Application Form
Please complete clearly in blue/black ink or in font type 10 or larger
1. Personal Details
Surname/Family Name:
Postcode: / Date of Birth:
Telephone (day):
Telephone (evening):
Nationality: / If non-EU, do you have a permit to work in the UK?
2. Referees
Please provide the name, address and telephone number of two work-related referees. References will only be taken if you are successful and after interview.
Referee 1
Job Title:
Telephone number:
Relationship to
Applicant: / Referee 2
Job Title:
Telephone number:
Relationship to
3. Availability and commitments
Are you available for interview during the week commencing 27th August 2012?
If successful, are you available to take up this appointment by early October 2012?
Please detail any commitments that would impact on your work obligations.
For example, TA, jury service, booked holidays etc.
4. Education and training (please provide relevant details from secondary school on)
School/College/University / From / To / Qualifications and grades
5. Professional memberships and qualifications
Institute/Organisation / Date / Membership grade details
6. Other skills relevant to this position
Please detail any occupational skills, attainments, abilities and attributes which are relevant to this position.
IT skills and packages used:
7. Employment history (in chronological order from most recent)
Employer / From / To / Position, responsibilities and experience gained
8. Criminal Offences Declaration subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (amended 2001)
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence?
If so, please provide details on a separate sheet / Yes  / No 
9. Essential Attributes
Which attributes do you consider essential to aid effectiveness in this particular role? Please describe a situation where you personally have exhibited the particular attribute, the result and how you feel about the outcome of the situation. Please note that there are no right or wrong answers. Please photocopy this sheet if needed.
Attribute –
Attribute –
Attribute –
Attribute –
Attribute –
10. Overseas Work
Please list any periods spent living or working outside your home country.
11. Additional supporting information
Please use this space to outline your reasons for applying for this position and to highlight your strengths and experience in relation to the job requirements.
12. Data Protection Act
Please note that information you have provided will be used purely to support your job application and for no other reason. If successful, relevant information will be transferred to your staff records. If unsuccessful, this information will be destroyed 6 months after the final application date.
13. Your signature
Please sign your application to confirm that the information you have given is true and complete. Any false statements will lead to the rejection of your application or dismissal if found at a later date.
Signature ……………………………………… / Date ……/……/………
14. Evaluation
Where did you see this post advertised? / …………………………………………………..