Aberdeenshire CHP Workplan 2012-13

NHS Grampian Corporate Objective/Strategic Theme: Improving health and reducing health inequalities
Objective (what you are focusing on) / Initiatives (specific supporting actions) / Measures (How I’ll know if I have succeeded) / Timescales / Lead /

Progress review (to be completed for review meetings)

Increase awareness across the CHP of the requirements of the HEAT targets and appropriate action is taken to support progress
Reduce the prevalence of overweight / obesity in children
Increased awareness of the HEAL agenda and support from partners
Reducing smoking and reduction in ill effects of tobacco.
Reducing smoking and reduction in ill effects of tobacco during pregnancy
Increase number of newborn babies being breastfed
Support reduction of health inequalities by delivery of health checks
Increased self care
Reduce dental caries in nursery and school aged children
Increased registrations of 3-5 year olds with NHS dentists
Improve oral health in target population groups
Support patients in Community Hospitals and staff to live healthy lifestyles & make healthy choices
Reduce consumption of alcohol by young people in Buchan
Provide timely support and advice re alcohol to patients (ABIs)
Increase awareness of harm caused by substance misuse
Young people make positive lifestyle choices re sexual health and access timely support.
Improve sexual health provision in the curriculum and in schools
Improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities through action in schools
Increase community capacity to address HEAL / mental health / inequalities priorities
Improved Early Years outcomes in Fraserburgh; reduce inequalities in health
Improve access to health services and health improvement opportunities for people who are homeless
Improve access to services and health information for gypsy traveller community
Improve mental health and wellbeing
Council policies are routinely assessed for health / socioeconomic issues
CHP priorities are CPP priorities at both local and Aberdeenshire area level
Aberdeenshire SOA development
Improve access to health information / health improvement opportunities
Ensure integrated & partnership working to support children, early intervention
Support wider workforce PH development / CHP HEAT Action Plan is revised and disseminated via OMT / area management teams
Develop relations with PC teams and identify HI actions
Delivery of child healthy weight interventions
Early Years pilot with nominated HV team
School nurse brief intervention developed and piloted
Hold a multi-agency stakeholder engagement event
Outcome focussed plan agreed by partners
Facilitate LTA
Provide raising the issue training
Provide support across CHP / partners to increase referrals to Smoking Cessation Services
Implement smoke free initiative
Implement Buddy Scheme
Support development of care pathway for Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy & undertake
qualitative research to explore client views
Continue implementation of UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative and achieve Stage 1 accreditation
Implement PeterFest pro active telephone support pilot with Peterhead MW /HV teams
Develop Breastfeeding Welcome Here initiative in Fraserburgh in conjunction with partners
BFI training for Childsmile staff
Maintain and extend Keep Well initiative in line with Aberdeenshire plan
Childsmile Nursery / School provided in targeted schools
Toothbrushing programme offered to all nurseries and targeted schools
Childsmile practice delivered by GDPs and
HVs referrals established / increased
Oral health project in Central School, Peterhead
Dental Health Inequalities Action Plan completed and phase 1 actions implemented
CEL01 action plan for NHSG developed and implemented
CHP CEL01 action plan developed and implemented
HPHS progressed in Inverurie, Kincardine and Glen O’ Dee Community Hospitals
BAP action plan implemented and mainstreaming process undertaken
Provision of brief advice training and support CHP to advocate delivery of ABIs
Co-ordinate agreed awareness campaigns
Aberdeenshire multi-agency SH Group develops clear action plan based on identified need and Government Strategy (2011-2015)
Development of sexual health drop-ins
Policy paper to ELL re provision of pregnancy testing in schools
Implementation of C-card scheme
Deliver programme of SHARE training / develop SH resource for schools
Develop H&WB / inequalities plan for ELL
Development and sustainability of kitchen & community garden in Huntly
Development of Inverurie community kitchen
Foodlicious Fraserburgh food skills programme
Coastal Strip Regeneration Programme – food skills, intergeneration work and info points provision
Aberdeenshire Food Skills plan
Implement the recommendations of Fraserburgh Early Years Project
Progress identified actions in south & north Aberdeenshire re homeless clients:
supported social café sessions for single temporary homeless; work with partners re temp housing
Complete qualitative research
3 month health improvement / engagement outreach programme
Progress TAMFS / national strategy consultation with identified guardian groups
Support CAMHS training programme; whole school approach in identified CSNs
Evaluate impact of healthy reading scheme in Aberdeenshire
Further develop and support implementation of IIA in Aberdeenshire Council including staff training
Meaningful CHP participation in CPP at both local and Aberdeenshire area
Review of SOA outcomes
Review Peterhead healthpoint
Identify and establish suitable info points
Support information input to Aberdeenshire Live screens
Signposting / social prescribing / community hubs
Lead review of Aberdeenshire Children’s services networks
Pilot PH component of community placement for student nurses / Plan updated; disseminated and increased knowledge of staff of role in target delivery
Improved engagement with Primary Care; commitment from wider workforce to address HI priorities
Trajectory achieved; evaluation demonstrates effective interventions
Pilot completed and evaluated
Brief intervention developed; pilot completed and evaluated
Event held with good representation – agreed joint vision
Plan developed and jointly agreed / implemented
LTA action plan and clear priorities agreed
Training provided for all CSNs
Increased referrals by primary care / partners to cessation services
Smoke free homes
Fraserburgh week progressed
Ongoing project development
Volunteers recruited; project progressing
Care pathway drafted;
qualitative research completed
Maintain CHP infrastructure to support BFI
Deliver the CHP BFI plan as agreed with UNICEF
CHP awarded Stage 1 accreditation
Pilot completed and evaluated
Plan developed and partner commitment to implement
Staff have increased knowledge of breastfeeding and support available
No of anticipatory health checks completed in line with trajectory
No of GP practices involved increased in line with trajectory; services established with partners to reach priority groups – health checks provided to vulnerable groups
No of FV in line with trajectory
Dental registrations increase
All nurseries able to actively participate
GDPs actively participating
HV referrals increase
Toothbrushing P1-7
Polish community has increased access to Polish resources
Increased dental registration
Toothbrushing distribution pilot completed and evaluated
Dental health audit of SMS and homeless service users completed
Caring for Smiles training programme implemented
Action plan agreed by Grampian wide group; commitment to progress identified actions from sectors / topic
Performance monitoring in progress
CHP lead identified
Action plan agreed by CHP and implemented – delivering CEL01 criteria
HPHS needs assessment completed and action plans developed for each hospital – priority actions implemented
Action plan delivered, recommended actions mainstreamed by partners
No of ABIs in line with trajectory
Evaluation of campaigns Grampian wide
Plan agreed and actions being progressed
Sexual health drop ins developed as planned
ELL Committee endorses recommendations and ELL implements
C-card guidance and support provided to multi-agency partners to support condom distribution
All CSNs received agreed training and have staff to deliver in schools /
SH resource supporting curriculum planning
Plan developed, agreed by ELL and being implemented
Funding / financing secured; comprehensive food skills and gardening activities provided to priority groups and training to partners
Constituted organisation established with secure finance; comprehensive food skills activities provided to priority groups and training to partners
Equipment kits and C2C training provided to key partners; Scotmid food vouchers provided to vulnerable families / clients
C2C training provided to partners and volunteers; co-ordinated food skills sessions provided; intergenerational project implemented and info points set up / usage monitored
Plan fully developed identifying priority clients groups / areas
Senior strategic group developed and supportive; services developed and integrated in line with recommendations; increased integration of projects across Fraserburgh; increased access to services; clear client pathways; increased involvement of community groups; co-location of services
Increased level of support / access to services by homeless in Aberdeenshire (north and south)
Series of social café sessions provided and evaluated
Research completed
Project completed and engagement on health issues achieved with GT community; health checks delivered
Mental health priorities / actions included in guardian group objectives / plans
Training provided in identified CSNs
Library staff and public accessing books engaged with and benefits of scheme articulated
IIA adopted and routinely used
Policy staff trained
Service improvement and health improvement priorities / actions are effectively supported
SOA developed with clear outcomes and indicators in line with national / local evidence
Limited resources best used to enable access to health information
Info points in place; agreed standards adhered to and supported by partners / volunteers
Health information provided on all Aberdeenshire live screens
No of patients accessing signposting service and engaging in social prescribing activities / increased local opportunities
Review complete and recommendations reported to Strategic Management Group for Children’s Services
Training and development programme piloted and evaluated / April 2012
March 2013
March 2013
Dec 2012
Jan 2013
Sept 2012
March 2013
Oct 2012
June 2012
May 2012
March 2013
March 2013
Oct 2012
April 2013
May 2012
Jan 2013
March 2013
Sept 2012
Jan 2013
Sept 2012
Sept 2012
Sept 2012
June 2012
June 2012
March 2013
June 2012
March 2013
Sept 2013
March 2013
June 2013
March 2013
March 2013
June 2013
March 2013
Dec 2012
March 2013
June 2012
June 2012
Aug 2012
July 2012
Sept 2012
Sept 2012
March 2013
April 2012
March 2013
March 2013
June 2012
June 2012
March 2013
March 2013
May 2012
Aug 2012 / JH / KP
JH / KP / PHCs
MMc / MB / KP
JH / FM / JS
CCh / MB
CCh / CC / MB
CCh / AJ
JH / CC / SMa
KP / Cla
JH / FM / identified CHP lead
FM / DT/ Cla
PG / JH / CH
CC / JH / AH
CC / JH / SB
KP / PHCs / MB
JH / CC / AM
FM / CH / JH
CL / CLa
MMc / JH
MMc / SF
JH / PHCs / Area Managers
Cla / FM


NHS Grampian Public Health Workplan 2012-13