Project Management PlanSIRCITS
August 15, 2013Department of Information Technology
Document Change Information
Version / Rev # / Date / Description0001 / 000 / 01/14/2011 / First draft
0001 / 001 / 5/31/2011 / Updated for new administration; updated attachments
0001 / 002 / 12/17/2011 / Updated for new implementation strategy
0002 / 000 / 08/21/2012 / Updated for changed scope and organization
0003 / 000 / 08/15/2012 / Updated for change in scope
May 31, 2011
Project Management PlanSIRCITS
August 15, 2013Department of Information Technology
Table of Contents
1Project Overview
1.2Current State
1.3Future State
2.2Business Objectives
2.3Technical Objectives
2.4Project Deliverables
2.5Product Deliverables
2.6Work Breakdown Structure
3.1Technical Strategy
3.2Success Factors
3.3Methods, Tools, and Techniques
4Project Organization
4.1Stakeholders and Sponsors
4.2Project Team
4.3Organizational Structure
4.4Organizational Boundaries, Interfaces, and Responsibilities
4.7Work Packages
4.9Technical Processes
5.1Management Objectives and Priorities
5.5Project Libraries
5.6Staff Planning and Acquisition
5.7Product and Process Quality Assurance
5.8Risk Management
5.9Configuration Management
5.10Communications Management
5.11Procurement Management
5.12Budget Management
5.13Budget and Resource Allocation
5.14Monitoring and Control Mechanisms
5.14.1Project Approval
5.14.2Executive oversight
5.14.3Federal Reporting
5.14.4State Reporting
6.1Administrative Close
6.2Contract Close
Attachment A: Digital microwave sites to be upgraded
Attachment B: 700MHz sites to be built
Attachment C: Reference Materials
Attachment D: Definitions and Acronyms
Attachment E: Directory Structure
May 31, 2011
Project Management PlanSIRCITS
August 15, 2013Department of Information Technology
Project Management Plan
1Project Overview
The Department of Information Technology (DoIT)has undertaken this project to:
- complete the Analog to Digital Microwave conversion
- increase the backhaul capacity, and
- Implement a 700MHz public safety LTE pilot system supporting Border Operations in New Mexico.
The support begins with the signing of the Project Charter and is completed when all microwave sites have been upgraded and the 700 MHz system is operable and licensed by the FCC. The teamsassigned to this project will follow the documented processes and procedures that have been established, approved, and are in keeping with the policies set forth.
Sources for funding this project include:
Type / Amount / DescriptionFederal Grant / $38,699,997 / BTOP/NTIA award
State – Cash match / $5,399,999 / Laws 2009, Ch 125, Sect 27(6),
Laws 2009, Ch 125, Sect 27(4),
Laws 2006, Ch 109, Sect 7(6) as amended by
Laws 2010, Ch 6, Sect 7(7)
State – In-kind match / $11,600,004 / In-kind match
This Project Management Plan has been established to set forth the guidelines, deliverables and methods to be used in up-grading 68 State microwave sites to 155 MB/s digital and to implement the pilot public safety LTE system. This plan will be reviewed periodically to insure that the methodologies and procedures are kept current. Version numbering as described later in the document will be followed.
Microwave: The State of New Mexico maintains over a 100+ site microwave network to support State public safety and other State agencies. A portion of the microwave network has been modernized from narrowband, analog microwave technology to modern digital technology, i.e., 155MB/s capacity. Sixty-eight sites remain to be modernized, which will be accomplished under the BTOP grant. The modernization falls into two categories: 1) all sites will receive modern digital microwave radio equipment and network equipment (routers) to operate at 155MB/s throughput, and 2) some of the sites (30) will require some civil construction up-grades, i.e., new towers, communications shelters, emergency power systems, and access road and site improvements
Backhaul: Currently the backhaul capability on the state system varies from 1.5Mb to 155Mb depending on location and is not sufficient, especially for outlying areas. The modernization will bring the whole network to 155MB/s data throughput rate, with the future potential to increase throughput to 600MB/s on selected network branches. In addition, the network will be all IP using MPLS as its network protocol. This modernization will allow the State to offer State-wide broadband data service to a variety of State agencies and other Community Anchor Institutions (CAI).
700MHz:700 MHz LTE has been adopted by the public safety community as its standard for broadband data service. Legislation was passed and signed into law that established a new organization known as FirstNet. The FirstNet committee was established effective September 1, 2012. All licenses that were originally granted have been canceled with an effective date of August 31, 2012. The project was notified that is was to not spend any of the funding on LTE. The project team revamped the Project Budget with the following changes:
- moved $4.7M from LTE to DMW
- reallocated $1M to LTE coverage analysis and design
- reduced planned equipment expenditures to $3M
The NOAA Grants office approved the Budget Modification in early August 2012.
In early August 2013, the State and the First Net Board signed the Spectrum Management License Agreement. The State will request that the Suspension be lifted and that the Grant be extended through September 2015.
Upon approval, the State will proceed with the Design of the 700MHz LTE system, develop/implement ITBs for LTE equipment, develop a Price Agreement using the States RFP process, award a contract to Build, Implement, and Test the 700MHz LTE system. Once completed the system be placed into an operational status.
1.3Future State
The goal of this project is to:
- Complete the upgradeof the 68 microwave sites
- Create a state widebroadband network with a capability of at least 155Mb/s
- Deploy a pilot, 700 MHz public safety broadband network to support Border Operations within the State.
- Needs
The following is a list of requirements for this project:
- DoIT is acting as the Program Manager and Systems Integrator for the microwave upgrade project, and as such, must provide the necessary project management and technical expertise to implement and control the effort within the grant period
- The project must track and report all financials in accordance with Federal Grant guidelines.
- All contracts and purchases must be in compliance with state and departmental regulations.
- Detailed requirements for each site and/or part of the project will be documented in individual project folders.
This section will outline the justification, objectives, deliverables, and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the SIRCITS project.
The following table contains the business and technical justifications for this project:
Number / Description1 / Compliance with federal grant conditions pursuant to DoIT’s grant application requesting funds to complete upgrade and deploy 700 MHz.
2 / Compliance with FCC orders regarding deployment of interoperable public safety broadband networks in the 700 MHz public safety broadband spectrum.
3 / Large geographic areas, including tribal lands, are un-served or underserved, in part due to lack of middle mile architecture.
4 / Ensure Digital technology compatibility with state and federal data, voice, and fiber networks
5 / Analog microwave equipment no longer being manufactured and does not support new technologies
6 / Public safety demand for applications critical to serving the needs of the public; applications demand technological upgrades
2.2Business Objectives
Number / Description1 / Completes the upgrade of DoIT’s statewide microwave communications system and concurrently expands the capacity of statewide backbone to 155 Mb which will serve anchor institutions throughout the State, and be used by the State and its partners to serve vulnerable populations, un-served and underserved areas, as well as some tribal lands.
2 / The last mile component will deploy 700 MHz public safety grade broadband networks in the State that will be linked to the DMW backbone and will become part of the future nationwide 700 MHz public safety interoperable network.
2.3Technical Objectives
Number / Description1 / Replace all analog equipment with new digital equipment with a data throughput capacity of at least 155Mb/s.
2 / Replace digital microwave site infrastructure as necessary – radio towers, communications shelters, emergency power systems.
3 / Increase backhaul date throughput capacity to at least 155Mb/s
4 / Deploy a pilot 700 MHz LTE technology in the Statethat will allow some level of public safety agency broadband data interoperability, will be capable of being integrated into the Nation–wide public safety LTE network, and will be licensed for operation by the FCC.
2.4Project Deliverables
The following chart outlines the project deliverables.
Item / DescriptionProject Charter / Defines project authority, governance and lays the foundation for elements to be addressed in the Project Plan.
Project Plan / A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines.
QA Plan / A formal approved document used to guide required IV&V activities. The primary uses of the QA Plan are to document assumptions and decisions, facilitate communications among stakeholders, and is the basis of reporting project oversight and reporting to the Project Oversight and Compliance Branch within the Department of Information Technology
Work Break Down Structure (WBS) / Defines the components of the projects consistent with federal grant.
Project Workbook / The Project Workbook (PW) will include the following components:
Risk Log – documenting the ongoing project risks with corresponding contingency and mitigation plans;
Issues Log – Documenting the imminent and/or immediate problems from their occurrence to their resolution;
Action Item Log – All actions that must be accomplished with their assignments, due dates, and completion dates;
Meeting Log – Documenting the date/time of meetings, attendees, and any specific comments regarding the meeting;
Key Decisions – Documenting any key decisions made;
Change Log – Documenting changes from the original scope of the project;
Work Breakdown Structure – Documenting at a high level the tasks to be performed and their estimated times;
Parking Lot – Documenting items that have been identified but will be discussed at a later date;
Communication Plan – Documenting regularly scheduled meetings and special planned communications;
Organization Chart – Documenting the governance structure for the project;
Escalation Paths – Documenting the flow for escalating problems that are encountered during the project.
Design-Build Contracts and State Pricing Agreements / Contracts including well defined deliverables, terms and conditions must be prepared and negotiated by the federal grant program manager, the grant PI, any other identified federal entity, and any internal DoIT processes as directed by the Secretary. These contracts and SPAs must allow the DMW system to be designed and built in the time allowed under the Federal Grant – three years from August 2010
Memorandum(s) Of Understanding (MOU) / Any agreements between parties, divisions, departments or other State entities.
Go/No Go Criteria / Criteria that will be established to drive any go/no go decisions that need to be made. All criteria must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Steering Committee.
Project Certification / Approval from the Project Oversight and Compliance Division, Certification Committee that authorizes funding for the project.
2.5Product Deliverables
The following chart outlines the Product Deliverables:
Number / Item / Description1 / Upgrade 68 microwave network sites / All 68 sites will receive modern digital microwave radios and antennas. Approximately 30 of the sites will have substantial infrastructure up-grades – new towers, shelters, and emergency power
2 / Increasednetwork capacity as outlined in the federal grant award / The 68 up-graded sites will be integrated with the remaining microwave sites previously up-graded to create a Statewide, broadband data network, with appropriate access points and network control
3 / Implement 700 MHz / Install and implement 700 MHz systems in the State that meets Federal Grants and FCC public safety requirements.
2.6Work Breakdown Structure
Following is a high level WBS for the project.
Environment Assessments
- Contract awards
- Site surveys and reports
- Submission of Draft Environmental Assessment
- Submission of Final Environmental Assessment
- Award of Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
DMW Project Management and Systems Integration Strategy
- Divide 68 sites into regions
- Develop multi-contractor, series-parallel, design-build tasking strategy that allows all 68 sites to be up-graded in the allotted grant period of 36 months
- Develop a just-in-time logistics strategy that allows equipment and hardware required in the up-grades (radio kits, towers, shelters, etc.) to be supplied to the contractors during construction
- Define and form a DoIT project team that allows DoIT to implement and oversee the strategies defined above
- Prepare task statements that become the basis for contractor and hardware vendor RFPs and State Pricing Agreements
- Define RFP/contract terms and conditions that meet design-build contract requirements
- Release RFP
- Evaluation of vendor quotes
- Tentative Awards
- Establishment of State Price Agreement
- Refine contract deliverables
- Issue Contracts
- Prequalify potential prime contractor/system integrators
- Release RFP for single prime contract
- Evaluation of PC/SI proposals – technical and cost
- Select top candidate for negotiations
- Finalize statement of work and contract requirements, and award contract
Form DoIT Project Team
- Identify internal resources to be assigned to project within DoIT (staff matrixed to project)
- Identify external resources needed
- Executive Approvals
- Position Announcements
- Interviews/Offering
- Hire
DMW Implementation
- Develop integrated project schedule and special plans – site survey plan, frequency acquisition plan, radio kit fabrication plan, site equipment fabrication plan, logistics plan, civil construction instructions, system test plan, system transition plan
- Ensure that all site leases are current and valid so that construction permits can be obtained by contractors
- Coordinate contractor access to all sites with all Federal, State, Local, and private site lessors
- Coordinate multi-contract design-build activities
- Perform all necessary DoIT review and approvals of all contractor deliverables – plans, design, construction, tests, etc.
- Coordinate and oversee all transitions from existing site technology to new site technology
700MHz LTE System Implementation
- Ensure that PC/SI implements system in accordance with contacted schedule and deliverable standards and requirements
- Define and document an operational concept for the pilot LTE system
- Coordinate all activities required of the Grantee to obtain FCC licensing per the PSST Spectrum Waiver requirements
- Implement and coordinate a New Mexico Broadband Executive Steering Committee and a Technical User Committee that assist the State in defining governance and technical requirements for the LTE system
- Actively participate in the Waiver Recipient coordination groups which are establishing the requirements for public safety LTE broadband interoperability for the near term (i.e., before a nationwide system is in-place) and far term
This section will outline the life cycles, strategies, success factors, resources, and tools and techniques for the project.
3.1Technical Strategy
DMW System – To meet the limited grant timeframe for up-grading 68 microwave sites, DoIT has decided to divided the State into regions and procure multiple design-build contractors, assigned to separate regions to allow up-grade effort to take place in series-parallel. In addition, to standardize radio and site infrastructure hardware, DoIT has decided to procure each type of hardware from single vendors and supply the hardware items to the contractors as government furnished equipment (GFE), on a just-in-time basis. This strategy is believed to be the most efficient approach to performing the effort in the time available, but it makes DoIT essentially the Prime Contractor and Systems Integrator (PC/SI) for the DMW effort. Thus, DoIT has formed a project team that will allow us to plan, oversee, and coordinate the activities of three design-build contractors (Aviat, Crestino, and TowerCom), and four primary GFE vendors (Aviat for radio kits, Sabre for communications towers, Modular Connections for communications/emergency generator shelters, and NGH for battery/rectifier system). The DoIT Project Team is performing all of the top level project planning, scheduling, and coordination, as well as, all of the expertise on the existing systems which are being up-graded. The Project Team is also directing all effort in forming the “broadband network” concept and in transitioning current users to new systems, and in introducing new users to the system.
700MHz Public Safety LTE System–LTE is a relatively new wireless technology and there are a very few suppliers of infrastructure equipment and very few PC/SI contractors with experience in implementing system for public safety purposes. Only four or five public safety LTE systems are under contract at this time (none are yet operational) and a limited number of contractor teams bidding procurements. DoIT is procuring the services of a consulting firm with LTE expertise that will design the system and assist the State in developing the RFP specifications and SOW. The State plans to do a pre-RFP qualifications process (TBD) will be used to ensure that only qualified bidders are allowed to submit proposals.
3.2Success Factors
When the following items have been completed, the project will be considered finished and successful:
- Upgrades completed according to contract schedules and within the timelines set by the grant authority
- Upgrade and deployment completed within budget projections.
- Methods, Tools, and Techniques
Members of the project team will perform their tasks in accordance with developed plans and schedules, and in the manner prescribed by the documented processes and procedures.
4Project Organization
This section shows the relationships among the major functions and activities, the structure, boundaries, and delineates responsibilities.
4.1Stakeholders and Sponsors
The following table shows the stakeholders and sponsors by area and function:
Function/Activity / Position / Individual(s)Executive Steering Committee / Chair – Secretary DoIT / Darryl Ackley
Executive Steering Committee / Member – IT Commission
Executive Steering Committee / Member – PRC
Executive Steering Committee / Member – Department of Homeland Security
Executive Steering Committee / Member – Department of Public Safety
Executive Steering Committee / Member – Navajo Nation
Executive Steering Committee / Member - Albuquerque
4.2Project Team