Progressive President Report Card(100 pts) DUE: ______

During the progressive era, three very different presidents led our nation, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. You are responsible for providing these presidents with a report card, grading them on the following areas. Your goal is to answer the question: Which progressive president was at the head of the class?

*(hint: its okay to research his efforts and experiences prior to the presidency and use that information to support your claims, but you cannot include things he did after his presidency)

Leadership – Did the nation believe in these presidents and follow their lead?

Organization – Were these presidents able to get a great deal accomplished while in office? If so….what? What bills did he initiate and pass? How did each president organize his colleagues and the nation?

Professionalism – How did each president act while in office? Did people admire the presidents? What was the public saying about each president?

Contributions – Did each president leave a huge impact on our nation and our history? For what is each president most known?

You will be researching each section of the report card, searching for details that support the grade you give each president for each section.

You will be responsible for handing into me a report card, which grades each president in each of the above sections. With those grades you also must provide a paragraph using accurate facts and specific details that support the grades you give each president. You will also explicitly state why you gave the grades you chose.

Keep track of your sources because you will need to attach a list somewhere on your project! You MUST use more than one source per president and your text does NOT count! You are required to use at least 3 books and 1 database in your research!


Progressive President Report Card Grading Rubric

A – Students cover all 4 expected sections for each president, providing at least 4 supporting details per section. Students thoughtfully provide explanation for grades. Writing is cohesive and relevant to the topic. Report cards organized and logically sequenced. Report cards are visually appealing and contain no factual or grammatical errors. A bibliography is present and the students used 3 books and at least 1 database for their research!

B – Students cover all 4 expected sections for each president, providing at least 3 supporting details per section. Students provide explanation for grades. Writing is somewhat cohesive and mostly relevant to the topic. Report cards organized and logically sequenced. Report cards are neat and contain no factual and minimal grammatical errors. A bibliography is present and the students used 3 books and at least 1 database for their research!

C – Students cover 3 of the 4 expected sections for each president, providing at least 2 supporting details per section. Students provide a weak explanation for grades. Writing is choppy, but relevant. Report cards loosely organized. Some effort went into its visual appearance and contains minor factual grammatical errors. A bibliography is present and the students used 2 books and at least 1 database for their research!

D – Students cover 2 of the 4 expected sections for each president, providing 1 supporting detail per section. Students do not explain reason for grades. Writing is difficult to understand and occasionally irrelevant. Report cards unorganized. Little effort went into its visual appearance and contains several factual and grammatical errors. A bibliography is present and the students used 1 book and no databases for their research.

You will receive 10 points for each completed sheet. This counts as credit for working hard on your project and is factored into its final grade!

Theodore Roosevelt(Pgs 183-188, 213-219)

You must include the following information somewhere in Roosevelt’s report card. However, this is NOT the only information you should include!

  • The Square Deal
  • Business Regulations
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Foreign Policy/ Involvement
  • Roosevelt Corollary
  • Latin America / Panama Canal






You will receive 10 points for each completed sheet. This counts as credit for working hard on your project and is factored into its final grade!

William Howard Taft(Pg 189-191)

You must include the following information somewhere in Taft’s report card. However, this is NOT the only information you should include!

  • Dollar Diplomacy
  • “Trust Busting”
  • Social and Government Reforms






You will receive 10 points for each completed sheet. This counts as credit for working hard on your project and is factored into its final grade!

Woodrow Wilson(Pgs 191-193,220-223)

You must include the following information somewhere in Wilson’s report card. However, this is NOT the only information you should include!\

  • Wilson’s New Freedom
  • Tariff Reduction
  • Banking Reform
  • Antitrust Laws
  • Suffrage
  • Foreign Policy/Involvement
  • Mexico
  • WWI




