Role profiles

Post Title / Probation Practitioner (level 2)
Location / Reducing Reoffending Team
Reports to (title) / PDM, Reducing Reoffending Team
Accountable for / N/A
Key working relationships / Internal: Reducing Reoffending teams, Customer Service, Interventions, Resettlement teams
External: Police, NPS, Prisons, Supply Chain partners, statutory agencies, voluntary and community sector
Band / 3
·  To manage offenders, in the community in a fair, safe and secure way with the purpose of reducing re-offending and protecting the Public. In addition, to contribute to the management of offenders in custody, in the same way and towards the same objective. . The role includes the functions of Responsible Officer, deliverer of structured interventions developed by the CRC and tailored interventions for individual offenders.
·  To work with low and medium risk of harm offenders as a designated Case Manager (Responsible Officer), and in so doing discharge the responsibilities of delivering the sentence, reduce reoffending and protecting the public, in accordance with the service specifications for such.
·  When undertaking Case Manager duties, Probation Practitioners (level 2) will only have responsibility for offenders in cohorts A-C, E. When delivering group work interventions, participants could be located in any CRC cohort or be a NPS Designated Retained Person referred for that intervention.
Specific duties
·  To be responsible for the assessment, sentence planning, implementation, review, evaluation and enforcement of sentences on allocated offenders- to fulfil the role of Responsible Officer.
·  To promote the aims and values of the CRC and Reducing Reoffending Partnership.
·  To meet expected performance levels and quality standards.
Tasks and activities:
3.1.  Process information and assess individual’s offending behaviour
·  To assess an offender’s risk of harm using the CRC recommended tools.
·  To assess other risk and needs relevant to offending using the appropriate assessment tools,
·  To produce reports for statutory agencies and court as and when required.
3.2.  Plan, coordinate, supervise (if appropriate), enforce and review sentences in custody and in the community
·  To devise sentence plans that address the offenders risk and needs and to identify solutions to overcome non compliance.
·  To ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to deliver the plan and oversee the implementation of the plan by ensuring that all reducing reoffending team members and the offender are aware of their duties and responsibilities.
·  To work with Resettlement Teams to manage the resettlement and risks of low and medium risk of harm offenders in the community following custodial sentences.
·  To fulfil the tasks of the Responsible Officer for individuals serving sentences in the community.
·  To continuously monitor, review, assess and track the plan to ensure that it remains “fit for purpose” making any amendments as necessary and refer any significant change in risk to the PDM including those that may warrant transfer to the NPS.
·  To enforce court orders and statutory licences in line with National Standards.
·  To engage with the offender and demonstrate commitment to promoting change through the achievement of the sentence plan goals.
·  To assist in the seamless transfer of individuals between agencies and services.
·  To develop and sustain working relationships with staff in other agencies.
·  To complete an overall evaluation of the sentence plan using the appropriate tools and methods.
·  To work closely with Customer Service colleagues to administer the sentence efficiently.
·  To complete all case recording required on the CRC approved systems.
3.3.  Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour
·  To contribute to preventing abusive and aggressive behaviour.
·  To deal with incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviour.
·  To contribute to reviewing incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviour.
3.4.  Help individuals to address their offending behaviour
·  To ensure that the sentence complies with expected CRC, contract and national standards by engaging with the offender, motivating them to co-operate and comply.
·  To work in accordance with the Case Management Framework.
·  To demonstrate pro-social modelling skills by consistently reinforcing pro-social behaviour and attitudes, challenging anti-social behaviour and attitudes.
·  To enable the offender to benefit from CRC services to reduce reoffending including community volunteer and peer mentor intervention.
·  To deliver structured and tailored interventions on an individual basis.
·  To deliver structured group work interventions.
·  To appropriately sequence interventions.
·  To prepare offenders for interventions.
·  To work with offenders to ensure that they understand the links between all the relevant interventions; help the offender make the links between new learning and their day-to-day environment; seek to ensure the offender practices new skills and behaviours and habitualises new behaviours in their own environment.
·  To utilise and enable offenders to benefit from resources available in the community to address relevant needs.
·  To work in accordance with relevant legislation, evidence informed practice principles, national standards, CRC policy and procedures.
3.5.  To support individuals experiencing difficulties
·  To identify factors contributing to difficulties.
·  To assist individuals experiencing difficulties.
·  To support individuals with difficult or potentially difficult relationships.
·  To support individuals who are substance misusers.
·  To enable individuals to find out about and use services and facilities.
3.6.  Other duties
·  To contribute to the development and effectiveness of work teams.
·  To contribute to the development and promotion of the agency and its services.
·  To supervise oral drug tests.
·  To undertake any other duties which fall reasonably within the nature, grade and responsibilities of the post, subject to regular review of this job description to reflect any significant and permanent changes.
3.7.  Young Adult offender semi-specialists only
·  To deliver and co-ordinate Senior Attendance Centre delivery and act as Officer in Charge of the Senior Attendance Centre at times designated by the CRC.
·  Manage young adults’ transitions from youth to adult services, specifically from custody to community supervision, and from Youth Offending Services into the CRC in line with protocol.


4.1.  Qualifications and training
·  Vocational qualification level 3 on PQF or equivalent and confirmed by line manager as demonstrating the competencies to manage cases in cohort E and those presenting a low risk of domestic violence.
·  Participated in training regarding domestic violence and safeguarding experience
4.2.  Experience
·  Ability to gather information and maintain accurate records.
·  Ability to communicate effectively with people including Court staff and offenders.
·  Able to write and present reports in an effective and appropriate style.
·  Good numeracy and literacy skills and ability to use the CRC case management ICT systems.
·  An understanding of Equality of Opportunities and the ability to deliver services to reflect this priority.
·  Have the ability to develop good relationships with clients, staff in the CRC and from other agencies, and the public.
·  Able to work effectively with offenders on an individual basis.
·  Able to work effectively with offenders in a group setting.
·  Able to assess risk using CRC approved tools and create plans to appropriately manage the risk of further offending and serious harm.
4.3.  Knowledge
·  Knowledge of evidence based Probation practice, procedures and the role and function of Probation staff.
·  Knowledge of evidence informed practice in relation to managing risk of domestic violence.
·  Understanding of issues underlying offending.
·  Understanding of, and commitment to, the objectives of the CRC.
4.4.  Attributes
·  Ability to meet clients and professional staff and to deal with them and other agency representatives in a pleasant, helpful and mature manner.
·  Ability to recognise the confidential nature of the work and to exercise discretion in communicating with other people.
·  Good organisational skills and able to work as part of a team.
·  Committed to effective service delivery that is tailored to take proper account of protected characteristics.
·  Able and willing to give case-related advice to less experienced colleagues and receive advice from more experienced colleagues.
·  Able to demonstrate flexibility of approach and imagination in previous work settings.
4.5.  For young adult offender semi-specialists only
·  Enthusiasm and commitment to working with young adults.
·  Knowledge of the range of services accessed by young adults.
·  Knowledge of evidence base relating to effective practice with young adults.
4.6.  For female offender semi-specialists only
·  Knowledge of trauma informed approach to working with women or willingness to undertake relevant training.
4.7.  For substance misuse semi-specialists only
·  Knowledge of substance misuse issues, specialised assessment and understanding of local treatment system.
5.  Key performance indicators
·  (informed by work to develop performance metrics).
6.  behaviours
General Responsibilities
6.1.  Attendance and timekeeping
·  To attend work regularly at times stated in the Statement of Terms of Employment and to complete a record of hours worked form in accordance with the rules for completion.
·  To work some evenings and weekends as required.
6.2.  Confidentiality and information security
·  To adhere to the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts and comply with the terms of the Service confidentiality agreement within the staff code of conduct.
·  To comply with security measures in accordance with CRC Information Security policies including the CRC Policy for E-mail and Internet use.
6.3.  Disclosure of criminal background
·  The CRC is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. You will be required:
o  To comply with CRC policy on the recruitment and employment of people with criminal convictions.
o  To disclose all criminal convictions and cautions prior to or during employment and participate in DBS checks as appropriate.
6.4.  Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
·  The CRC is committed to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe.
·  Post holders with direct offender contact are responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults s/he is responsible for or comes into contact with.
·  Post holders without direct offender contact have a general responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in the course of their daily duties and for ensuring that they are aware of the specific duties relating to their role.
6.5.  Diversity
·  To behave towards others in a respectful way; recognising that people come from different backgrounds, live different lifestyles and have different needs.
·  To comply with the CRC's policies and statement on Equality, Diversity and Fairness.
6.6.  Health and Safety
·  To become familiar with and adhere to the CRC Health and Safety policy.
·  To take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by your work activities.
·  To work in a safe manner in which you have been trained and advise your line manager of any health and safety problems that come to your attention.
·  To take proper care in the use of CRC assets and where appropriate the property of any third party involved.
6.7.  Performance review
·  To participate in the performance review process. This will include engagement in the planning and evaluation of your personal performance, and where appropriate, the setting of annual objectives and performance review of staff within your line management responsibility.
6.8.  Personal development
·  To attend and participate in team development activities and relevant training courses, keep up to date with current practice, and be responsible for personal professional development.
·  To adhere to CRC policy on harassment in the workplace.
·  All personnel are required to comply with the CRC’s policies relating to Information Security and Data protection, specifically to:
o  Protect all information assets from unauthorised access, disclosure, modification, destruction & interference
o  Treat the security of all information assets according to their designated information security classification
o  Ensure that they only access information assets that they are authorised to do so.
o  Adhere to the procedure for reporting any security weakness or events
o  Commit to, and participate in, personal development of information security awareness & knowledge
o  Comply with all laws and contractual obligations regarding the protection of data
·  All personnel are required to familiarise themselves with the CRC’s disciplinary policy
·  Must be prepared to undertake further training appropriate to developments in professional practice and the introduction of new technology.