Project: 6 Star Hotel Oberoi at Plot No. – 443, UdyogVihar, Phase – V, Gurgaon, Haryana-122016

Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions

Page 17 of 17


/ Description / Page No. /
Chapter 1 / Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance
Part A / Specific Conditions for buildings in operational phase / 3
I. Construction Phase / 3
II. Operation Phase / 5
Part B / General Conditions / 7
Chapter 2 / Details of Environmental Monitoring
2.1 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring / 9
2.1.1 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations / 9
2.1.2 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methodology / 9
2.1.3 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results / 10
2.1.4 / Discussion on Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area / 11
2.2 / Ambient Noise Monitoring / 12
2.2.1 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations / 12
2.2.2 / Methodology of Noise Monitoring / 12
2.2.3 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Results / 12
2.2.4 / Discussion on Ambient Noise Levels in the Study Area / 13
2.3 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring / 14
2.3.1 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring Locations / 14
2.3.2 / Methodology of Groundwater Quality Monitoring / 14
2.3.3 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results / 15
2.3.4 / Discussion on Groundwater Quality in the Study Area / 16
2.4 / STP Outlet water / 16
2.5 / Soil Monitoring / 17
2.5.1 / Soil Monitoring Locations / 17
2.5.2 / Methodology of Soil Monitoring / 17
2.5.3 / Soil Monitoring Results / 17
2.5.4 / Discussion on Soil Characteristics in the Study Area / 17
2.1 / Location-wise Variation of Ambient Air Quality / 10
2.2 / Location-wise Variation of Ambient Noise Levels / 13
1 / Test results of ambient air, noise, groundwater, STP outlet water and soil monitoring


Half yearly Compliance report of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance of Project: 6 Star Hotel Oberoi at Plot No. – 443, UdyogVihar, Phase – V, Gurgaon, Haryana-122016


I. Construction Phase

S. No. /

Conditions of Environmental Clearance

Status of Compliance
1.  / Necessary approval of the State Forests Department shall be obtained before commencing construction of the project. / There is no involvement of forest land in the project site. Hence this condition is not applicable.
Also, the plot has been allotted by HSIIDC.
2.  / All required sanitary and hygienic measures- should be in place before starting construction activities and to be maintained throughout the construction phase. / All sanitary and hygienic measures were carried out during the construction of this project.
3.  / Ground water samples will be tested in consultation with Central Ground Water Authority to ascertain that there is no threat to ground water quantity and quality by over exploitation and leaching of heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. The Soil will also be tested every six months to ascertain the impact due to leaching of heavy metals and toxic Contaminants. / Samples of water and soil were regularly tested during the construction phase and compliance reports were regularly submitted to the concerned authorities.
4.  / A First Aid Room will be Provided at the project site both during
construction and operation of the project. / First aid room was provided in custody of the project in-charge during the construction phase.
5.  / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities were provided during the construction phase. Waste water and solid wastes were disposed off safely.
6.  / Disposal of muck including excavated material during construction phase should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring communities and be disposed of taking the necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people / No adverse effect has been created in the neighborhood during the construction of this project.
7.  / Diesel power generating sets used during Construction phase should
be of "enclosed type” to prevent noise an should conform to rules made under Environment (Protection) Act 1986, prescribed for air and noise emission standards. / Silent DG sets had been used at the project site during construction stage, which maintained noise and emission within the permissible limits.
8.  / Ambient noise levels should conform to mixed area (commercial) standards both during day and night when measured at boundary wall of thepremises. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. / Ambient air & noise monitoring had been conducted at the boundary of the project site during construction phase and the results showed that the noise levels were within the prescribed limits. Regular compliance reports have been submitted to your good office.
9.  / Vehicles hired for bringing construction material at site should be in good condition and Should have valid “pollution under check” (PUC) certificate and to confirm to applicable air and noise emission standards. / All vehicles used during the construction phase were in good condition and had valid PUC certificates.
10.  / Construction spoils including bituminous material and other hazardous materials must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must to be secure that they should not leach Into the ground water. / Construction spoils were stored in a dedicated area duly bounded to avoid contamination to the environment in proximity. Insulated lining to prevent contamination from hazardous materials like fuel of DG sets covered storage area. Waste oil of the generations was disposed of through authorized vendors.
11.  / Any hazardous waste generated during construction phase should be disposed off as per applicable Rules & norms with necessary approvals of the Haryana State Pollution control Board / All the hazardous wastes generated during construction phse were disposed off as per applicable rules and norms.
12.  / Regular supervision of the above and other measures for monitoring should be in place all through the construction phase so as to avoid disturbance to the surroundings. / All conditions were supervised and implemented during the construction of this project.
13.  / Legal action shall be taken Under Environment (Protection) At 1986 if it was found that construction had Started before obtaining Environmental Clearance. / Agreed.

II. Operation Phase

S. No /

Conditions of Environmental Clearance

/ Status of Compliance /
1 / Necessary permission of competent authority shall be taken to store diesel in the premises for operation of DG set. / Necessary permission has been obtained from Chief Controller of Explosives /
2 / Diesel power generating sets proposed as source of backup power for lifts and common area illumination should be of "enclosed type' and conform to rules made under Environment (Protection} Act .1986, prescribed for air and noise emission standards as per CPCB guidelines, Exhausts should be discharged by stack, raised to 4 meters above the rooftop. / DG sets are the source of backup power for lifts and common area illumination. DG sets are enclosed and conform to the rules made under Environment Protection Act 1986 and CPCB Guidelines as issued from time to time. The stack having a height of above 4 meters above the rooftop discharges exhausts. Only low sulphur HSD is used a source of fuel /
3 / During night time the noise levels measured at the boundary of the building shall be restricted to the permissible levels to comply with the prevalent regulations. / Ambient noise levels are regularly monitored and are well within the prescribed standards. /
4 / Noise barriers should be provided at appropriate locations so as to ensure that the noise levels do not exceed the prescribed standards. / Ambient noise levels are regularly monitored and are well within the prescribed standards. /
5 / Weep holes in the compound walls shall be provided to ensure natural drainage of rainwater in the catchment area. / Weep holes have been provided to ensure natural drainage of rainwater. /
6 / The sewage treatment plant should be certified by an independent expert for efficiency as well as adequacy and should submit a report in this regard to the Ministry before the project is commissioned for operation. The wastewater should he treated to tertiary level and after treatment reused for flushing of toilets and gardening. Discharge of treated sewage, if any, shall conform to the norms & standards prescribed by Haryana State Pollution Control Board. / STP of adequate capacity will be installed and treated effluent is being recycled to achieve zero discharge. The recycled water is further used for horticulture and flushing. The STP is situated at a remote location in the project site. /
7 / Oil and Grease trap shall be provided to remove oil and grease from the surface run off and suspended matter shell be removed in a settling tank before its utilization for rain Water harvesting. / Same have been provided. /
8 / The solid waste generated should be properly collected & segregated, and dry/inert solid waste should be disposed of in consultation with local municipal authority. / The project site has a dedicated area for solid waste management. The biodegradable waste in being composted by vermin-composting and dry/inert waste is being disposed off to an authorized vendor for further processing/recovery /
9 / Any hazardous waste Including biomedical waste should be disposed of as per applicable Rules & norms with necessary approvals of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. / All hazardous wastes are disposed off as per applicable rules of HSPCB. /
10 / The green belt deign along the periphery of the plot shall achieve attenuation factor confirming to the day and night noise standards prescribed for residential land use. The open spaces inside the plot should be suitably landscaped and covered with vegetation of indigenous variety. / More than 15% area has been kept as green belt. All green belt development norms have been complied with. /
11 / Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air quality, noise and water quality should be periodically monitored after commissioning of the project / Ambient air & noise monitoring had been conducted at the boundary of the project site during construction phase and the results showed that the noise levels were within the prescribed limits. Regular compliance reports have been submitted to your good office. /
12 / The ground water levels and Its quality should be monitored regularly in consultation with Central round Water Authority. / Ground water levels have been monitored since the commissioning of this project. /
13 / A Report on the energy conservation measures should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R& U Factor etcand submitted to the Ministry in three months time. / All ECBC norms have been complied with /
14 / The values of R & U for the building envelope should meet the requirements of the hot & humid climatic location. Details of the building envelope should be worked out and furnished in three months time. / All ECBC norms have been complied with /
15 / Solar energy shall be utilized for common area lighting and water heating. / Solar energy has been utilized as per HAREDA guidelines. /


S. No. /

Conditions of Environmental Clearance

/ Status of Compliance /
I / The environmental safeguards contained in the documents should be implemented in letter and spirit. / All environment safeguards have been implemented during the construction phase. Same are also being implemented during the operation phase in full spirit.
II / Provision should be made for the supply of kerosene or cooking gas and pressure cooker to the labors during the construction phase. / All such provisions were made for the labors.
III / All the laborers to be engaged for construction works should be screened for health and adequately treated before the issue of work permits. / Same was adhered with during the construction phase.
IV / 6 monthly monitoring reports should be submitted to the Ministry and its Regional Office / We are regularly submitting the compliance reports to concerned agencies. Same shall also be done in future.
V / Officials from the Regional Office of MoEF, Chandigarh who Would be monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards should be given full cooperation, facilities and documents/ data by the project proponents during their Inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to MoEF should be forwarded to the CCF, Regional office of MoEF, Chandigarh. / Agreed.
VI / In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project would require a fresh appraisal by this Ministry. / Agreed
VII / The Ministry reserves the right to add additional safeguards measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of the environment clearance under the provisions of of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard measures in a lime bound and satisfactory manner. / Agreed
VIII / All other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department (if required), and State Forest Department etc. shall be obtained by project proponents from the competent authorities. / All relevant clearances has been obtained
IX / A copy of the environmental clearance letter Would be marked to the local NGO(s), if any, for their Information. / Complied with.
X / The project proponent should advertise in at least two local Newspapers widely circulated in the region. one of which shall be in the vernacular language informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and copies of clearance letters are available with the Haryana State Pollution Control Board and may also be seen on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forest at, The advertisement should be made within 7 days from the day of issue of the clearance letter and a copy of the same should be forwarded to the Regional office of this Ministry at Chandigarh. / The same has been informed& published
XI / These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of the Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and control or Pollution) act 1981 the Environment (Protection.) Act. 1966, the Public Liability (insurance) Act, 1991. / Agreed. Same is being complied with.