
Project Summary

Project Name: Paranga Primary school

Project Name: Shartuka Primary School

Project Name: Kenya Institute of Organic Farming

Project Name: Kilingili Secondary School

Project Name: Nyabosongo Bena Academy

Project Name: Esiarambatsi Health Center

Project Name: Ebusiralo Youth Polytechnic

Project Name: Mkombozi Chanzu Ingidi Friends Secondary School

Project Name: Shimba Hills Forest Guides Association (SHIFOGA)

Project Name: Vigetse Primary School

Project Name: Epang’a Primary School

Project Name: Shining Star Academy

Project Name: Credo Children Center

Project Name: Vigina Secondary School

Project Name: Essumba Primary School

Project Name: Star Rays Educational Center

Project Name: Life Link Youth Group

Project Name: Poroko Friends Special School for the Mentally Handicapped

Project Name: Ukweli Farmers Community Based Organization

Project Name: Usife Moyo Women Group

Project Name: St. Augustine Learning Center

Project Name: Daughter ofDestiny

Project Name: Great Vision/Revelation Orphanage & Needy Children School

Project Name: Essong’olo Secondary School

Project Name: Kipepeo Community Empowerment Program

Project Name: Kipawa Community Resource Center

Project Name: Flomina Children Home

Project Name: Nairobi Children Home

Project Name: Sanne Landin Chldren Centre-SLCC

Project Name: Nziu Health Center

Project Name: Kaya Kinondo Eco-Tourism Center

Project Name: Kaya Teleza Conservation Group

Project Summary

Educational development

  1. KVDA/MLTV/2013/01 Paranga Primary School
  2. KVDA/MLTV/2013/02 Shartuka Primary School
  3. KVDA/MLTV/2013/ 04 Kilingili Secondary School
  4. KVDA/MLTV/2013/ 05 Nyabosongo Bena Academy
  5. KVDA/MLTV/2013/08 Mkombozi Chanzu
  6. KVDA/MLTV/2013/10 Vigetse Primary School
  7. KVDA/MLTV/2013/11 Epanga Primary School
  8. KVDA/MLTV/2013/12 Shining Star Academy
  9. KVDA/MLTV/2013/14 Vigina Secondary School
  10. KVDA/MLTV/2013/15 Essumba Primary School
  11. KVDA/MLTV/2013/16 Star Rays Education Centre
  12. KVDA/MLTV/2013/21 St. Augustinel Centre
  13. KVDA/MLTV/2013/22 Daughters of Destiny
  14. KVDA/MLTV/2013/24 Essongolo Primary School

Youth/Women Empowerment/Microfinance

  1. KVDA/MLTV/2013/17 Life Link Youth Group
  2. KVDA/MLTV/2013/20 Usife Moyo Women Group
  3. KVDA/MLTV/2013/25 Kipepeo Community Empowerment Program
  4. KVDA/MLTV/2013/26 Kipawa Community Resource Centre

Social work/Child care

  1. KVDA/MLTV/2013/13 Credo Children Centre
  2. KVDA/MLTV/2013/23 Great Vision Orphanage
  3. KVDA/MLTV/2013/27 Flomina Children’s Home
  4. KVDA/MLTV/2013/28 Nairobi Children Home

Health care

  1. KVDA/MLTV/2013/06 Esiarambatsi Health Centre
  2. KVDA/MLTV/2013/29 Sanne Landin Children Centre – SLCC
  3. KVDA/MLTV/2013/30 Nziu Health Center

Agricultural Development

  1. KVDA/MLTV/2013/03 Kenya Institute of Organic Farming
  2. KVDA/MLTV/2013/19 Ukweli Farmers CBO

Environmental Sustainability/Eco-Tourism

  1. KVDA/MLTV/2013/09Shifoga
  2. KVDA/MLTV/2013/31 Kaya Kinondo Eco-Tourism
  3. KVDA/MLTV/2013/32 Kaya Teleza Conservation Group

Vocational Skills Development

  1. KVDA/MLTV/2013/07 Ebusiralo Youth Polytechnic
  2. KVDA/MLTV/2013/18 Poroko Friends Special School for the Mentally Handicapped

Project background

Paranga Primary School was established as a result of community and volunteer’s initiative. The initiation of ParangaPrimary School came in handy with the many challenges that affect the community. Their struggles can be defined as follows: Human/Wildlife conflict; Alcoholism, drug and substance abuse; adverse climatic condition {unreliable and unevenly distributed rainfall}; early pregnancy for teenage girls.

The source of income for the community is charcoal burning which is detrimental to the environment as regards to sustainable development.

The school has over five hundred students who undergo basic primary school education. The school is also involved in nurturing the young kids’ skills, guiding and counseling and thus career development.

Project activities

Educational development of the students; sports and career development; guidance and counseling

Volunteer tasks

Teaching; career development; sports and clubs management; community awareness programs on emerging community issues; institutional development

Financial contribution

Participation fees is Euro 200 per month paid upfront on arrival to cover the entire duration of placement at the project and monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes. Volunteers staying for just one month will be inclined to pay Euros 300 per monthfor the one month stay in an MLTV project

What is included in the participation fee?

  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation and food while in the project (breakfast and dinner will be provided in project)
  • Orientation and evaluation including board
  • Transport to and from the project

What is not included in the participation fee?

  • Cost of drinks like soda, bear, mineral water etc.
  • Cost of sight seeing
  • Visa costs
  • Local traveling

Project background

Shartuka Primary school was started in 1957 to promote the educational standards of the Maasai children from the local community. The school offers primary education in the Kenyan educational curriculum 8-4-4, which is the first level, where children undergoes an eight year training system in various subject. This stage is basically a point at which a foundation in the life of the child is laid from which they can now be able to build on in achieving their talents and goals in life.

It was started by Missionaries of A. I. C. Church to help the community on the literacy level and currently it has 400 students and 40 from the Early Childhood section and at the primary level there are about 420 pupils. The school has contributed enormously in assisting the local children to pursue various professional fields in life and promotion of literacy levels in the community.

Challenges faced by the school

The Maasai community is one of the few communities in Kenya that are still entrenched and guard their cultural practices. Some of the practices have had a negative impact on the educational development of the local people especially the girl child. Some of these practices include; Cultural e.g. Female genital mutilation of the girls, thereafter the girls are married immediately.

Project activities

Educational development of the students; sports and career development; guidance and counseling

Volunteer tasks

Teaching; career development; sports and clubs management; community awareness programs on emerging community issues; institutional development

Financial contribution

Participation fees is Euro 200 per month paid upfront on arrival to cover the entire duration of placement at the project and monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes. Volunteers staying for just one month will be inclined to pay Euros 300 per monthfor the one month stay in an MLTV project

What is included in the participation fee?

  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation and food while in the project (breakfast and dinner will be provided in project)
  • Orientation and evaluation including board
  • Transport to and from the project

What is not included in the participation fee?

  • Cost of drinks like soda, bear, mineral water etc.
  • Cost of sight seeing
  • Visa costs
  • Local traveling

Project background

Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) operating throughout Kenya and the Eastern Africa region. It is not operated for profit nor other commercial purposes but for the benefit of the public at large, promoting rural development and education in the areas of organic agriculture and related marketing services.

KIOF was a pioneer in Kenya’s organic agriculture movement. It is based in Juja town near Thika, 30 Km Northern of Nairobi. It was established in 1986 to promote organic agriculture among small-holder farmers though training and awareness creation with focus on youth, women and self-help framing groups. KIOF maintains demonstration centers in five locations of Eastern, Central and Rift Valley provinces. KIOF works with NGO’s, government, departments and research organizations in this initiative. The instate has published several books on smallholder organic farming practice .KIOF trains stallholder farmers in organic farming methods using locally available resources, including local indigenous knowledge, for maximum production to feed a growing population. This can be realized through a holistic approach to the farming system and including such factors as choice of crops, composting techniques, planting systems, crop storage, animal husbandry, crop protection and soil erosion.Their struggles can be defined as follows; Alcoholism, drug and substance abuse; Adverse climatic condition {unreliable and unevenly distributed rainfall}; Early pregnancy for teenage girls; HIV/AIDS epidemic

Project activities

Besides from the regular training-programs, KIOF is involved in a wide range of activitiesrelated to the broad field of organic farming:Juja Organic Market; Community Supported Agriculture (CSA - "box-scheme"); KIOF Demonstration Gardens; Small Earth Girls' High School; Outreach and Consultancy Department; Quality Management Systems for Small Scale Marketing Groups; Banana Nurseries

Volunteer tasks

Volunteers will be involved in horticultural development initiatives within the community and the institution under the guidance and supervision of the staff and the fieldofficers.

Financial contribution

Participation fees is Euro 200 per month paid upfront on arrival to cover the entire duration of placement at the project and monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes. Volunteers staying for just one month will be inclined to pay Euros 300 per monthfor the one month stay in an MLTV project

What is included in the participation fee?

  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation and food while in the project (breakfast and dinner will be provided in project)
  • Orientation and evaluation including board
  • Transport to and from the project

What is not included in the participation fee?

  • Cost of drinks like soda, bear, mineral water etc.
  • Cost of sight seeing
  • Visa costs
  • Local traveling

Project background

Kilingili secondary school was established by the community members to offer their children who had graduated from primary school an opportunity to pursue their secondary education dreams. The school has three streams from form one to form four and each class has an average of forty students. Hence the school has an approximately 450 students. Since the initiation of the school many community members especially the youths have been able to achieve and develop their talents that have made them become better members of the society who have and are contributing positively to the development process of the local community structures of sustainability. The school also provides an opportunity where the youth are empowered on issues dealing with drug abuse and their life development. Apart from class work activities the students have an opportunity to develop their skills and interest in sporting activities as well as clubs that are aimed at enhancing the general development of the local community.

Most members of the community are small scale farmers who only produce foodstuffs that are consumed within the family household.

Project activities

Educational development of the students; sports and career development; guidance and counseling

Volunteer tasks

Teaching; career development; sports and clubs management; community awareness programs on emerging community issues; institutional development

Financial contribution

Participation fees is Euro 200 per month paid upfront on arrival to cover the entire duration of placement at the project and monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes. Volunteers staying for just one month will be inclined to pay Euros 300 per monthfor the one month stay in an MLTV project

What is included in the participation fee?

  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation and food while in the project (breakfast and dinner will be provided in project)
  • Orientation and evaluation including board
  • Transport to and from the project

What is not included in the participation fee?

  • Cost of drinks like soda, bear, mineral water etc.
  • Cost of sight seeing
  • Visa costs
  • Local traveling

Project background

Nyabosongo Bena Academy Primary School was established as a result of community’s initiative to promote the literacy levels in the community. The initiation of Nyabosongo Bena Academy came in handy with the many challenges that affect the community. Their struggles can be defined as follows: Alcoholism, drug and substance abuse; cultural practices that sometimes have had negative impact on the growth of the community; early pregnancy for teenage girls due to cultural practices. This school is a turning point where parents are advised to give their children an opportunity to pursue their academic dream that is aimed at enabling them to fully participate in the productive development of the community structures and thus making life better for the generations to come.

Most members of the community are small scale farmers most of home only produce food stuffs that are not even enough to support the wellbeing of their families.

Project activities

Educational development of the students; sports and career development; guidance and counseling

Volunteer tasks

Teaching; career development; sports and clubs management; community awareness programs on emerging community issues; institutional development

Financial contribution

Participation fees is Euro 200 per month paid upfront on arrival to cover the entire duration of placement at the project and monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes. Volunteers staying for just one month will be inclined to pay Euros 300 per monthfor the one month stay in an MLTV project

What is included in the participation fee?

  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation and food while in the project (breakfast and dinner will be provided in project)
  • Orientation and evaluation including board
  • Transport to and from the project

What is not included in the participation fee?

  • Cost of drinks like soda, bear, mineral water etc.
  • Cost of sight seeing
  • Visa costs
  • Local traveling

Project background

Esiarambatsi Health Center is a community health institution initiated by the local community members to promote their health wellbeing. The local community used to walk several kilometers before they could access a health facility as a result most of them lost their lives due to this. The area is one of the hard ship areas in Kenya and the dispensary is understaffed hence a load to the doctor in charge who has the responsibility to ensure that all community members are served with quality services. Since the establishment of the institution it has enabled many of the community members to be involved in productive activities thus ensuring that their children are able to attend school due to good health.

The health institution also offers an opportunity where the community members come together to enhance the process of implementation of community development activities and thus champion on a common course that is to improve the living standards of the local community members. The initiation of EsiarambatsiHealthCenter came in handy with the many challenges that affect the community. Their struggles can be defined as follows: Alcoholism, drug and substance abuse; unreliable and unevenly distributed rainfall; early pregnancy for teenage girls.

The majority of community members are subsistence farmers whose harvest in not even enough to cater for the wellbeing of their families for a session. Due to poor farming techniques there has been a series of environmental degradation, with which has come up several diseases that have affected the children such as malnutrition.

Project activities

The facility offers health services to the local community members

Volunteer tasks

The volunteers will be assigned duties in the health facility according to your interest

Financial contribution

Participation fees is Euro 200 per month paid upfront on arrival to cover the entire duration of placement at the project and monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes. Volunteers staying for just one month will be inclined to pay Euros 300 per monthfor the one month stay in an MLTV project

What is included in the participation fee?

  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation and food while in the project (breakfast and dinner will be provided in project)
  • Orientation and evaluation including board
  • Transport to and from the project

What is not included in the participation fee?

  • Cost of drinks like soda, bear, mineral water etc.
  • Cost of sight seeing
  • Visa costs
  • Local traveling

Project background

The Polytechnic started as a community based initiative in support of the need to realize self-development. It was difficult to consolidate the community resolve until in 2008 when the process of obtaining legal status ensued and this was followed by frantic efforts by development partners to support the community to realize its objectives.

In 2009, an international voluntary service program was organized by KVDA and this jump-started the construction of the first administration block that is yet to be completed as the inaugural step to develop the infrastructure at the Polytechnic. Current student enrolment is approaching 100 and this comprises of boys and girls, the majority of whom have completed their Primary and secondary school education and yearn for career development. Teaching fraternity is made up of 7 teachers and the Polytechnic sits on a one-acre land owned by the Polytechnic