Project Based Groups Unit 1


  • Pick 2 teams in the NFL/Watch 3 game (new if you can if not you-tube 2015 season)

Take notes on the strategies and tactics that are used by both teams. (offense/defense/special teams)

What are strategies and tactics and how do they differ?

What is the importance of strategies and tactics in sports?

What would sports be like without strategies and tactics?

Design a playbook for offense for one of the teams based on what you saw in the game and how you think your strategies and tactics would better their offense (need one special teams play)

Design a playbook for defense for the other team based on what you saw in the game and how you would use your strategies an tactics to better their defense.

Present your playbook/strategies/tactics and findings at the end of the unit.

  • Develop a two-week training camp for a Middle School football team based on principles of practice/training. Need to create the drills and how you will show the team/player improvement at the end of the two weeks. Show the need for practice and the importance of practice.
    Present your camp at the end of the unit.
  • Develop a two-week training camp for a High School football team based on principles of conditioning. Need to create the drills and how you will show the team/player improvement at the end of the two weeks. Show the need for conditioningand the importance of the positives and negatives or over/under conditioning.
    Present your camp at the end of the unit.
  • Based on Skills concepts in Football, Design small sided games to help improve each skill. Minimum requirement of games is two games. Present your games at end of unit showing rules, size of field/courts, equipment needed, officials, etc.
  • How did rules change different sports. Think of football with the referee reply or nascar with stricter plates. What would happen if rules never came along in sports? Did the rules improve the sports? Pick two sports to compare and timeline to show the history of the rules. Present your data at the end of the unit.