Project catalogue

The Norwegian

Barents Secretariat



Introduction 3

Culture/Welfare 4

Competence/Education 11

Indigenous peoples 15

Economy/Infrastructure 18

Environment/Health 22


The Barents Cooperation was established on 11 January 1993. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs from the member countries Norway, Sweden, Russia and Finland, and representatives from the regional level signed the Organisation Agreements for the Barents Council (minister level) and the Regional Council (regional level). The Barents Region includes Arkhangelsk and Murmansk Oblasts, the Republic of Karelia, the Republic of Komi and the Nenets Autonomous Area in Russia, the counties of Lappland, Norra Österbotten and Kainuu in Finland, the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten in Sweden, and the counties of Troms, Nordland and Finnmark in Norway.

The Barents Secretariat in Kirkenes opened in October 1993. Effective 1 January 1999, the Secretariat is organised as an inter-municipal company, owned by the three northernmost Norwegian counties of Nordland, Troms and Finnmark. The company’s Board has three members, one from each of the three counties. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development each have an observer in the Board.

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has placed regional funds at the disposal of the Barents Secretariat. The Secretariat gives financial support to the Norwegian-Russian Joint Venture Project in the Barents Region, or to Norwegian and Russian participation in multilateral projects in the region. In 2007 support were given within 5 different priority areas: culture/welfare, competence/education, indigenous peoples, economy/infrastructure and environment/health. In addition, the Barents Secretariat administered a fund for multilateral youth projects in the Barents Region, and furthermore, a fund for health and social welfare projects. Projects which received grants from these funds are described in separate catalogues.

In order to receive a grant from the Barents Secretariat, a project must be a co-operation initiative between a Norwegian and a Russian partner. It is considered to be a positive feature if there are also Swedish and Finnish participation in the project, but the grant from the Barents Secretariat can only be spent on covering the Norwegian and Russian participation. The Barents Secretariat’s grants should mainly be spent on activities that are carried out on Russian side of the Barents Region. Activities that are carried out only on Norwegian side are given lower priority.

This project catalogue contains information about all larger projects which received support from the Barents Secretariat in 2007. The application sum for all these projects exceeded NOK 200.000, and the final decision on each grant was taken by the Barents Secretariat’s board of directors.



731001 Norwegian-Russian literary co-operation. Part 2.

Troms County Library has established a co-operation with the National Library in the Republic of Komi and Archangelsk oblast library for children and youth. The three libraries will each present two regional writers, and make an exhibition about them. The aim of the project is to present literature and writers and to strengthen the cultural co-operation, but also to exchange knowledge between the countries. Through this project one wishes to increase the number of foreign literary translations in the countries.

Starting date: 01.06.2006

Closing date: 31.12.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: The Republic of Komi

Project owner: Troms Fylkesbibliotek

Contact person: Ellen Østgård

Address: Postboks 6600

Postal code: 9296


Phone: 77788224

Fax: 77623350


Project participant(s): Nasjonalbiblioteket i Republikken Komi,

Arkhangelsk Fylkesbibliotek for barn og unge

Total budget: 365000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 150000 NOK


731002 The High North’s youth symphony orchestra

Youth – age 12 till 22 – from the northern parts of Finland, Norway Russia and Sweden will build a high level youth symphony orchestra, inspire and be inspired, develop network socially and musically among the young people. The first year it will be in Tromsø. There are four gatherings each year for three years.

Starting date: 01.04.2007

Closing date: 01.07.2010

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Archangelsk oblast

Project owner: Tromsø Kulturskole

Contact person: Ulla Hansen

Address: Krognessveien 33

Postal code: 9006


Fax: 77693320

Project participant(s): Norsk Kulturskoleråd, Troms og Svalbard,

Tromsø Kulturskole, Barents Region Music

School no 1 Arkhangelsk

Total budget: 1224000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 300000 NOK


731003 Barents Football Academy

The project aims at recruiting young football talents from Northwest Russia to Sweden and Norway through the "Barents Football Academy". Testing and selection of candidates will be done in Russia and the talents will take part in a talent development program in Tromsø and Boden. There is an aim to recruit the talents into the respective teams when the programs are finished. The project also includes an exchange of coach competence between the partners.

Starting date: 01.02.2007

Closing date: 31.03.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Russian part of the Barents Region

Project owner: Tromsø Idrettslag

Contact person: Sigurd Larsen

Address: Postboks 525

Postal code: 9255


Fax: 77697991

Project participant(s): Tromsø Idrettslag, Bodens BK, Archangel

Regional Football Federation,Murmansk

Administration Sport Committee,OOO Murmansk

Consulting Group

Total budget: 3600000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 150000 NOK


731004 Ordkalotten- Tromsø International Literature Festival 2007

For the 8th time ”Ordkalotten – Tromsø International Literature Festival will be arranged in Tromsø in the period 26.09-01.10.2007. This time the festival has chosen the High North as its focal theme. The festival will be visited by Russian contemporary authors who are translated into Norwegian, and Norwegian contemporary authors who are translated into Russian. The festival wishes to emphasise the literature and the authors’ role in the development in the future development of High North. A parallel programme will also be carried out in Kirkenes.

Starting date: 26.09.2007

Closing date: 01.10.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Russian part of the Barents Region

Project owner: Tromsø internasjonale litteraturfestival

Contact person: Hilde Kat. Eriksen

Address: Postboks 539

Postal code: 9256


Phone: +474795834863


Project participant(s): En rekke russiske samtidsforfattere,

forfatterforbundene i NV-Russland

Total budget: 2100000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 250000 NOK


731005 Reforms and measures in the housing sector

The Norwegian State Housing Bank applies for support for the implementation of a 2-year project on housing cooperation with the Murmansk Oblast administration, as well as the Murmansk city administration, the Paritet Associaton and the the NBBL. The main objective is to assist with Norwegian experiences in finding solutions for management and maintenance of housing estates, outside park areas and general living conditions. The project also aims at establishing good connections between Norwegian and Russian city planners, architects and entrepeneurs.

Starting date: 01.01.2007

Closing date: 31.12.2008

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Murmansk oblast

Project owner: Husbanken

Contact person: Lene Ragnhild Edvardsen

Address: Postboks 480

Postal code: 9615


Fax: 78427410


Project participant(s): Murmansk Oblast administration (avdelingen

for bygg of boligkommunal sektor), NBBL,

Murmansk byadministrasjon, Sherpa Konsult,

Foreningen Paritet

Total budget: 1800000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 175000 NOK


731006 Sports co-operation in the Barents Region

The Norwegian part of the Barents Sport Program apply for funding to continue and develop the cooperation in sport within the Barents Region to become a better tool for:

* Developing the quality of sports in the region

* increasing the exchange of athletes, trainers and leaders

* building tolerance and cultural understanding among the inhabitants of the region

The main target group will be young people in the age between 15 to 25 years.

Starting date: 01.01.2007

Closing date: 31.12.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Russian part of the Barents Region

Project owner: NIF Barentsutvalget

Contact person: Hans P. Ludvigsen

Address: Aspmyra Stadion

Postal code: 8039

Place: BODØ

Phone: 75505300

Fax: 75711425

Project participant(s): Sportskommiteen i Murmansk, Norbottens

Idrottsforbund og Kalottidrotten i Finland.

Total budget: 748000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 230000 NOK


731007 The Varanger Festival – festival choir

The Varanger Festival will create a joint concert programme with the participation of the Amadej Choir from Murmansk and 30 choir singers from the Varanger region. Through the project, there will be held 3 concerts in Norway and 2 concerts in Russia.

Starting date: 01.03.2007

Closing date: 01.12.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Murmansk oblast

Project owner: Varangerfestivalen

Contact person: Kjell Magne Stålsett

Address: Postboks 356

Postal code: 9811

Place: VADSØ

Phone: 78953120

Fax: 78951490

Project participant(s): Varangerfestivalen, Amadeuskoret

Total budget: 605000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 200000 NOK


731008 Norwegian-Russian cultural school co-operation with participation at the music festival in Petrozavodsk in October 2007

8 - 13 October the orchestra Helgeland Blåsemusikk, which consists of 35 persons, will og to Karelia to participate in the international music "Zolotaja rovnitza". In addition to individual concerts, the orchestra will play together with Russian professional musicians and cultural school pupils in a symphony orchestra. One of the project’s aims is to invite musicians and pupils to differents festivals in Helgeland in the future.

Starting date: 01.01.2007

Closing date: 14.10.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: The Republic of Karelia

Project area: Helgeland Blåsemusikk

Contact person: Jon Ervik

Address: Samfunnshuset

Postal code: 8646


Phone: 90857288

Fax: 75197150


Project participant(s): Helgeland Blåsemusikk (HBM), Petrozavodsk


Total budget: 1057500 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 150000 NOK


731009 Crossing Borders

Kiowato will arrange 3 workshops with dance lessons and performances in Murmansk in the period 21.06.07 – 25.06.07, in Porsanger in the period 25.06.07.- 28.06.07 and in Askim in the period 01.07.07 – 08.07.07. The target group for the workshops are young Barents people who are interested in dance. This is year two in a two-year co-operation project.

Starting date: 01.10.2006

Closing date: 01.09.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Murmansk oblast

Project owner: Porsanger kommune/ Klubb Kiowato

Contact person: Sussi Meszaros

Address: Rådhuset

Postal code: 9712


Fax: 78461268


Project participant(s): Kiowato, Ungdomskomité Murmansk by


Total budget: 320310 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 150000 NOK


731010 Music co-operation between Musikk I Finnmark and the Murmansk Philharmonic

Musikk i Finnmark has a binding co-operation with the Murmansk Philharmonic with the aim to develop relations through productions that involve professional musicians in Norway and Russia. The institutions will co-operate on at least 10 different projects annually in a 3-year period.

The co-operation is base don 4 main priority areas:

1.  Kollektivo klassik – chamber concerts in Murmansk oblast and Finnmark county

2.  Orchestra productions

3.  Rythmical music/jazz

4.  Choir co-operation

Starting date: 10.02.2007

Closing date: 31.12.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Murmansk oblast

Project owner: Musikk i Finnmark

Contact person: Harald Devold

Address: Hermetikken

Postal code: 9800

Place: VADSØ

Phone: 78951050

Fax: 78951970

Project participant(s): Filharmonien i Murmansk

Total budget: 680000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 300000 NOK


731011 Border Crossing Exercises - three

concert projects

The project consists of the following arrangements at the Festival of North Norway/Festspillene i Nord-Norge in Harstad in the period 23 - 30 June 2007:

Concert 1: Moscow Art Trio meets Tromsø Symfoniorkester.

Concert 2: Torgeir Vassvik meets Huun-Huur Tu.

Torgeir Vassvik is from Gamvik in Finnmark. He is one of very few Norwegians who masters the art of throath singing. The group Huun-Huur Tu from Siberia is considered to be the leading performers within this field.

Concert 3: Border Crossing Exercises

The Swedish composer Staffan Mossenmark will make a composition with the working title ”Drums in Harstad”. The composition will consist of both soundscapes (pre-recorded music) and live music. Russian and Sámi participation.

Starting date: 01.04.2007

Closing date: 30.06.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Project owner: Festspillene i Nord-Norge

Contact person: Birger Carlsen

Address: Postboks 294

Postal code: 9483


Phone: 77041230

Fax: 77067363


Project participant(s): Moscow Art Trio (MAT), Huun-Huur Tu (HHT),

Alexander Skliar, Tromsø symfoniorkester,

Torgeir Vassvik, Wimme Saari, Staffan


Total budget: 390000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 100000 NOK


731012 BVT (forfase Barents TV)

The group of independent filmmakers from the North wants to create, in co-operation with colleagues from the Barents region, TV program in several parts. The program will spread knowledge through personal and close narratives about the people of the Barents region. The main goal in the pre-phase period is to establish network and sign formal agreements with films and producers in Norway, Finland, Sweden and Russia in order to to achieve a good and functional organization for implementing the main project.

Starting date: 01.06.2007

Closing date: 15.12.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Russian part of the Barents Region

Project owner: JAB Film

Contact person: Lillian Sund

Address: Strandveien 95

Postal code: 9006



Project participant(s): JAB Film, Archangelsk city local television

Total budget: 621000 NOK

Grant from the Barents Secretariat: 300000 NOK


731013 Development of Barents network of Human


The project partners want to by building network of HR-organisations for discussions and joint actions we aim to improve HR-situation in the region. In addition to general networkbuilding, we think it is possible to build subnetworks for students, and organisations fighting violence against women. They will organise one conference in Svanhovd, Kirkenes, and support meetings between student groups in Scandinavia and Russia, and organisations fighting violence against women in Hammerfest and Murmansk.

Starting date: 01.04.2007

Closing date: 31.12.2007

Priority area: Kultur / Velferd

Geographical area: Archangelsk oblast - Murmansk oblast

Project owner: Amnesty International Norway,

group 178 Hammerfest