.Project Theory of Change:

Please discuss the specific part of the problem described above that your project will address as well as your organization’s theory of change to address the problem. Provide a clear representation of how the project is expected to lead to the outcomes.[can be in text or graphics]


3.1.Project impact (overall objective):

What is/are the anticipated impacts/ high level objective(s) of the project?

3.2.Project Framework:

Note: Numbering below is an example and should not be taken to mean that you can, for example, only have 2 activities linked to output 2.1 (for example). Note: this is a summary of the results framework and should not be considered a replacement for that. Please ensure that the numbering remains consistent between this narrative, the results framework, workplan and budget. Add more rows if needed.
Project Outcome / Outputs / Activities
1. / 1.1
1.3. / 1.1.1.
1.2.2 (etc).
2. / 2.1.
3. / 3.1.

3.3.Detailed Project description:

Please provide a detailed description of the project, including a description of the activities and the specific activities under each, how the activities link to the outputs, and how the outputs will lead to the achievement of the outcomes.

3.4.Activities and change:

How are planned activities expected to reinforce the change that you would like to influence?

3.5.Geographic location :

(national, district, sub county, etc.) Please list and describe the geographic locations covered with the project including districts and sub-counties (if applicable). For example: District X (subcounty1, subcounty 2, etc.). If national, please specify what this means (i.e. working in Kampala at the national level versus covering the whole country)and indicate point of focus (MDA).

3.6.Target group:

3.6.1.Who are you targeting with this project?

Please list your target groups and describe why you have chosen these groups.

3.6.2.Involvement of Target group:

Explain how your project target group was involved in developing this proposal.


4.1.Describe the implementation approach of proposed project activities:

Please describe the organization’s approach to implementation


Describe the overarching methodologies you will employ to implement the stated activities – you may include tools or avenues you intend to use – such as meetings, research, consultation, workshops, etc.

4.3.Achievement of outcomes and planned activities:

How will you determine that you are achieving your outcomes? What will you do if it is not?



5.1.1.Provide a gender analysis of your proposed project

Please describe the gender analysis you have done and the conclusions in relation to the proposed project.

5.1.2.Explain the project approach to gender inclusion.

How do you plan to address any barriers to gender inclusion from the project? How will gender inclusion be followed up and monitored during project implementation?


How do you plan to address barriers to youth inclusion from the project? How will this be followed up and monitored in implementation?

5.3.Other disadvantaged groups:

List any other disadvantaged groups of people to be addressed by the project. What are the identified needs of other disadvantaged groups in respect to the said problem? What mainstreaming considerations do you propose to address their needs? How do you plan to address barriers to their inclusion and benefit from the project? How will this be followed up and monitored during implementation?

5.4.Human Rights Based Approached to Proposed Project Implementation:

Describe how HRBA will be applied during the proposed project implementation



6.1.1.Relevance to the needs of the target beneficiaries

How is the proposed project relevant to the needs of the targeted beneficiaries? How were these needs identified? (e.g. participation of beneficiaries, research report, past implementation reports etc.)

6.1.2.Relevance to context

Explain how you will make sure that the project remains relevant in the changing context?

6.1.3.Continued relevance

How will you know that your project is still relevant – Explain any anticipated feedback loops from stakeholders.

6.2.Alignment with DGF

6.2.1.Alignment with the overall DGF approach

Please describe how your project aligns with DGF’s new approach, including an emphasis on Gender, Youth, and a HRBA as well as DGF’s focus on learning and adaptation.

6.2.2.Alignment with the DGF results framework:

How does the proposal strategically align with DGF results framework (Outcome Indicators and Output Statements) Note: Alignment does not mean exact duplication. You may have outcomes, outputs, indicators in addition to those that mirror DGF results. (Ensure that you complete the results table in the annex)


7.1.Stakeholder Analysis:

Provide a brief stakeholder analysis of the project

7.2.Stakeholder Involvement:

How you will work with your stakeholders and/or influence them.

7.3.Collaboration/ Coordination

7.3.1.With DGF partners

Describe the other DGF partners working in the same geographic area and/or same technical areas and how you are coordinating your work with them (i.e. what agreements have been reached, who is doing what, how will you maintain the coordination/ collaboration). Who are the partners involved in similar work in your program area and how do you plan to work with them for more impact and minimizing duplication – please explain and complete the table below. Add more rows if needed.
DGF partner / Where are the synergies between your projects? / Planned Collaboration / Coordination or other engagement

7.3.2.Collaboration/ Coordination with other stakeholders

Describe the other stakeholders to your project and how you are collaborating or coordinating your work with them (i.e. what agreements have been reached, who is doing what, how will you maintain the coordination/ collaboration) This can include (but is not limited to) state/ government institutions, other NGOs, other donor funded project, private businesses, religious institutions, etc. NOTE: For other funded projects, please also include the name of the funder in the first column. Add more rows if needed.
Name of institution/ organization/ etc / Where are the synergies between your work? / Planned Collaboration / Coordination or other engagement

7.4.Other funding (to your organization)

Does your organization have other donor funding for similar work (similar activities or geographic focus)? Please describe how the work will complement this work (or vice versa), and how you will avoid duplicating activities between the two funding sources. Add more rows if needed.
Which donor / Amount of funding / Description of similarities in work / Geographical location of similar work / Duration of funding


8.1.1.Experience sub-granting/ sub-contracting

Please provide a short explanation of your experience in sub-granting or sub-contracting and how you will minimize your financial liability for the funds.

8.1.2.Sub-granting/ sub-contracting planned

Provide details on (1) who (2)how much (3) for what (could be in the objectives/ activities section – you may reference the activity or sub-activity number); and (4) how funds will be managed. Add more rows if needed.
Who (Indicate – (SG) Sub-granting or (SC) sub-contracting) / Amount (in UGX) / For what (Activity) / How will the funds be managed?
Please indicate if the funds will be advanced to the partner or if you will pay after completion of their work. Indicate how you will manage it if advanced and how you will ensure quality implementation for either option



9.1.1.Alignment with DGF

Indicate how your proposal aligns with the DGF II learning and Adaptive programming strategy.


Please explain how the learning from previous DGF funding (if applicable) and that from this project will be incorporated into your organization and proposed project.

9.1.3.Application of learning to improve project traction:

How will you apply learning to improve the proposed project?

9.2.Monitoring Evaluation

This section should clearly relate to the Results Framework in the annex and the relevant sections in the budget.How will the performance of the project be monitored? Who will be involved? What tools do you intend to use? If your intervention involves influencing change in knowledge levels, what tool will you use to assess knowledge changes and satisfaction? How will your results framework be used in M&E? What M&E support is required by your organization (If any?)

10.Risks and Conflict analysis

10.1.Project risks and Mitigation

Please highlight the main risks to the success of this project, indicating if the potential impact and probability are high, medium or low.
Explanation of risk (What risk is envisaged?)Add more rows if needed. / Potential impact
High. Medium, Low
(What is the intensity) / Probability
High. Medium, Low
(What is the likelihood of occurrence) / Mitigation measures

10.1.1.Monitoring and mitigating risks

How will these risks be monitored and mitigated? If the risks are outside your direct control, is there anything you can do to manage their effects?

10.2.Conflict analysis:

(Please complete if your project plans to implement in a conflict sensitive area or address conflict in any way, may not be applicable to all partners) What conflict risks exist in your implementation area or context? What measures will you put in place to mitigate these conflicts? Do you plan to work “around the conflict”, working “with the conflict” or directly “on (mediating) the conflict itself”?

10.3.Project Implementation Conflict analysis:

Describe any potential ways that your project could instigate or exacerbate conflicts. Describe how you will monitor this and ensure that it does not happen.


11.1.Sustainability beyond DGF Funding:

Please explain how the project benefits will be sustained beyond DGF funding. What factors will make this more or less likely?

11.2.Exit Plan

The project that you are proposing is for a maximum of three years[1] – Explain the exit plan you have for this project.


12.1.Project Management

Explain the human resources required for this project (number of staff, skills, background and gender). Explain who will directly manage this project

12.2.Organisational capability

Describe the organization’s capability to implement this project following guidance in the subsections below

12.2.1.Technical expertise

Describe the organization’s technical expertise in the subject matter and/or methodologies described in this proposal

12.2.2.Staff capacity

Please describe your staff capacity to implement this project. If you do not currently have adequate staff (or staff with the appropriate technical expertise) please describe how you will acquire that.


Please explain if you plan to hire/ use consultants in this project. If yes, for what. Please also explain how you will ensure that the consultants “leave their expertise behind” (i.e. build the knowledge/ capacity of staff).


Please explain if you plan to work with or use volunteers in this project. If yes, for what. Please also explain how you will ensure that the volunteers are working a reasonable amount of time given their unpaid status.


Has there been any incidence of fraud/misuse of funds in your organization in the past three years? How will you mitigate the risk of fraudulent activity from occurring?

12.4.Value for Money:


How does the organization ensure appropriate quality of project inputs (staff, consultants, workshop requirements, etc) at the right price?


Describe the anticipated plan of the Board and organizational leadership to ensure strong control over the quality of project implementation and level of outputs


How well will the anticipated project outputs from the proposed project intervention achieve the desired outcome?


13.1.Provide any other information you wish to add to support your proposal


For the following annexes, please use the excel templates provided – these are not included in your page limit:

1.Budget Template (including budget summary, detailed budget, budget justification)

2.DGF Results Framework

3.Work plan


DGF Proposals - November 2017

15.Declaration by the applicant

15.1.Checklist of Proposal Documentation

Item / Check
Proposal Narrative (this document)
Budget (including budget summary, detailed budget, budget justification) [excel file]
Project Results Framework [excel sheet – “Results Framework file”]
Activity log [excel sheet – “Results Framework file”]
Work plan[excel sheet – “Results Framework file”]


I, the undersignedcertify that the:

(a) Information given in this application is correct;

(b) Applicant and its partners (where applicable) do not fall into any of the categories not accepted as partners[3]; and

(c) Applicant has the sources of financing (co-financing, if applicable) and professional competence and qualifications necessary to implement the proposed project.

Date and place:


DGF Proposals - November 2017

[1] Each partner will be informed during the workshop re: the maximum length of their project as this will differ based on the pre-grant assessment.

[2]Volunteers are people who do work related to your project but do not receive payment for this (though you may include in your budget reimbursements of travel, airtime, etc.).

[3]It is the responsibility of the partner to ensure that if they are sub-granting, that the organizations have the appropriate registration. If sub-contracting or contracting a consultant, that they have the appropriate registration (if needed – for example, a private company) and / or follow the appropriate tax law