It’s that time again!

Progress Report and Annual Reviews

ALL preschool and school-age children require quarterly progress reports!

The following timetable will be utilized to submit reports so we are in compliance with federal legislation:

Preschool students:

Progress reports need to be in our office no later than

  • 11/3/17
  • 1/12/18
  • 4/6/18
  • 6/8/18

*Summer progress reports are due one week prior to the last date of summer service.

School-age students:

Progress reports need to be in our office no later than

  • 11/3/17
  • 1/12/18
  • 4/6/18
  • 6/8/18

*Summer progress reports are due one week prior to the last date of summer service.

  • All Preschool Annual Review Reports are due by March 12, 2018
  • All School-age Annual Review Reports are due to our office by March 12, 2018

Follow the procedures outlined in your Policy and Procedure Manual. If you begin services with a child after January1, 2018, your Annual Review report will be due by May 4, 2018. If a school district schedules an Annual Review before our due date, we will notify you immediately. Any Annual Reviews that are scheduled before our due date are due in our office two weeks prior to the meeting date.

Please email NASSAU preschool

Annuals/progress notes to Andrea:

Please email NASSAU school age

Annuals/progress notes to Deanna:

Please email NASSAU ABA

Annuals/progress notestoArielle:

Please email SUFFOLK preschool/school age,

Annuals/progressnotes to Lauren:

Additional Information:

As you know, most districts require that we use IEP Direct. On our website you will find a list of districts using IEP Direct as well as those districts who have given us online access. If we have online access, therapists must input their progress reports and Annual Review goals, SPAMS and test scores directly into the district’s IEP. Please contact the Nassau Office through email for the specific codes.

After you input the Nassau Preschool goals, notify us via e-mail at . For Nassau School age, please notify us via e-mail at . Include in the notification email a list of the students that you have updated in IEP Direct.

For Progress notes please update marks on IEP direct (if applicable). Please include comments when possible. When complete please notify via email.

Include in the email:

  1. your name
  2. a list of the students you have updated
  3. and their individual districts

For some services IEP direct goals are NOT available.

A written report on the NASSAU COUNTY template must be submitted for preschool cases(available on

For school age there is no required template but required information that must be included on every report includes:

  1. Child’s name
  2. DOB
  3. DOR
  4. Service
  5. District
  6. Agency
  7. Provider’s name

If progress reports are not received on time the billing department will be unable to process your billing for the billing cycle.

More detailed information regarding Annual Reviews will be sent in first quarter of next year.

We look forward to a great year working with you!