Project Overview Statement—Executive Summary

Project Overview Statement Executive Summary

Project Name: Edusoar Learning’s Region 1 Common Core Collaborative

Company: Edusoar Learning’s Common Core Collaborative Center

Membership Districts: Calhoun, Jackson, Liberty, Wakulla and Walton

Timeline: 2012-2013

Consultant and Project Manager(s): Dr. Kathy Oropallo, Edusoar Learning

District Contact (s): Kay Dailey, Walton County; Cheryl McDaniel, Jackson County; Beth Mimms, Wakulla County; Vicki Davis, Calhoun County; Gay Lewis, Liberty County

Project Case

Project Overview
Edusoar Learning’s Common Core Collaborative Center is a Common Core State Standards curriculum support center. We assist district members in collaboratively creating the curriculum framework to implement Common Core, provide technical assistance and professional development for all stakeholders in our collaborative districts. The CC Collaborative Center was created to network districts, provide opportunities for PLCs to connect, build capacity through job-embedded consultants and lesson study. The goals of the CCCC (Common Core Collaborative Center) are:
ü  To assist districts in creating an inter-district collaborative group that will work collectively to develop and map the PreK-12 comprehensive, systemic curriculum framework that will meet the rigorous demands of the Common Core State Standards.
ü  To establish a PreK-12 comprehensive systemic curriculum framework that can be customized by each individual district’s resources and tools for instructional delivery.
ü  To provide comprehensive Common Core State Standards professional development with all levels of district stakeholders, organized by levels of use and competency strands in order to build district capacity as Common Core moves from awareness to implementation.
ü  To provide ongoing support and technical assistance for Common Core State Standards as districts move from awareness to implementation
ü  To provide a comprehensive clearinghouse for Common Core State Standards materials and resources.
Educational Issue/Opportunity
The Region 1 Common Core Collaborative will provide member districts with an opportunity to:
·  Roll-out the Common Core State Standards with a phased curriculum framework that defines each grade level’s instructional expectations
·  Have a comprehensive tool to guide the delivery of Common Core with a scope and sequence / order of instruction that can align itself with existing and new ELA materials and resources
·  Provide the mechanism for the instructional shifts and professional learning that is necessary for the implementation for CCSS
Project Goal: Year 1: 2012-2013
The Year 1 goals of the Collaborative will be to:
·  Develop the first phase of a curriculum framework for the implementation of CCSS beginning with Kindergarten, First Grade and Grades 6-12* Science, Social Studies and Technical subjects
·  Provide guidance and technical assistance to member districts regarding phased roll-out, textbook adoption and CCSS alignment, and CCSS implementation
·  Provide professional development to all levels of stakeholders for CCSS implementation, instructional shifts and practices, text complexity, integration of CCSS goals for PLCs and lesson study as a vehicle for continuous learning
·  Develop district capacity for sustained implementation of CCSS as districts move towards PARCC assessments and state defined accountability
Project Objectives: Year 1
Edusoar Learning’s Common Core Collaborative Center will:
·  Assemble a leadership team of inter-district members to collaboratively define, develop and provide input into the design of the CCSS Collaborative Curriculum Framework
·  Work with a lead educator development team to customize the curriculum frameworks for target levels, district-defined customization, content input and product completion
·  Provide stakeholder professional development for framework roll-out and CCSS phased implementation

Primary Project Deliverables

Milestone 1: May 2012
·  District Approval: District Approval and selection of Lead Educator Team members
·  **As requested by member districts, presentations to individual district stakeholders with proposed CC Collaborative timeline and goals
·  Collaborative District Leadership Team: Needs assessment, template selection and approvals (District level Curriculum and Instruction and/or Professional Development directors [or similar title]: minimum 1 per member district)
·  Lead Educator Teams: Curriculum Framework Professional Development and Timeline Process (minimum 1 working member from each district per level (maximum 2) as defined in technical assistance document)
·  Development Process Begins: Proposed dates: May 21-29 [see timeline for workdays]
Milestone 2: July 2012
·  Development, Review and Product Feedback: Lead Educator Teams [July 12-25**]
·  K-1 / 6-12 Lead Teacher alignment working meeting [July TBD*]
·  District articulation plans due for roll-out & technical assist for all stakeholders [July 25th]
·  Target Grade Level Framework print-ready [July 31st]
Milestone 3: August –June (2012-2013)
·  Initial Roll-out of Framework: TBD by district leaders
·  Phased PD and technical assistance (individual districts and collaborative drive-in meetings): TBD
·  Focus group reviews and feedback forums: TBD
·  Lead Educator Team development continues with next targeted grade levels

Project Interdependencies and Inputs

Project Interdependencies and Inputs
In order for project success, the following interdependencies and processes will need to be agreed upon:
·  Collaborative District Leadership teams meet regularly to guide and provide input for goals, objectives and outcomes throughout the process
·  Lead Educator Team members are selected by the guidelines presented in the technical assistance document to ensure knowledgeable practitioners can effectively develop and work collaboratively to meet the timelines and deliverables
·  Edusoar Learning consultant(s) facilitate and monitor timelines and progress towards deliverable goals and communicate progress with all stakeholders
·  Edusoar Learning develops tools and templates that allow districts to customize their individual core programs, materials and resources within the design of the framework
·  The willingness to share agreed upon and defined technology resources such as laptops to Lead Educators during the development period, facilities for meetings on an as needed and as available basis, support with access to reasonable printing and copying on as needed basis.

Project Conditions

Project Assumptions
Edusoar Learning makes the following assumptions for this project:
·  Member districts retain the right to align and adapt the framework for their individual district needs if needed
·  The CC Collaborative will use text exemplars as defined in the CCSS technical assistance documents as a springboard for initial text resources when appropriate for each level
·  The process for the collaborative is ongoing and dynamic, allowing districts to follow a cycle of planning, development, implementation and feedback in order to provide an effective roll-out of CCSS and curriculum guidance. Therefore, the framework will be revised on an as needed basis and at the request of the District Leadership Team’s request.
Project Issues
The following are possible issues related to this project:
·  Predetermined timelines may need to be revised due to stakeholder commitments, state expectations, district needs or conflicts
·  All stakeholders do not respond or provide input in a timely fashion
Project Constraints
Due to the short timelines and pacing of information the following may need to be considered:
·  Phase 1 targeted grade levels for the State of Florida’s timelines have the highest priority for deliverables
·  Lead Educator Teams are highly qualified to meet the demands of the deliverable goals and collaborate with an understanding of these demands and need to meet all timelines for Phase1 roll-out

Project Critical Success Factors (Key Performance Indicators)

Project Critical Success Factors
·  All dates are collaboratively agreed upon by the Collaborative’s District Leadership team
·  Design and development of a framework meets the research-based standards defined in the Common Core State Standards and PARCC technical assistance documents
·  Design allows for alignment of district resources and programs
·  Feedback, review and input is timely
·  Comprehensive articulation of the plan as a multi-year process is understood, shared and agreed upon
·  Individual guidance within each membership district aligns with the principles, goals and design of the CCSS framework to minimize confusion and conflict regarding the Collaborative process

Project Duration Estimates (Phase 1: Year 1)

Project Milestone / Date Estimate / Confidence Level
Project Start Date: District Approval / April 2012 / High
Milestone 1: Development Process / May 2012 / Medium
Milestone 2: Development Process / July / High
Milestone 3: Development, Final Product & Articulation / July-August / High
Milestone 4: Technical Assistance & Professional Development / Development Continues / August-June
2012-2013 / Medium
Project Phase 1: Year 1 End Date / May 2013 / High


May 2012 / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan 2013 / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / Jul
Project Begins
Lead Educator Development
Phase 1: ( K1) (6-12)
District Leadership Team Meets
Lead Teacher Teams Meet
District Roll-out Articulation
Edusoar Roll-out TA and PD
Phase 2 Development Begins:
(2-3) (4-5)


Action / Date Estimate / Confidence Level
Project Approval by District / April 2012 / High
Selection of Lead Educator Team / May 2012 / High
Lead Educator Development / July / High
Final Product Development Review & Approval / Lead Teacher Alignment Sessions for Targeted Groups (K1/6-12)
Lead Teacher representatives from each district. Recommended 1 teacher per grade level per school. Any critical support staff such as Reading or Literacy coaches, instructional coaches, etc. / July-August / High
Technical Assistance & Professional Development / Roll-out in Member Districts / August-June
2012-2013 / Medium
ELC & Collaborative TBD
Ongoing TA & PD with Plan / August-May
2012-2013 / Medium
Evaluation Process: Site Plan Audits & Focus Group Reviews
ELC will make visits and host focus group sessions throughout collaborative districts to determine efficacy of design. During these visits, the ELC will also meet with district stakeholders. / August-March
2012-2013 / Medium
Phase 2: Lead Educator Development
Targeted Groups (2-3 / 4-5) / October 2012-April 2013 / High
Phase 1: Framework Review
District Leadership/Lead Educators / March 2013 / High
Phase 2 Lead Teacher representatives from each district. Recommended 1 teacher per grade level per school. Any critical support staff such as Reading or Literacy coaches, instructional coaches, etc. / May-June, 2013 / High
Project Phase 1: Year 1 End Date / May 2013 / High


This project will require the identification of Lead Educators to work on the K-1 Team and the 6-12 Team. A maximum of 2 team members may be selected for each group from each district. If there is someone beyond these parameters you would like to recommend, please call me to discuss and I will work to meet your needs. The initial team needs to be small enough to work under quick turn-around and intense work day conditions.

The following recommendations should be considered in selecting your Lead Educators for the initial development of the Curriculum Framework:

Characteristics of a Lead Educator / Notes / Comments
Experience as a successful participant in a collaborative professional learning group or leadership group.
Knowledgeable in Reading / English Language Arts content
Knowledge or experience in developing, using or implementing curriculum and standards-driven design
The ability to see connections across subject areas and integrated literacies
Can work on fast paced, focused and outcome driven development with short timelines to meet deadlines and project goals
Can scaffold teachers with empathy and consideration of the day-to-day demands of instruction
Knowledge of instructional delivery and experience with the targeted grade levels under development
Knowledge of high yield strategies and Common Core State Standards
Is eager to share their knowledge capital with others and integrate other’s shared knowledge capital
Can represent district’s interests in a collaborative setting working towards a common inter-district goal set
Can be self-directed
Not required but recommended:
·  Has leadership experience at the district level
·  Has experience delivering professional development to others
·  Is highly respected and accepted by peer groups, work groups or other leadership groups

The first phase of this project will be the most challenging since we are working on a very tight timeline. It will be important to consider this as you determine who your lead educator team members will be.



District Leadership Contact:



District Leadership Team Collaborative Meetings w/ ELC’s Collaborative Center
Phase 1: Year 1 / 13 (1 DAY PER MONTH FOR THE CYCLE OF YEAR 1) / $300 / $3900.00
District Leadership
Educator Development
May-July / 10 DAYS / $400 / $4000.00
Lead Teacher Days
Collaborative Drive-In Only
Location TBD / 2 days per target level:
July = 4 days / $400 / $1600
Professional Development
Rollout Days:
Collaborative Drive-In Only in Member Districts
Location TBD / 2 days per level
= 4 DAYS
August / September / $400 / $1600
Report and Implementation Evaluation:
Audit school visits and grade level focus group meetings: October through March / 4 days per district / $1000 / $4000
Other days to be determined and scheduled for collaborative during the months of September – May by individual district. / TBD / TBD / TBD
Estimated development, reporting design and template development costs / May-August / $1500 / $1500
District Leadership
Educator Development
Oct-June / 10 DAYS / $400 / $4000.00
Lead Teacher Days
Collaborative Drive-In Only
May-June / 2 days per target level:
July = 4 days / $400 / $1600
Total Project Cost
for all deliverables for Year 1: Phase 1 (K-1; 6-12 Sci, SS, Technical Subj.): / $22, 200

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District Leadership Contact

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______Date ______


Confidential Page 2 5/4/2012