Program/Project Logic Model: Parenting SAMPLE PLM Date: March 2, 2015

Program/Project Title: / Parenting Sample PLM
Statement of Need:
Whatcommunity issue, need or situation are you responding to? / Potential statements of need: (Choose or modify to fit with your local situation.)
It has been identified by parents, school staff, children/youth, social support services, etc., that:
  • Some parents lack the capacity to parent effectively
  • Some parents are struggling with parenting children of different ages
  • Some parents are unsure of how to respond to children who are demonstrating challenging and risky behaviours
  • Some parents and children/youth struggle to connect with one another and create strong relationships
  • Some parents lack supports and resources to parent effectively
  • Some parents are requesting opportunities for education, information and support related to parenting
  • Some parents lack positive communications skills
  • Some parents and children/youth have difficulty communicating with one another
  • Some parents are struggling to communicate positively with their spouse/co-parent about parenting issues
  • Some parents have challenges with co-parenting

Overall Goal:
What change or impact do you want to achieve? / Parents parent positively and confidently.
Broad Strategy:
How will you address the issue, need or situation? / Provide opportunities and resources for parents to learn about positive parenting and receive the support they need to parent positively and confidently.
Please revise according to your program/strategy.
What evidence do you have that this strategy will work? Research?
if/then statement / If parents understand the importance of positive parenting and are supported in developing and applying positive parenting skills, then they will have the capacity to parent positively and confidently.
Supporting research on positive parenting and family functioning can be found in a research brief by Calgary FCSS at:
Who is served?
Target Group / Parents, caregivers, guardians, family members
Inputs :
resources invested to achieve your goal, e.g., staff, volunteers, money, materials, equipment, technology, partners, information / Please revise according to your program/strategy.
  • Staff
  • Volunteers
  • Money
  • Research/Curriculum (best practices)
  • Materials
  • Space
  • Equipment
  • Technology
  • Partners
  • Information

Outputs: - Activities and processes used, e.g., advertising, workshops / Please revise according to your program/strategy.
Types of program/activities/events:
  • Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)
  • Active parenting
  • Parenting programs – Barb Coloroso, 1 2 3 Magic, How to talk so kids will listen,
  • Support groups
  • Events – Family Day
  • Workshops

Outputs: – Who will you reach? e.g.,community, partners, number served / Must report to the province so please collect:
# of parents served annually
If volunteers are used in the program, then collect:
# of volunteers
# of volunteer hours
Consider collecting:
# of families served annually
# of parents vs. guardians vs. caregivers, e.g., grandparents parenting
# of support hours provided
# of courses/workshops offered
# and types of issues presenting, e.g., poverty, settlement/new immigrant, language, school, child care, family violence, divorce/separation, blended family, etc.
# and types of information requested, e.g., food bank, transportation, housing, health, safety-internet/telephone, etc.
# of information and referrals
# of partners
List of Potential Outcomes:
Please review and start by choosing the outcomes that fit and are achievable by your program. Please modify or create additional outcome statements as needed. Indicators and measures for each outcome statement follow.
Outcomes Relating to Positive Family Relationships
1 / Parents have a better understanding of how to strengthen family relationships.
2 / Parents engage in behaviours that strengthen family relationships.
3 / Family members have strengthened relationships with each other.
Outcomes Relating to Positive Parenting
4 / Parents are more aware of their child’s developmental stages.
5 / Parents know more about positive parenting.
6 / Parents use positive parenting practices.
7 / Parents are confident in their ability to parent positively.
8 / Parents provide support to their children.
Outcomes Relating to Positive Family Communication
9 / Parents have increased knowledge about how to communicate positively with their children/other family members.
10 / Parents are better able to communicate positively with their children/other family members.
11 / Parents communicate positively with their children/other family members

Page 1 of 15 Parenting Sample Program Logic Model

Program/Project Logic Model: Parenting SAMPLE PLM Date: March 2, 2015

Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
1. Parents have a better understanding of how to strengthen family relationships. / 1. Parents report having increased understanding about the importance of doing things as a family. / [Insert name] has helped me to understand the importance of my family eating meals together. (post-only; Scale: A Sc) / 1a
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family relationships
[Insert name] has helped me to understand the importance of my family playing together. (post-only; Scale: A Sc) / 2a
[Insert name] has helped me to understand the importance of my family talking about things together. (post-only; Scale: A Sc) / 3a
[Insert name] has helped me to understand the importance of my family doing chores together. / 4a
[Insert name] has helped me to understand the importance of my family doing projects together. (post-only; Scale: A Sc) / 5a
[Insert name] has helped me to understand the importance of my family going on outings together. (post-only; Scale: A Sc) / 6a
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
2. Parents engage in behaviours that strengthen family relationships. / 1. Parents report that they participate, with their children, in more activities that strengthen relationships. / My family shares meals together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM1 / Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family relationships
My family plays together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM2
My family talks about things together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 3
My family does chores together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 4
My family does projects together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 5
My family goes on outings together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 6
My family enjoys spending time together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 7
My family has fun together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 8
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
Parents engage in behaviours that strengthen family relationships. / (1…continued)
Parents report that they participate, with their children, in more activities that strengthen relationships. / I have fun with my family.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 9
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family relationships
I have fun with my child(ren).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 10
I do things with my child to help him/her learn.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 14
2. Children report having fun with their parent(s)/sibling(s). / I have fun with my parent(s)/ sibling(s). (pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 11
3. Family members have strengthened relationships with each other. / Parents and/or children report on aspects of strengthened relationships. / My family feels close to one another. (pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / PM3
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family relationships
My family can turn to each other for support. (pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / PM5
Members of my family confide in each other. (pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 22
4.Parents are more aware of their child(ren)’s developmental stages. / 1. Parents report increased knowledge of how their child(ren)’s needs change as they grow and develop. / I am aware of how my child’s needs change as he/she grows and develops.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / PM2
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
I am aware of how children change as they learn and grow. (pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 7
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
Parents are more aware of their child(ren)’s developmental stages. / 2. Parents report increased knowledge about the impact reading has on their child(ren)’s development. / I know why it is important to read to my child(ren) every day.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 20
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
I know reading to or with my child can positively influence my child’s development.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 21
5. Parents know more about positive parenting. / Parents report increased knowledge about positive parenting practices. / I know how to discipline my child(ren) without hitting or spanking.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / PM3
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
I know how to set clear limits for my child(ren).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 13
I know how to set healthy boundaries for my child(ren).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 15
I know how to keep my child(ren) healthy.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 18
I know how to keep my child(ren) safe.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 19
I know why it is important to read to my child(ren) every day.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 20
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
Parents know more about positive parenting. / (continued)
Parents report increased knowledge about positive parenting practices. / I know how to handle the everyday challenges of things like sleep, toileting, food dislikes, etc.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 22
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
I know how my relationship with my child(ren) impacts his or her development.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 23
6. Parents use positive parenting practices. / 1. Parents report spending quality time with their child(ren). / I make time to play or talk with my child(ren).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM4
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
My child and I play with each other, focusing attention on each other for five minutes or more, just for fun. (pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 3
My child(ren) and I laugh together.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 4
I do something special with my child that the child enjoys. (pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 5
I play sports, hobbies or games with my child.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 6
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
Parents use positive parenting practices. / 2. Parents report using positive communication with their child(ren). / I praise my child by saying something like “Good for you!” or “What a nice thing you did!” or “That’s good going!”
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM1
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
My child and I talk with each other, focusing attention on each other for five minutes or more, just for fun.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 2
I talk with my child about his/her friends.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 33
I talk with my child about school.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 36
3. Parents report using positive discipline with their child(ren). / When my child misbehaves, I talk calmly and respectfully with my child.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 9
When my child misbehaves, I talk with my child about acceptable ways of behaving.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 10
4. Parents report setting clear expectations for their child(ren). / I set clear limits for my child(ren).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 14
I set healthy boundaries for my child(ren).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 16
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
Parents use positive parenting practices. / 5. Children/youth report that their parents communicate positively with them. / My parents listen to my ideas and opinions.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM6 / Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
My parents let me know I am appreciated.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM7
My parents praise me (say good things about me). (pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 41
My parents let me know how to get in touch with them when they are not at home.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 48
7. Parents provide support to their children. / 1. Parents report providing support to their children. / I encourage my child to do his/her best.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 29
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
I help my child to do her/his best.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 30
I help my child with his/her problems.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 31
I help my child deal with his/her challenges.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 32
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
Parents provide support to their children. / 2. Children report receiving support from their parent. / My parents help me when I have problems.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM8
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
My parents praise me (say good things about me). (pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 41
My parents encourage me to do my best.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 52
My parents help me to do my best.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 53
8. Parents are confident in their ability to parent positively. / Parents report having increased confidence in their parenting skills. / I have confidence in my parenting skills.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM5
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive parenting
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
9. Parents have increased knowledge about how to communicate positively with their children/ other family members. / Parents report having increased knowledge about how to communicate positively with their children/other family members. / I know how to talk with my child about sensitive issues.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / PM3
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family communication
I know how to communicate effectively with my (child(ren)/spouse/partner/co-parent).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / 15
10. Parents are better able to communicate effectively with their children/other family members. / Parents report they are better able to communicate effectively with their children/other family member. / I am able to communicate effectively with my (child(ren)/spouse/partner/co-parent).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: A Sc) / PM4
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family communication
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Bank Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
11. Parents communicate positively with their children/other family members. / Parents report communicating positively with their children/other family members. / When my child misbehaves, I talk calmly and respectfully with my child.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM1
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family communication
I praise my child by saying something like “Good for you!” or “What a nice thing you did!” or “That’s good going!”
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 1
When my child misbehaves, I talk with him/her about acceptable ways of behaving.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 6
As (parents/guardians), we try to agree on parenting decisions.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 7
My child and I talk about sensitive issues.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 14
I communicate effectively with my (child(ren)/spouse/partner/co-parent).
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 17
Potential Outcomes: / Indicators: / Measures:
Remember: check the Measures Bank instructions to get all the information you need to use the scales properly. / Measures
Numbers: / Alignment with FCSS Outcomes Model: Chart of Outcomes and Indicators:
Parents communicate positively with their children/other family members. / 2. Children report parents communicate positively with them. / My parents listen to my ideas and opinions.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / PM5
/ Families: Outcome 1: Healthy functioning within families.
Positive family communication
My parents praise me (say good things about me). (pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 31
My parents speak of the good things I do.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 33
My parents let me know how to get in touch with them when they are not at home.
(pre-test/post-test; Scale: F Sc) / 35
Data Collection Tool(s) Used: / Date(s) when data collected:
Potential Long-term Outcomes:
Parents parent positively and confidently.
Prepared by:
Completion Date:
/ Outcome Measures Team (OMT): Jannette Riedel, Kimberly Kueber, Lynn Pack, Monika Wichman, Karen Titanich
December 17, 2014
Revised by: (to note changes made to initial PLM)
Date: / Outcome Measures Team (OMT): Jannette Riedel, Kimberly Kueber, Karen Titanich
March 2, 2015
Revised by: (to note changes made to PLM)
Revised by: (to note changes made to PLM)

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