Project plan template for Our Heritage, Young Roots and Resilient Heritage (£10,000–£250,000) applications

When? / What? / Where? / Who will carry out the activity? / Who is the activity for? / What will you achieve? /
Give us the dates you expect the activity to start and end. Please list you activities in chronological order. / List the individual activities you will do to achieve your project outcomes. Use target numbers where possible. / Tell us where the activity will take place. / Tell us who will be responsible for managing the activity (for example, project officer, young people, or a named partner organisation). / Tell us who the activity is aimed at (for example, a particular group of people, local schoolchildren, visitors to a museum etc.). / Explain in detail what you will achieve by doing the activity. /
1.June - July 2017 / Advertise for and appoint consultant to support implementation of Working Together proposal / On regional websites such as Source East Midlands and via regional heritage partners such as Museum Development East Midlands and East Midlands Museum Service / Chair of Board of Chain Bridge Forge, supported by Project Management Team / To raise awareness of the opportunity amongst regional heritage consultants to ensure that the best appointment is made for the benefit of the heritage of Chain Bridge Forge, Moulton Mill and Pinchbeck Engine Museum and their Boards / We will ensure that a wide range of responses are received to the brief to enable the best appointment to be made for the consultancy support, to ensure that the Working Together project is delivered to the highest standard for the sustainability of the heritage of Chain Bridge Forge, Moulton Mill and Pinchbeck Engine Museum
2. July – December 2017 / Analyse the current situation of each partner and identify strategic options for the future, considering options for governance arrangements and joint ways of working / Chain Bridge Forge / Moulton Mill / Pinchbeck Engine Museum / Lead consultant / To ensure the sustainability of the heritage of Chain Bridge Forge, Moulton Mill and Pinchbeck Engine Museum, for the benefit of local people, schools, other learners and tourists / We will work with the appointed consultant to:
Review the partnership structure and advise on other partners who could / should be included in the project.
Develop a strategic vision for the partnership.
Undertake a SWOT analysis for each site and assess how this might change with adoption of the new organisation.
Identify and assess options for Chain Bridge Forge to ensure the sustainability of the blacksmithing activities.
3. July – December 2017 / Conduct a review of current volunteer programmes of the three heritage sites with recommendations for future delivery. / Chain Bridge Forge / Moulton Mill / Pinchbeck Engine Museum / Lead consultant / Local volunteers / Review of volunteer roles and their suitability.
Interview with volunteers to gain feedback.
Review the employer methodology and recommendations for change.
Review management of volunteers to improve volunteer experience.
4. July – December 2017 / Conduct a review of the current customer experience (both online and visiting), for both users and non-users for each of the three heritage sites with recommendations for improvements / Chain Bridge Forge / Moulton Mill / Pinchbeck Engine Museum / Lead consultant / Local people (visitors and non-visitors, physical and virtual visitors), schools, other learners and tourists / Conduct visitor satisfaction surveys to understand visitor experience at each site.
Conduct non-user research to understand barriers.
Develop research-based plan for audience development and growth.
5. July – December 2017 / Conduct a review of current financial position for each heritage site with recommendations to reduce the overheads
and avoid duplication of back office functions and assets / Chain Bridge Forge / Moulton Mill / Pinchbeck Engine Museum / Lead consultant / To ensure the sustainability of the heritage of Chain Bridge Forge, Moulton Mill and Pinchbeck Engine Museum, for the benefit of local people, schools, other learners and tourists / Review of back office functions to identify potential savings.
Development of sales forecasts based on services products, both current potential.
Development of fundraising strategy to support ongoing activity.
Production of financial forecast for the next five years of the new organisation to demonstrate viability.
Risk & sensitivity analysis to ensure resilience.
6. July – December 2017 / Conduct a review of current marketing channels and their effectiveness with recommendations for improvement / Chain Bridge Forge / Moulton Mill / Pinchbeck Engine Museum / Lead consultant / To ensure a strong communications programme for the benefit of local people, schools, other learners and tourists / Review of current marketing activity to identify gaps / opportunities.
Define key messages and suggest marketing channels to improve reach of comms.
Develop recommendations for website redesign and social media to increase traffic and reach.
Produce costed marketing and communication plan.
7. Jan - June 2018 / Initial implementation of Working Together project outcomes / Chain Bridge Forge / Moulton Mill / Pinchbeck Engine Museum / Chair of Board of Chain Bridge Forge, supported by Project Management Team / To ensure the sustainability of the heritage of Chain Bridge Forge, Moulton Mill and Pinchbeck Engine Museum, for the benefit of local people, schools, other learners and tourists / Recruitment of implementation manager to support implementation of proposals.
Initial implementation of outputs from Working Together project to realise benefits of collaboration.
8. May 2017 – June 2018 / Monitoring and evaluation / Chain Bridge Forge / Moulton Mill / Pinchbeck Engine Museum / Chair of Board of Chain Bridge Forge, supported by Project Management Team / Heritage Lottery Fund, project partners and other strategic partners / The partners will be able to demonstrate the impact of the project and show where benefits have been achieved.