1. Project Name and ID:

  1. Sponsoring Group(s)

Structured Documents Technical Committee
  1. Project Scope:

The goal of the Plan-to-Plan Personal Health Record (PHR) Data Transfer Project is to create an HL7 implementation guide that will provide for PHR portability between Health Plans. The project is limited in scope to the payor stakeholder community in the U.S. Realm. However it could be expanded or adapted to include other PHR stakeholders, data transfer beyond the PHR, and the international affiliates.
  1. Project Dependencies:

  1. Project Objectives:

The objective for the Plan-to-Plan Personal Health Record (PHR) Data Transfer Project is expand the initial 2006 pilot effort base of administrative and claims based data to include account holder entered data about the member/patient and to incorporate additional clinical data elements such as lab and prescribing data, using the HL7 CDA for the primary data format and structure.
Project Deliverables:
  • Plan-to-plan PHR Data Transfer Draft Standard for Trial Use (DSTU)

  1. Project Intent, Categorization and Collaboration (for HISB)

The mission of ANSI Healthcare Informatics Standards Board (HISB) is to provide an environment that facilitates, coordinates and harmonizes national and international healthcare informatics standards.
The following represents some minimal information needed to assist in that effort.
Project Intent
The intent of this project is to to help facilitate PHR data portability between
health insurance plans to give plan members the ability to move their personal health data when their health coverage changes from relocation, to employer changes, or elective choices. / Create new standard
Revise current standard
Supplement to a current standard
Withdraw current standard
Collaboration Efforts
Collaborating with AHIP & BCBSA to undertake the joint efforts to develope the standard, seek industry consensus, publish the standard and support ongoing maintenance. / MOU Status[1] / Nature of MOU[2] / Comments[3]
America’s Health Insurance Plans and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Associations / Dec 4, 2007 / Collaborative process and maintenance of PHR portability standards
AHIP and BCBSA are collaborating with X-12 to ensure coordination on the resulting specifications. / March 1, 2005 / Collaborative process and maintenance of related standards.

[1]Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Status types are: Negotiating or Signed (please indicate the date signed.) Leave blank if there is no MOU in place. Refer to for a current listing of HL7’s MOU agreements.

[2] Indicate the nature of the MOU, e.g., agreement for reciprocal meeting rights, joint meetings, etc.

[3] Use this cell to document failed collaboration attempts.