and Innovation Program
for filling
Project Proposal Application Form
Cover Page
- Cover page contains the sub-program/technology areawhich researcher needs to select, out of the 15 technologies as list on our website
- After selecting the technology area, you must choose the applicable track and sub-track under the chosen technology.
- It also contains Proposal Title and Principal Investigator name in English and Arabic which need to be filled by researcher.
- It also contains contact information of researcher in details like Institution, College, Box, Phone, Fax, Mobile and Email.
Project Information
- This Page includes information like Project Title in English as stated in the cover page and the field of technology Area along with track and sub-track set out in the cover page.
- It also contains the Research Project Type which must be specified as‘Applied’ or ‘Basic’ or ‘Experimental’.
- The proposed duration of the implementation of research and Proposed Budget are also required.
- It also includes information related to the research team as ‘Name of the Principal Investigator’, ‘Name of the Co-investigator’, their Research Status (like Prof., Asst. Prof., Asso. Prof., Lecturer etc), their Role (like PI or/and Co-I only) and area of their specialization.
- In the second part, the rest of the research team members like graduate students, technicians, consultants etc are required to be filled.
Must not exceed one page in length (max. 500 words)
It should provide a coherent, clear and concise description of the research activity
It should describe the objectives and methods to be adopted
Describe the expected broader impacts on development and society
It should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields
Understandable to scientifically/technically literate lay readers
It should not contain any confidential information
No references required
Do NOT use abbreviations
Approximately 2-3 pages
It should provide a brief background to the research proposal
Explaining the importance of the research being proposed
Scope of work and conditions
A description of expected results
Mustclearly address the relationship to the priority areas of the Strategic Technologies, its tracks and sub-tracks
May or may not include references
It should include a clear statement of the objectives of the research being proposed
The objectives should be precisely and clearly defined what is the question that this proposal addresses
The significance of expected results
It should be coherent, well planned and linked to tangible and measurable deliverables
This section includes the background for context and should explain the significance of the research issues involved.
Details of the state of the art in the research field should be briefly included with references
It should clearly identify the gaps in knowledge that the proposed research will address
Indicate how it relates to work in progress or in the past by the PI and his team,
and to work in progress elsewhere
Applicants should demonstrate awareness of the current state of the art and support their research design with up-to-date references.
Describe in details how the research questions raised by this proposal will be tackled
It should outline the general plan of work, including the broad design, methodology and expected outcomes
The content of this section should be structured under the following headings:
Approach, tasks and phases
Research methodology
Management Plan
Project Deliverables
Approach, tasks and phases
Details of the approach utilized to achieve each objective of the project should be clarified and illustrated (Form RE -D1-2).
Research tasks and activities should be divided into groups of assignments, listed in logical sequence and linked with the project objectives to be achieved (Form RE -D1-3).
Research methodology
Procedures and techniques with explanation why considered the most suitable to the research in question
Detailed description of the experiments and measurements
Methods to be used in data collection, analysis, and interpretation
Limitations, potential pitfalls, constraints and alternative plans that may be adopted in tracking such challenges
Management Plan
Indicating how each member of the team would be involved (with durations) in executing specific tasks relating to the project (Form RE -D1-4).
Identify and outline the role of collaborators or consultations (if any)
Indicate various elements of the intended work plan; with phases, related tasks and outcomes, assignments, responsibilities, and dates of submission of progress and final technical reports as illustrated in (Form RE -D1-5).
Project Deliverables
The expected real, tangible and measurable outcomes of the proposed research project.
Relationship to the project objectives and linkages with goals of the concerned Strategic Technology Program must be elaborated (Form RE -D1-6).
The value of the proposed research project to the Kingdom should be described in detail
The relevance to the industrial base in the areas of technology concerned, or to other strategic sectors of the economy
A description of potential positive impacts on the economy and society at large as well as likely negative outcomes if any should be as clearly elucidated as possible
Benefits for education and training of Saudi students
The career development of researchers; etc. may also be outlined here
It is worth mentioning in this section the targeted end users
The suitable mechanisms for utilization and implementation of the project deliverables
Current Resources:
Provide information on current or pending funding of the proposed project
Equipments and instruments already available at the executing institution should be briefly described
Requested Resources:
Details of all requested human resources, equipments, materials and consumables
Details of transportation facilities and travel arrangements that may be needed in the execution of field work
special training required
Applicants must give details of all relevant costs
Proposed Budget:
Fill (Form RE-D1-7) to detail the budget in tabular form including all requested resources for the entire duration of proposed research project.
Note that equipment valued at less than SR 10,000 should be included in the materials and consumables section.
Budget Justification:
A detailed justification of the funding requested in each budget
Specify if the equipment and infrastructure to be purchased using requested funds would be used in other research projects
Signatures are required and scanned page need to be inserted in the form
References should be cited in the standard style used in scientific/technical publications
Links to online versions may be provided together with dates on which the material was accessed
Limited to maximum 3 pages
CV for each senior personnel who will be involved in the research project including the PI should be submitted
The CV should include information regarding professional preparation, appointments, publications, synergistic activities and collaborators and other affiliations.