Progressive Review – 20 Questions Wednesday

  1. Florence Kelley – convinced many states to abolish and reform child labor and establish labor laws, progressive reformer active from 1886 – 1920, formed the National Consumer League
  2. Henry George and Edward Bellamy – Journalist who wrote about ideas for reforming society, Americans could eliminate poverty by discouraging land speculation, proposed a single tax based on land ownership
  3. Alice Paul – Social activist; formed National Women’s Party; taught women to be independent, her Congressional Union used aggressive tactics to press the 19th Amendment, her aggressive strategy caused a split in the women’s suffrage campaign
  4. Susan B. Anthony – demanded the same rights for women as men, led the fight for women’s suffrage fight, political activists, Quaker
  5. Goals/beliefs of Progressives – government should protect workers and help the poor, government should intervene in unfair business practices
  6. Goals of Municipal reformers – aimed to end government corruption, were generally well to do and the role of self-interest was to preserve their way of life, wanted city control of utilities, municipal means city
  7. President Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive Record – trust buster, conservationist, regulations on food and drugs, “square deal”, increased Presidential Power, Rough Rider, Panama Canal, Bull Moose Party
  8. President Taft’s Progressive Record – continued Roosevelt’s progressive program by pursuing anti-trust cases, promoted Dollar Diplomacy, bathtub incident…
  9. Election of 1912 – Woodrow Wilson won the Presidency partly due to a split in the republican vote, multi-party race Wilson promising to preserve free economic competition and keep us out of war,TR, Taft, Eugene Debs all ran, Moral diplomacy, led us into WWI
  10. Federal Reserve System – established by Woodrow Wilson to reorganize the federal banking system
  11. Anti-Suffrage Argument – women would become to masculine, they would unmarriable, women had enough power, gender lines would become blurred
  12. Women’s Suffrage Campaign – was split due to Alice Paul’s aggressive strategy, WWI set aside arguments about separate sphere’s for men and women due to working “Men’s” jobs
  13. Ballinger-Pinchot Affair – republican insurgents became angry with President Taft due to his handling of this incident, private group purchased Alaskan public lands with rich coal deposits
  14. United Mine Workers’ Strike – 1902 strike for improved working condition, sit down strike, TRforced arbitration…”square deal”, sent in arbitrators to resolve the dispute, each side compromised so it was a square deal for everyone
  15. Clayton Anti-Trust Act – strengthened anti-trust laws, spelled out actions that businesses could not engage in, trust…company that creates a monopoly for a product or service
  16. World War I – halted the progressive movement; it affected the cause of women’s suffrage by setting aside the arguments about separate spheres for men and women because women filled the jobs of the soldiers away fighting the war.
  17. Muckrakers – writers that reported the wrong doing in society; reported the immorality in greed in U.S. business and the corruption in government