/ University of Bahrain
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center /

Program self-Evaluation report

College of:


Year of SER:


1.Guideline and procedure

1.1.A Summary of the Program Review Process at UOB

2.Program Introduction

2.1.Descriptive Data

2.2.College and Program History

2.3.Internally and Externally Communication

3.Program Self-Evaluation Report

3.1.Organization and Management of the Program

3.1.1.The Organization Structure and the Organization of administrative work

3.1.2.Quality Assurance Unit

3.1.3. Administrative Staff in the program

3.1.4.Development of managerial skills for academic leader and administrative staff

3.1.5.Job satisfaction for administrative leaders and staff, and their feedback

3.1.6.Opportunities for improvement

3.2.Strategic Planning

3.2.1.Strategic Planning

3.2.2.Strategic Objectives

3.2.3.Action Plan

3.2.4.Opportunities for improvement

3.3.Program Specifications


3.3.2.The Design and Development of the Program

3.3.3.Characteristics of the program

3.3.4.Effectiveness of the program

3.3.5.Program Educational Objectives

3.3.6.Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

3.3.7.Opportunities for improvement

3.4.Program Courses and Curriculum

3.4.1.Program Curriculum

3.4.2.Assessment Strategy

3.4.3.Opportunities for improvement

3.5.Academic standards, Accreditation and External Review

3.5.1.Academic Standards

3.5.2.Academic Standards Implementation

3.5.3.Accreditation and External Review

3.5.4.Opportunities for improvement

3.6.Students and Graduates

3.6.1.Statistical Data

3.6.2.Student Support

3.6.3.Academic Advising

3.6.4.Interaction with Faculty and Staff


3.6.6.Opportunities for improvement

3.7.Faculty members and Faculty support staff

3.7.1.Faculty Members

3.7.2.Faculty support staff (Faculty assistants and Laboratory technicians)

3.7.3.Opportunities for improvement

3.8.Asset and Financial Resources

3.8.1.Financial Resources

3.8.2.Asset and Facilities

3.8.3.Opportunities for improvement

3.9.Scientific Research and Other Scientific Activities

3.9.1.Program Scientific Research Plan

3.9.2.The actual level of scientific research in the program

3.9.3.Promoting scientific research

3.9.4.Sources of funding for scientific research

3.9.5.Conferences and other scientific activities

3.9.6.Opportunities for improvement

3.10.Community Service

3.10.1.Community Service in the Program

3.10.2.Interaction between the Program and Community

3.10.3.Opportunities for improvement

3.11.Program Self valuation Report

3.11.1.Program Self Evaluation Process/ Program Review Process

3.11.2.Previous self evaluation report

3.11.3.The current self-assessment report

3.11.4.Opportunities for improvement

Self Evaluation Report

1.Guideline and procedure

1.1. A Summary of the Program Review Process at UOB

The UOB process for academic program review and improvement is based on self-evaluation and peer review. Therefore, each program owner (such as departments and colleges) periodically collects data about its performance in meeting its stated objectives and outcomes, and produces a self-evaluation report and improvement plan. This process is done within the context of the UOB’s program specification framework shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. UOB’s program specification framework

In order for the department to produce the self-evaluation report, the QAAC prepared the following template which covers most aspects of the management of the academic program. The following figure shows the sequence of steps involved in producing the SER and improvement planby filling this template plus the following two forms: QAAC Self-Evaluation Improvement Plan (QF-25-rev.a.2) that will be filled for each program by the department through the (DAC/QAC)andImprovement Action Planning Form (QF-37-rev.a.2) that will be filled by the (DAC/QAC) committee for general information part and the OFIs responsible person/unit for the rest forms’ parts as shown in the Action plan Progress & Follow-up of Improvement Plan Report (QF-49-rev.a.1).

Figure 2. Process for producing the SER and Improvement Plan

After producing these two document (SER, OFIs plan), the program submits them to the QAAC through the respective Quality Assurance Office, and the QAAC then produces a summarized report about all academic programs which is submitted to the University Council. The following are the deadlines for submission of these reports:

  • 1 st of October – Departments submit SER to QAO
  • 10th of October – QAO director submits revised reports to QAAC
  • 10thof November – Summary report for all University programs is submitted to the University Council for review and further action.

For the next academicyear, the department requested to submit the Action plan Progress & Follow-up of Improvement Plan Report for each program through the (DAC/QAC). The following are the deadlines for submission of these reports(QF-49-rev.a.1) :

  • 1 st of October – Departments submit the Action plan Progress & Follow-up of Improvement Plan Report to QAO director.
  • 10th of October – QAO director submits revised reports to the dean and the QAAC

Figure 3. Execution and Follow-up Process

For further information about how to prepare, review assess and follow-up the Performance Indicators , educational objectives , OFIs or detailed aspects of the Quality Assurance process at UOB, please refer to the QAAC IDEAS Handbook , PM-11-rev.a.1, PM-12-rev.a.2, PM-13-rev.a.1 or contact the Center.


2.1.Descriptive Data

Program: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

College of:…………………………………………………………………………………….……………….


Admission Requirement : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Graduation Requirements : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....

2.2.College and Program History

-A brief history of the college and the program
- Factors that contributed to the success of the program
-Factors that Prevent the success of the program

2.3.Internally and Externally Communication

Postal Address:
 E-mail :

3.Program Self-Evaluation Report

3.1. Organization and Management of the Program

3.1.1.The Organization Structure and the Organization of administrative work

Administrative and Academic organization structures. (please attach)
Mechanism to organize the administrative work in the program: Is there any exact responsibilities for both academic and administrative leaders, comprehensive and documented job description for all jobs in the program, using the job description in the appointment and transfer within the program, college and university. (please attach organization manual, administrative and academic work procedure manual, job description, the rules and regulations relating to the assignment and transfer)
The effectiveness of the administrative organization and management efficiency in the prevention of future risks. (explain )
In case of the Organization Structure and administrative organization has been modified, explain the reasons for modifications.

3.1.2.Quality Assurance Unit

Is there a Committee /unit for Quality Assurance.(please attach the decision)
Responsibilities and powers of the quality assurance committee/unit .(Explain)
Is there a relationship between the quality assurance unit / Committee and the Quality Assurance office in the faculty? (Explain)
Availability of: qualified human resources, adequate equipment, adequate financial to enable the unit / committee to do its work. (Explain)
The role of the quality assurance committee/unit in discussing the quality Issues in the program. ( mention the participation methods/tools/forms)

3.1.3.Administrative Staff in the program

Statistical date to show the administrative staff in the program. (please fill the following table)
Num. / Name / Position / Qualifications
Is there a shortage / surplus in the administrative staff? Specify it, and in the case of shortage, please indicate the desired number and qualification.
Administrative staff to faculty ratio. ( mention the ratio)

3.1.4.Development of managerial skills for academic leader and administrative staff

Mechanisms for identifying training needs for administrative leaders and staff in the program. ( Explain the used mechanisms)
Is there a plan for the training and development of management skills for academic leaders and staff. (Attach the plan)
The Percentage of completion of the plan = the number of program (courses) to the total annual programs included in the plan. The reasons for success and failure.
The type of training courses that have been implemented for each category (eg: management skills - behavioral skills - specialized technical skills, etc.).
Availability of adequate financial to enable the program to hold and run the Planed courses. (Explain)

3.1.5.Job satisfaction for administrative leaders and staff, and their feedback

The methods used to measure the level of job satisfaction for academic and administrative staff or taking their feedback. (Example: employee survey, council meeting, open discussion meetings, annual meeting, ....)
Analysis of the feedback. (attach an evidence)
Decisions taken by the management of the program based on the analysis of the feedback. (please mention the decisions)

3.1.6.Opportunities for improvement

placedthe improvement opportunitiesforeachsubtitle:

3.2.Strategic Planning

3.2.1.Strategic Planning

is there a written strategy for the program.(please attach)
Participate in the formulation of the strategy by the various parties.(Explain who and how )
Does theprogramstrategic planlink totheStrategicPlanforCollege. (Explain)
Themechanismtoadopt and approve the strategy. (mention the mechanism)
Strategic plan announcement/awareness mechanism. (Explain)
Strategic plan follow-up and development mechanism accordingtosignificantchangesinthemarket. (Explain)

3.2.2.Strategic Objectives

State the program strategic objectivesin link to the strategicplan. (Mention the objectives)
Thelevelofinvolvementofthevariouspartiesinsideandoutsidetheprogramin the formulation ofthestrategicobjectivesoftheprogram(Mentionthepartiesandthelevelofparticipation).
Discuss and follow upthestrategicobjectivesoftheprogramwiththevariousparties. (Explain the mechanism)
Announcement of strategic objectives through various means/tools (mention tools/ means).
Are the strategic objectives linked with the following domains, if so please indicate how:
Table (2 )
Domain / Linked /not linked / Explain (why/How)
Teaching and Learning
Scientific Research
Community Service and Development
Training and Skills Development
Infrastructure Development
Utilization of Resources
Management Improvement

3.2.3.Action Plan

Is there an action plan to implement the strategy of the program? (please attach the plan)
The strategic objectives are covered by the action plan. (please show that)
The mechanism for implementation of all activities and tasks included in the action plan. (please show that in the attach plan)
The action Plan identifies people responsible fortheimplementationofthevariousactivitiesandtasks. (please show that in the attach plan)
The action plan includes the implementation schedule. (show that in the attach plan)
The action plan includes indicators for monitoring and evaluation. (show that in the attach plan)
Is the action plan translated to financial budget? (attach that)

3.2.4.Opportunities for improvement

placedthe improvement opportunitiesforeachsubtitle:

3.3.Program Specifications


Identify the program stakeholders.
The mechanism /means/tools usedto gather information/feedbackandtaketheopinionofthestakeholdersinmatters relatingtotheprogram. (mention the means/tools) with evidences

3.3.2.The Design and Development of the Program

Program specification form. (Attach the form)
The Mechanism/tools used to involve the stakeholders in the design and development of the program.( explain that and mention the tool/means)
Program Modification .( in case of any modification please indicate the date and reasons )

3.3.3.Characteristics of the program

Thecharacteristicsofaprogram (such as: compatiblewiththerequirementsandtheneedsofthelabormarket/employment opportunities/possibility to participatewithlocalandinternationaluniversities/...etc). (Mention the characteristicsand pleaseattachevidencetosupportthe(questionnaire, the needs ofthelabormarket study ...)
The appropriateness of the program with the needs of the labor market. (identify measuring means/tools, results of employers survey, alumni survey, senior exit survey, decisions derived from the analysis of survey)

3.3.4.Effectiveness oftheprogram

What are the performance indicators used to measure the effectiveness of the educational program. (Example: the development of the number of students enrolled in the program during the past three years, the development of the proportion of graduates from the program during the past three years.
Decisions and benefits derived from the previous performance indicators. (Explain that)

3.3.5.Program Educational Objectives

Program educational objectives (PEOs),(not less than 3 and no more than 6 goals). please mention the PEOs
The mechanism for formulation and approval/ adoption and dissemination of these goals. (Explain that and show the parties involved
Mapping the program educational objectives with the following main areas:
Table ( 3)
PEOs / Objectives Domain
Development of professional skills of graduates / Life-long Learning / Research / Community service
1)PEOs (1)
2)PEOs (2)
3)PEOs (3)
4)PEOs (4)
The people responsible and methodology used to achievePEOs. (Mention), for example, PEOs mapped to PILOs, employer survey, alumni survey, PAC meetings, …
The mechanism of reviewing and modifying the objectives.( In case of PEOs statements modification, show the reasons and date of modification)

3.3.6.Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) (not less than 3 and no more than 11 outcomes). please mention the PILOs
The mechanism for formulation and approval/ adoption and dissemination of these outcomes. (Explain that and show the parties involved)
Assessment strategy/ mechanism to make sure of achieving the PILOs and people responsible for implementation. (explain the used strategy(Policies, Examination, Internal and/or external moderation)/ mechanism of Assessment (direct, indirect) and identify the parties, mapping of course to the assessment types used
The mechanism to Review and modify these Outcomes.( In case of the PILOs modification, show the reasons and date of modification)

3.3.7.Opportunities for improvement

placedthe improvement opportunitiesforeachsubtitle:

3.4.Program Courses and Curriculum

3.4.1. Program Curriculum

Curriculum plan and credit hours. (Please clarify in detail as it is in the following table)
Table ( 4)
Main Content / Credit Hours
University Requirements
College Requirements: Mandatory
College Requirements: Elective
Program Requirements: Mandatory
Program Requirements: Elective
Free Electives
Total hours required for graduation
From theabovetotalnumber of hours what are the required hours for (Appliedlaboratoriesandworkshopsandpracticaltraining)
Show the curriculum plan bythesemesterandthenumberofcredithoursandthe previous requirements, asinthefollowingtable) or Attach the Plan
Table (5 )
Year / Semester / Course Code / Course Title / Credit Hours / Course type
/ Previous requirement
1st / 1
1st / 2
2nd / 1
2nd / 2
3rd / 1
3rd / 2
4th / 1
4th / 2
The mechanism used to keep the course portfolio. (explain the mechanism and the required contents of the portfolio)
Number and percentage of the faculties who submitted the courses portfolios

3.4.2.Assessment Strategy

This section should stress the role of:
Formative assessment: A variety of assessment methods are employed, and cover both formative and summative assessment
Prompt feedback: Appropriate and prompt feedback is provided to students on their assessment results
Aligning assessment with learning outcomes: Student assessment reflects learning outcomes and academic standards
Fairness and integrity: Assessment regulations are applied consistently and fairly, Moderation of assessment, exams, and grading to ensure consistency and fairness
Each mandatory and elective course offered by the program has a Course Syllabus.(Please attach all course syllabus)
Mapping the PILOs with the mandatory/elective courses offered by the program by using the following table.
Table (6 )
Courses / PILOs
Mandatory / a / b / c / d
Mapping the PILOs with the College, University Requirements Free Elective courses offered by the program by using the following table.
Table (7 )
Courses / PILOs
College / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) . Please mention the CILOs, The mechanism for formulation ,approval and the tools and methods used for announcement and dissemination of these outcomes. (Explain that and show the parties involved)
The mechanism to Review and modify these Outcomes.
Achievement of the PILOs and CILOs and the assessment strategy/ mechanism to make sure of achieving the PEOs, PILOs and CILOs also the people responsible for implementation. (Explain the used strategy/ mechanism of Assessment and identify the parties responsible, then fill in the following tables
Table (8 )
PILOs / Courses that achievePILOs / Reason for mapping this course to PILO / Assessment Result
Please attach evidences for the CILOS assessment.

3.4.3.Opportunities for improvement

placedthe improvement opportunitiesforeachsubtitle:

3.5.Academic standards, Accreditation and External Review

3.5.1.Academic Standards

Academic standards adopted by the program. (Sets out the standards adopted/benchmark in the design or development of the program, in reference toinstitutions or agencies or international standards for similar programs at prestigious universities regionally and internationally, or quality assurance authority standards or guidelines to design the program by specialists or general guidance by professional associations)
The formal actions/decisions taken to adopt academic standards (Mention that).

3.5.2.Academic Standards Implementation

Effortsand meansthathavebeenmade/used ​​to raise awareness ofthestandards. (Mention )
Thecompatibilitybetweenthestandardsadopted, missionandobjectivesofthe program.
The Implementation of the academic standards in the design of the program. (Attach an evidence)
A procedure to make sure the program iscompatiblewiththeadoptedstandards. (Specify theprocedure)

3.5.3.Accreditation and External Review

The program is subject to accreditation by any accreditation agency if not what are the actions that have been taken to get the accreditation. (identify the accreditation agency and the date for accreditation)
The program is subject to external review. (Specify the revision date and results)
The cycle of review
How the program benefited from the external auditors' reports. (mention the actions and decisions that have been taken)

3.5.4.Opportunities for improvement

placedthe improvement opportunitiesforeachsubtitle:

3.6. Students and Graduates

3.6.1.Statistical Data

The number of students admitted to the program during the last three years and by gender.
Table ( 9)
Year / Number of Students / Total Number/year / Percentage
Male / Female
The number of graduates during the last three years and by gender.
Table ( 10)
Year / Number of Students / Total Number/year / Percentage
Male / Female
The percentage of success, transfer and failure
Table (11 )
Year / Success Percentage / Transfer Percentage / Failure Percentage / total
Graduates GPA distribution this year (evaluation year)
Table ( 12)
Grade / Number of Graduates / Percentage
(A , A-)
(B+ , B ,B- )
(C+ , C , C-)
(D+ , D , D-)

3.6.2.Student Support