ANNEX II - KA1 - Agreement Number: «ProjectCode» / Date: «PrintDate»

Project: «ProjectCode»

Project details

Project Code / «ProjectCode»
Project National ID / «ProjectNationalID»
Submission ID / «SubmissionID»

[Business rules applicable for all actions, all fields and all sections:

  • Hide field/ line/ section if it is empty (no values are found).
  • Hide field/ line/ section if the value is zero or empty (null).
  • Exception: For Budget summary, the field Total Granted should be shown not depending on value.]

[For KA101, KA102, KA104, KA105]only for budget versions Budget /grant requested, Budget /grant reives by NA Budget /grant awarded by NA and Budget versions foramendments)

The beneficiary will implement the Project as described in the grant application with theaforementioned submission code.

[For KA103]only for budget versions Budget /grant requested, Budget /grant reives by NA Budget /grant awarded by NA and Budget versions foramendments)

The following indicative activities will be implemented by the beneficiary, in line with the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

[For KA107]only for budget versions Budget /grant requested, Budget /grant reives by NA Budget /grant awarded by NA and Budget versions foramendments)

The beneficiary will implement the Project described in the grant application with the aforementioned submission code, bearing in mind that the only mobility flows selected are those included in this Annex under "Activity Details". These mobility flows shall be implemented according to the description provided in the section "Details per Partner Country" and in the fields covering the quality of cooperation with each Partner Country.

Budget Summary: «Budget Name»

Budget items / Total Number of participants / Total Grant
[NOT visible for KA103 and KA107] / «TotalTravelParticipants»
[NOT visible for KA103 and KA107] / «TravelTotalGrant»
[NOT visible for KA103 and KA107]
Individual Support
[NOT visible for KA103 and KA107] / «IndividualSupportParticipants»
[NOT visible for KA103 and KA107] / «ISTotalGrant»
[NOT visible for KA103 and KA107]
Travel and Individual Support
[Visible only for KA103 and KA107] / «TISParticipants»
[Visible only for KA103 and KA107] / «TISTotalGrant»
[Visible only for KA103 and KA107]
[Sums up the grant for Travel and Individual Support]
Organisational Support / «OrganisationalSupportParticipants» / «OSTotalGrant»
Linguistic Support
[Visible only for KA102, KA105, KA116] / «TotalLingusticSupportParticipants» / «LinguisticSupportTotalGrant»
Course Fees
[Visible only for KA101, KA104] / «CourseFeesParticipants» / «CourseFeesTotalGrant»
Special Needs Support
[In case of KA107and KA103, it is visible only for the budget version 4 (Requested amended budget/grant) or higher] / «TotalSpecialNeedsParticipants» / «SpecialNeedsTotalGrant»
Exceptional Costs
[Visible only for KA101, KA102, KA104, KA105, KA116] / «ExceptionalCostParticipants» / «ExceptionalCostTotalGrant»
Exceptional Costs Guarantee
[For KA103 the label for this field is "Exceptional Costs".] / «ExceptionalCostsGuarantee»
Total Granted / «TOTAL GRANT»
[This field must be shown even when it is zero]

[Next section "Budget [and activities] details" and its subsections are visible only for KA101, KA102, KA103, KA104, KA105 and KA116]

[Next title "Budget details" is visible only for KA101, KA102, KA104, KA105 and KA116]

Budget details

[Next title "Budget and activities details" is visible only for KA103]

Budget and activities details

[Next section "Travel" is NOT visible for KA103]


[Ordered alphabetically by Activity Type] / No. of Participants (including accompanying persons) / No. of Top-ups (including those granted to accompanying persons) for "Expensive Domestic Travel Cost" / Total Grant
«TR_Activity1» / «TR_Participants1» / «TR_TopUps1» / «TR_Grant1»
«TR_Activity2» / «TR_Participants2» / «TR_TopUps2» / «TR_Grant2»
«TR_Activity3» / «TR_Participants3» / «TR_TopUps3» / «TR_Grant3»
Total / «TR_TotalParticipants» / «TR_TotalTopUps» / «TR_TotalGrant»

[Next section "Individual Support" is visible only for KA101, KA102, KA104, KA105 and KA116 if the table is not empty and the values are higher than zero]

Individual Support

[Ordered alphabetically by Activity Type] / Total Funded Duration (days)
[Sum of the products between IS duration and number of participants for all the flows linked to the corresponding activity] / No. of Participants(excluding accompanying persons) / Total Funded Duration for Accompanying Persons (days)
[Not visible for KA105]
[Visible only for Call 2016 or higher] / No. of Accompanying Persons
[Not visible for KA105]
[Visible only for Call 2015 or higher] / Total Grant
«IS_Activity1» / «IS_Days1» / «IS_Participants1» / «IS_AccDays1» / «IS_AccPersons1» / «IS_Grant1»
«IS_Activity2» / «IS_Days2» / «IS_Participants2» / «IS_AccDays2» / «IS_AccPersons2» / «IS_Grant2»
«IS_Activity3» / «IS_Days3» / «IS_Participants3» / «IS_AccDays2» / «IS_AccPersons3» / «IS_Grant3»
Total / «IS_TotalDays» / «IS_TotalParticipants» / «IS_TotalAccDays» / «IS_TotalAccPersons» / «IS_TotalGrant»

[Next section "Travel and Individual Support" is visible only for KA103]

Travel and Individual Support

[Ordered alphabetically by Activity Type] / Number of participants / Total Duration (days) / Total Duration (full months) / Total Duration (remaining days) / Total Grant
[Sums up the grant for Travel and Individual Support for the corresponding activity]
«TIS_Activity1» / «TIS_Part1» / «TIS_Days1» / «TIS_FMonths1» / «TIS_RDays1» / «TIS_Grant1»
«TIS_Activity2» / «TIS_Part2» / «TIS_Days2» / «TIS_FMonths2» / «TIS_RDays2» / «TIS_Grant2»
«TIS_Activity3» / «TIS_Part3» / «TIS_Days3» / «TIS_FMonths3» / «TIS_RDays3» / «TIS_Grant3»
Total / «TIS_TotalPart» / «TIS_TotalDays» / «TIS_TotalFMonths» / «TIS_TotalRDays» / «TIS_TotalGrant»

[Next section "Organisational Support" is visible only for KA105if the table is not empty and the values are higher than zero]

Organisational Support

[Ordered alphabetically by Activity Type] / Total Funded Duration (days)
[Sum of the products between duration including travel and number of participants for all the flows linked to the corresponding activity] / No. of Participants (excluding accompanying persons) / Total Grant
«OS_Activity1» / «OS_Days1» / «OS_Participants1» / «OS_Grant1»
«OS_Activity2» / «OS_Days2» / «OS_Participants2» / «OS_Grant2»
«OS_Activity3» / «OS_Days3» / «OS_Participants3» / «OS_Grant3»
Total / «OS_TotalDays» / «OS_TotalParticipants» / «OS_TotalGrant»

[Next section "Linguistic Support" is visible only for KA102, KA105, KA116if the table is not empty and the values are higher than zero]

Linguistic Support

Language Group / No. of Participants for linguistic preparation / Total Grant
«LS_Group2» / «LS_Participants2» / «LS_Grant2»

[Next section "Course Fees" is visible only for KA101, KA104]

Course Fees

[Ordered alphabetically by Activity Type] / Total Funded Duration (days)
[Sum of the products between Course Fees duration and number of participants for the corresponding activity] / No. of Participants(excluding accompanying persons) / Total Grant
«CS_Activity1» / «CS_Days1» / «CS_Participants1» / «CS_Grant1»
«CS_Activity2» / «CS_Days2» / «CS_Participants2» / «CS_Grant2»
«CS_Activity3» / «CS_Days3» / «CS_Participants3» / «CS_Grant3»
Total / «CS_TotalDays» / «CS_TotalParticipants» / «CS_TotalGrant»

[In case of KA103, the next section "Special Needs Support" is visible only for the budget version 4 (Requested amended budget/grant) or higher]

Special Needs Support

[Ordered alphabetically by Activity Type] / No. of Participants with special needs / Total Grant
«SN_Activity1» / «SN_Participants1» / «SN_Grant1»
«SN_Activity2» / «SN_Participants2» / «SN_Grant2»
«SN_Activity3» / «SN_Participants3» / «SN_Grant3»
Total / «SN_TotalParticipants» / «SN_TotalGrant»

[Next section "Exceptional Costs" is NOT visible for KA103 and it is visible only if the table is not empty and the values are higher than zero]

Exceptional Costs

[Ordered alphabetically by Activity Type] / No. of Participants / Total Grant
«EC_Activity1» / «EC_Participants1» / «EC_Grant1»
«EC_Activity2» / «EC_Participants2» / «EC_Grant2»
«EC_Activity3» / «EC_Participants3» / «EC_Grant3»
Total / «EC_TotalParticipants» / «EC_TotalGrant»


ANNEX II - KA1 - Agreement Number: «ProjectCode» / Date: «PrintDate»

[Next section "Details per Partner Country" and its subsections are visible only for KA107]

Details per Partner Country

[Next section is repeated for each partner country involved in the project]

«Country Name»

[Next table displays the institutions from the Quality Questions for the specified country]

(Empty if information was not provided) / Partner Country Higher Education Institution
«PIC1» / «Institution1»
«PIC2» / «Institution2»
«PIC3» / «Institution3»
Activity Type1
[Ordered alphabetically] / Incoming/Outgoing / No. of Participants / Travel and Individual Support / No. of Participants with Special Needs
[Displayedonly for the budget version 4 (Requested amended budget/grant) or higher] / Special Needs Support
[Displayedonly for the budget version 4 (Requested amended budget/grant) or higher]
Total Incoming / «TotalPartIn» / «TRIS_TotalGrantIn» / «SNS_TotalPartIn» / «SNS_TotalGrantIn»
Total Outgoing / «TotalPartOut» / «TRIS_TotalGrantOut» / «SNS_TotalPartOut» / «SNS_TotalGrantOut»
Of which: outgoing student mobility in short, first and second cycle
[This row sums up the values for the activities having the following parameters:
  • Direction = Outgoing
  • Fund = H1
If there are no activities found for these parameters, the row will display zero (0) values.
The row will be shown only when the current country belongs to one of the following regions:
  • Region 6 - Asia
  • Region 7 - Central Asia
  • Region 8 - Latin America
  • Region 9 - Middle East (Iran, Iraq, Yemen)
  • Region 10 - South Africa
  • Region 11 - ACP]
/ «TotalPartOut12Cycle» / «TRIS_TotalGrantOut12Cycle» / «SNS_TotalPartOut12Cycle» / «SNS_TotalGrantOut12Cycle»
Total / «TotalGrant»
[Sums up the total grant for Travel, Individual Support and Special Needs Support] / «TotalPart» / «TRIS_TotalGrant» / «SNS_TotalPart» / «SNS_TotalGrant»
«ActivityType1» / «In/Out1» / «Part1» / «TRIS_Grant1» / «SNS_Part1» / «SNS_Grant1»
«ActivityType2» / «In/Out2» / «Part2» / «TRIS_Grant2» / «SNS_Part2» / «SNS_Grant2»
«ActivityType3» / «In/Out3» / «Part3» / «TRIS_Grant3» / «SNS_Part3» / «SNS_Grant3»

1 Because the table groups the records per Activity Type and Direction, it is possible that the same activity type appears more than once.


ANNEX II - KA1 - Agreement Number: «ProjectCode» / Date: «PrintDate»

[The following section "Activity Details" is NOT visible for KA103 and KA107]

Activity Details

Activity type / Total number of participants / Total Funded Duration (days)
[Sum of the products between duration in days and number of participants for all the flows linked to the corresponding activity type]
«ActivityType1» / «ActivitiesTotalNumberOfParticipants1» / «ActivitiesDurationMobilityInDays1»
«Activity Type2» / «ActivitiesTotalNumberOfParticipants2» / «ActivitiesDurationMobilityInDays2»
«Activity Type3» / «ActivitiesTotalNumberOfParticipants3» / «ActivitiesDurationMobilityInDays3»

Participating Organisations

[Next section and its subsections will be displayed depending on the action type:

  • For KA101, KA102, KA104 and KA116, next section and its subsections are displayed only for the applicant/beneficiary organisation.
  • For the other action types from KA1, next section and its subsections are repeated for all participating organisations.]


Latin Legal Name / «OrganisationLatinLegalName»
Organisation Name / «OrganisationName»
Organisation Role / «OrganisationRole»
[If the role is "Applicant",display"Coordinator"]
Registration Number / «OrgansationBusinessRegistrationNumber»
Legal Form / «ApplicantLegalForm»
Address / «OrganisationStreet», «OrganisationPOBox», «OrganisationPostalCode»«OrganisationCity», «OrganisationCEDEX»
Country / «OrganisationCountry»
VAT / «OrganisationVATNumber»
PIC / «OrganisationPICNumber»
Erasmus Code / «OrganisationErasmusCode»
VET Mobility accreditation number / «OrganisationVETAccreditationNumber»
Youth EVS accreditation number / «OrganisationEVSAccreditation»
HE Consortium accreditation number / «OrganisationHEConsortiumAccreditation»

[Next section is displayed only if the corresponding organisation has consortium members]

Consortium of «OrganisationBusinessName»

[Next field "Consortium Accreditation Reference" is displayed only if there is an accreditation KA108 linked to the current consortium and project.]

Consortium Accreditation Reference: «Project Number for KA108»

[Next table is repeated for all consortium members linked to the current organisation]

Full legal name (National language) / «OrganisationLatinLegalName»
Full legal name (Latin characters) / «OrganisationName»
National ID / «OrgansationBusinessRegistrationNumber»
Address / «OrganisationStreet», «OrganisationPOBox», «OrganisationPostalCode»«OrganisationCity», «OrganisationCEDEX», «OrganisationCountry»
PIC / «OrganisationPICNumber»
Erasmus Code / «OrganisationErasmusCode»