Project- Energy Physics
In groups of 3 to 4, you will complete a project on an aspect of Energy.
1)Each group will choose one of the five options below
A)Nuclear Energy
Make sure you include the pros and cons of this form of energy.
Compare it to the energy we mainly use now.
Research both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion energy.
Compare the two forms of nuclear energy.
B)The Importance of Energy Conservation
C)The effects of Energy Consumption on the environment.
Make sure you discuss how Georgia’s environment is being affected.
D)Energy Resources- Hydroelectric, Wind, and Tidal Energy
Make sure you include how the state of Georgia uses each of these types of energy.
Include how viable these types of energy can be in the future.
E)Energy Resources- Solar, Biomass, and Geothermal Energy
Make sure you include how the state of Georgia uses each of these types of energy.
Include how viable these types of energy can be in the future.
2)You need to research your chosen topic. (You may need to narrow your topic to a specific focus)
Make sure you are detailed when providing information on the topic.
3)Things that you will need to complete:
You will present your findings to the class
- The presentation must include some form of visual detailing the topic you are presenting.
- Ex: PowerPoint, Video, etc.
- The visual will be turned in.
Each member of the group will be required to write an essay summarizing your topic.
- Your essay should not be the same as your group members.
Each group must have a list of 10 test questions about your topic.
- They need to include short answer, multiple choice, and/or fill-in-theblank.
- One of the questions needs to be a short answer question that will require at least 3 to 4 sentences to answer.
- On a separate sheet or on the back of the sheet with the questions, you must include answers.
4)A bibliography must be included with your project.
Needs to be put in APA style.
You may use only credible websites and/or information completing the project.
- That means no yahoo answers, Wikipedia, wiki sites, any answer websites, etc.
- You can use Wikipedia, etc. for diagrams, pictures, etc.
Every source you use needs to be cited.
- For pictures/diagrams, either put the website under the picture/diagram in your presentation.
- Ex: Retrieved from
- Or on the actual bibliography page, put what picture/diagram it is in parentheses at the end of the entry.
- Ex:
Nerdtrek, J. (2011, June 4). How a nuclear
power plant works. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from Nerd Trek: The Nerd Generation: (Picture 1)