Project Application for the DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program

Project Application for the DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program

Project Application for the
DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program

Thank you for your interest in DVRPC’s FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program. This application must be fully completed for each bridge project that is seekingstate funds from the Municipal Bridge Line Item (MPMS #102105) andwill employ PennDOT’s retro-reimbursement process.

1. General Project & Contact Information

General Project Information:

Bridge Name: Click here to enter text.

Bridge Key: Click here to enter text.

Municipality: Click here to enter text.

County: Choose an item.

Project Type: Choose an item.

Project Limits (street names, mileposts, latitude, longitude):
Click here to enter text.

Project Summary (100 words max):
Click here to enter text.

Cost Request (should be 80 percent of estimated total project cost): Click here to enter text.

Applicant Contact Information:

Name:Click here to enter text.

Title:Click here to enter text.

Office:Click here to enter text.

Organization:Click here to enter text.

Telephone:Click here to enter text.

Email:Click here to enter text.

Municipal Contact Information:

Name:Click here to enter text.

Title:Click here to enter text.

Office:Click here to enter text.

Organization:Click here to enter text.

Telephone:Click here to enter text.

Email:Click here to enter text.

2. ScreeningQuestions

2.1 Is this a local bridge owned by the municipality?☐Yes☐No

2.2 Does the bridge have an existing deck length spanning20 feet (20’) or greater?☐Yes☐No

2.3 Is the bridge structurally deficient (have a deck, superstructure, or substructure rating of 4 or
less from the most recent bridge inspection)?☐Yes☐No

2.4 Will the completed work for this bridge eliminate the structurally deficient status?☐Yes☐No

2.5 Is the bridge listed on the PA Capital Budget?☐Yes☐No

2.6Did you includean attachment (e.g. image, pdf page) that shows the bridge is listed on the
PA Bridge Bill or Capital Budget?☐Yes☐No

2.7When was the most recent bridge inspection completed?Click here to enter a date.

2.8Is municipality currently a PennDOT ECMS & RAS Registered Business Partner?☐Yes☐No (see question 2.9)

2.9 If the municipality is currently not a PennDOT ECMS & RAS Registered Business Partner,
will the municipality become one by the time it requests for reimbursement?☐Yes☐No ☐NA (per question 2.8)

2.10 Does the municipality reasonably expect to complete project by or before August 1, 2021?☐Yes☐No

2.11 Does this application include a Letter of Support from the County Planning Director?☐Yes☐No

2.12Does this application include appropriate project map(s)?☐Yes☐No

2.13 Does municipality have a bridge project that was selected in the previous round of this program? ☐Yes☐No

2.14 Does municipality agree to keep DVRPC,County, and PennDOT District 6 informed of
project’s progress in a timely and reasonable manner?☐Yes☐No

2.15If final project cost is higher than requested amount in this application, does municipality agree
to work with PennDOT District 6 and DVRPC to resolve discrepancies in cost-overruns? ☐Yes☐No

2.16If final project cost is higher than requested amount in this application, is municipality
prepared to cover all cost increases that are above the requested amount in this application? ☐Yes☐No

3. Project Cost Estimates

3.1 Please provide a cost estimate of each phase that will need reimbursement. Assume funds are available starting July 1, 2018.

Phase / Cost Estimate / Estimated Completion Date
Preliminary Engineering / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter a date. /
Final Design / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter a date. /
Right-of-Way / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter a date. /
Utilities / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter a date. /
Construction / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter a date. /
Total Cost Estimate* / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter a date. /

“Total Cost Estimate should show the sum of all phases and the estimated completion date of the bridgeproject.

3.2 How was the cost estimate developed?Check all that apply.

☐Current cost estimate is based on sponsor’s experience.

☐Current cost estimate is based on consultant estimate.

☐Other (please identify): Click here to enter text.

4. Bridge Facility

DVRPC will consider how much use the facility/asset receives in a multimodal manner, to determine the scale of the project impact on the transportation system. The greater the facility’s use, the more important it is in terms of risk to negative regional impacts, and the broader the benefits can be spread by implementing the project. Only existing users are counted, and the TIP Benefit Criteria will not attempt to estimate future users as a result of the project.

Note: PennDOT’s website at may also provide information about local bridges.

4.1 Facility Condition: What are the current ratings for bridge components and overall structure?A bridge is structurally deficient when its deck, superstructure, or substructure is rated 4 or below.

Bridge Component / Current Rating / Rating Source
Deck / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Superstructure / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Substructure / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Sufficiency / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.

4.2 Identify existing bridge characteristics.

Existing Bridge Characteristics
Currently weight restricted or lowered existing weight restriction? / ☐Yes ☐No
Height Restriction Left: / Click here to enter text.
Height Restriction Right: / Click here to enter text.
Curb to Curb Width: / Click here to enter text.
Shoulder Width Left: / Click here to enter text.
Shoulder Width Right: / Click here to enter text.
Under Clearance: / Click here to enter text.
Lateral Clearance: / Click here to enter text.
Sufficiency Rating: / Click here to enter text.
Length (feet): / Click here to enter text.
Service on Type: / Click here to enter text.
NBI Rating: / Click here to enter text.
Currently posted or closed to public? / ☐Yes ☐No

4.3Facility Use: What is the daily traffic volume for this bridge per the following item? Please identify the Average Daily Traffic (ADT), and if available:

  • Trucks: Click here to enter text.
  • Cyclists and pedestrians: Click here to enter text.
  • Daily transit riders affected by project:Click here to enter text.

4.4 Existing & Proposed Facility Characteristics

Current / Design Proposed
Current Total ADT: / Click here to enter text. / Design Year Total ADT: / Click here to enter text.
Design Hour Volume (DHV): / Click here to enter text. / Truck %: / Click here to enter text.
Directional Distribution %: / Click here to enter text. / Design Speed: / Click here to enter text.
Desired Operating Speed: / Click here to enter text. / Posted Speed: / Click here to enter text.
# of Lanes Existing: / Click here to enter text. / # of Lanes Proposed: / Click here to enter text.
Pavement Width Existing: / Click here to enter text. / Pavement Width Proposed: / Click here to enter text.
Shoulder Width Existing: / Click here to enter text. / Shoulder Width Proposed: / Click here to enter text.
Median Width Existing: / Click here to enter text. / Median Width Proposed: / Click here to enter text.
Sidewalk Width Existing: / Click here to enter text. / Sidewalk Width Proposed: / Click here to enter text.
Bicycle Lane Existing: / Click here to enter text. / Bicycle Lane Proposed: / Click here to enter text.
Clear Zone Existing: / Click here to enter text. / Clear Zone Proposed / Click here to enter text.

4.5 What are other potential approaches/solutions for this bridge issue? Check all that apply.

4.5(a) Bridge Maintenance
☐Slab/Expansion Dam Repair

☐Bearing Repair
☐Substructure Repair
☐Parapet Repair, Rehab
☐Deck Patching
☐Scour Protection
☐Remove Bridge
☐Rebuild Bridge

☐Other (specify): Click here to enter text.

Form updated on September 22, 2018Page 1 of 10

Project Application for the
DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program

4.5(b) Congestion Mitigation

Form updated on September 22, 2018Page 1 of 10

Project Application for the
DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program

☐Increased Efficiency (On-Route)

☐Increase Capacity (On-Route)

☐Manage Demand (On & Off Route)

☐Use Alternative Modes of Travel

☐Use Alternative Routes

☐Other (please specify): Click here to enter text.

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DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program Application

Project Impacts

4.6Will the project bring this bridge from poor condition, according to its asset management system rating, into a state of good repair? Note that a bridge in poor condition has a bridge deck, substructure, and/or superstructure rating of 4 or below. ☐Yes ☐No
4.7Will the project extend the useful life of a facility that is not in poor condition according to its asset management system rating, or resolve a fracture critical issue on a bridge?A bridge that is not in poor condition will have a bridge deck, substructure, and/or superstructure rating greater than 4. ☐Yes ☐No
4.8Will the project remove at least one functional obsolescence issue on a bridge?☐Yes ☐No

5. Safety

DVRPC recognizes thata bridge rehabilitation or replacement project enhances safety. However, does/can the projectfurther improve safety by making areas adjacent to the project site safer?

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DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program Application

5. 1 Does the area at or adjacent to the project sitehave a safety issue (crash history)?

☐Yes, there are supporting documents attached proving the area at or adjacent to project site have a safety issue.

☐Yes, the most common contributing factor to crashes/safety issues is:Click here to enter text.
☐Yes, explain how the project will improve safety to the documented safety problem(s): Click here to enter text.

5.2Will the project scope of work address the safety issue at or adjacent to bridge? If yes, explain how.

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DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program Application

Click here to enter text.

6. Economic Competitiveness

This project’s contribution towards the region’s economic competitiveness rewards projects that build the regional economy, by investing in transportation improvements related to economic development or transit-oriented development (TOD); reducing agency operating or maintenance costs; or reducing transportation system user costs is considered in the program’s evaluation. Projects rated for economic development or TOD must indicate the specific development it is supporting.

6.1 Will the project support a known economic development (ED) project or a transit-oriented development (TOD)?


☐Yes, the name of the ED project or TOD is: Click here to enter text.

6.2 Will the project save or reduce agency operating/maintenance costs? If yes, how?

☐Yes, please explain how:Click here to enter text.

6.3 Will the project save or reduce user/public/private vehicle operating/maintenance costs? If yes, how?

☐Yes, please explain how: Click here to enter text.

7. Congestion Reduction

Congestion has a significant impact on the region’s economy, as competitiveness within a global economy means the region needs to be able to efficiently move people and goods. For this reason, DVRPC considers location in CMP corridors and the facility’s existing level of congestion or overcrowdingvia DVRPC’s GIS analysis.

7.1 Will the project implement the following appropriate everywhere strategy listed below? Check all that apply.

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DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program Application

☐Context sensitive design

☐Improvements for walking and bicycling

☐Bottleneck removal of a limited scale

P A G E 1

DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program Application

7.2 Will the project result in the elimination of truck or auto detours?


☐Yes, how much daily detour VMT will be eliminated by this project? Click here to enter text.

7.3 If this bridge does not get selected, and detouring traffic is anticipated, what is the forecasted additional daily VMT?
Click here to enter text.

8. Multimodal Bike/Pedestrian

Does the project supportthe Long Range Plan goal of fostering a multimodal transportation system? New facilities based on length and connections to existing multimodal facilities; or existing use of facilities will be rated. In some cases, a road may add a bike lane, where there is already significant bicycle use. This project will be able to score based on both the new bike lane and the existing use. The rating for existing facilities will be based on daily bicyclists and pedestrian use. This data will come from DVRPC counts, and can be supplemented with municipal counts if DVRPC counts are not available. New bike and pedestrian facilities will be rated based on project length and connections to other existing bike and pedestrian facilities, transit stations, or bus routes. Projects that make a critical last mile transit connection or link facilities over a difficult connection, such as a bridge, will also score.

Pedestrian Sidewalks/Paths/Trail

8.1 Are there currently sidewalks along this bridge?☐ Yes ☐ No

8.2 Is there a new sidewalk, trail, or path proposed as part of the project?


  • If yes, what is the total length of the new sidewalk, trail, or path in this project (in miles)? Click here to enter text.
  • If yes, how many bus routes, train station, or existing bike/pedestrian facilities will the new sidewalk, trail, or path connect to?Click here to enter text.
  • If yes, will the new sidewalk, trail, or path fill a difficult gap, such as on a bridge or new “first/last” mile bike/ped connection to a public transit station or key destination? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Bicycle Lanes

8.3 Are there bike lanescurrently along the bridge?☐ Yes ☐ No

8.4 Are there new bike lanes proposed as part of the project?



  • If yes, what is the total length of the new bike lane in this project (in miles)?Click here to enter text.
  • If yes, how many bus routes, train station, or existing bicycle facility will the new bike lane connect to?Click here to enter text.
  • If yes, will the new bike lane/path fill a difficult gap, such as on a bridge or new “first/last” mile bike/pedestrian connection to a public transit station or key destination? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Widening/ New Lanes/Speed Limit Changes

8.5 Will the project widen any part of the bridge?

☐Pavement ☐Left and/or right shoulders ☐Median ☐Sidewalk(s) ☐Other (please specify):Click here to enter text.

If yes, what is the new width of the widened feature(s)?Click here to enter text.

8.6 Will an additional lane be provided on the bridge or in project limits? ☐ Yes ☐ No

8.7 Describe other project features that may improve or decrease pedestrian/bicycle safety in the area (i.e., crosswalks, pedestrian signals, separation of road and sidewalk, driveway restrictions, etc.).

Click here to enter text.

9. Air Quality/Green DesignElements

One of DVRPC’s Long Range Plan goals is to limit transportation impacts on the natural environment. Projects will be rated for whether they provide air quality benefits, incorporate green design principles, use green or recycled materials, or reduce environmental impact. Examples include vegetated medians (more than just grass) and buffers that reduce exposure to transportation noise and emissions. Other green design principles not listed here but can be considered with TIP subcommittee group consensus may include solar powered LED lighting system, or the design of a bridge that minimizes disturbance to the ecosystem.

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DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program Application

9.1 Does the project sponsor plan to incorporate any green design elements in the scope of work? If project is completed, were any green design elements incorporated? If yes, please identify the element.

Click here to enter text.

10. Environmental

PA Section 2002 and Project 70 and 500 Public Recreational Resources

10.1 Are there any areas that may be protected under PA Section 2002 in the project’s vicinity? SeeChapter XVI of Publication 349 (PennDOT’s Section 4(f) Handbook) for reference. ☐ No ☐ Yes

10.2 Are there any areas that may be protected under Project 70 (PA Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act) and Project 500 (PA Land and Water Conservation Reclamation Act) in the project’s vicinity? ☐ No ☐ Yes

Navigable Waterways

10.3 Are there active waterways used for recreationin the project’s vicinity, such as those deemed Coast Guard Navigable, a PA Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) Water Trail, and a Recreational Boating Waterway?Applicant can refer to Edward Gertler’s Keystone Canoeing(2004).Note that if there are active waterways used for recreation, an Aid to Navigation Plan will be required.
☐Yes; please identify and describe any permanent and/or temporary impacts. Click here to enter text.

Wetlands/Stream Encroachment

10.4 Are wetlands and/or stream encroachment impacts possible as a result of this project? Types of streams include: state scenic rivers and streams, perennial, wild trout, stocked trout, or intermittent streams. Types of wetland include: open water, vegetated (emergent, scrub shrub, forested) and exceptional value.
☐Yes; please identify the type and number of wetland/stream impacted and describe any permanent and/or temporary impacts.
Click here to enter text.

10.5 Is there a potential for other waterway/wetland permits being needed as a result of the project, especially PA DEP’s Chapter 105 and/or Federal Section 404?
☐Yes; what level of permitting is expected (e.g., none, GP-11/PASPGP permit, small project permit, etc.)? Click here to enter text.


10.6 Will the project cause any significant floodplain encroachment as shown on a FEMA map?
☐Yes; please describe any permanent and temporary impacts.Click here to enter text.

Other Surface Waters and Groundwater Resources

10.7 Will the project cause any permanent and temporary impacts to any of the following surface waters and groundwater resources?

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DVRPC FY2019 Municipal Bridge Retro-Reimbursement Program Application



☐Farm ponds

☐Detention basins

☐Stormwater Management Facilities

☐State, County, Municipal, or Local Public Supply Wells

☐Residential Well

☐Well Head Protection Area

☐Springs, Seeps