2016 Poster Session Categories

Program Exposition, Reports and Displays

This category of poster presentation is included to serve the purpose of allowing educators, service providers, undergraduate and graduate level students and agencies/entities to showcase PBIS practices that may have value to others in the field. The standards for these posters are not solely based on quality of evidence.


  1. Program Exposition,Reports and Display poster submissions will need to include references of published evidence (citations). Consideration will be given to the degree to which empirical studies supporting the PBIS practices are available.
  2. Research design is not required; however, quantitative descriptions of aspects of the program, such as demographics (number of students served, staffing patterns, etc.) as well as baseline and outcome data (performance of students or clients) are encouraged (where relevant). Preference will be given to submissions that provide quantitative data.

Research in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Submissions for acceptance in this category will be evaluated based on scientific merit, quality of design and control, and relevance to PBIS. Consideration will be given to the degree that experimental control is demonstrated including threats to internal and external validity as well as reliability of dependent variable measurement. Preference will be given to studies that include measures of inter-observer agreement for the dependent and independent variable as well as data related to treatment fidelity.


  1. The proposal will include definitions of both dependent and independent variables. Baseline measurements of dependent variables are required for all submissions.
  2. The proposal will need to include evidence of a research design such as:
  3. Various single subject designs used in isolation or in various combinations including reversal designs, multiple baseline, alternating treatments, and changing criteria designs.
  4. Case study designs (AB format) that include a high standard of rigor including consideration of treatment integrity and inter-observer reliability.
  5. Inter-group designs. Inter-group design studies will need to include clear hypothesis statements, a description of population sample, clear statement of sample size and methods of analysis.
  6. Data will be included and presented in a form that allows visual analysis. Posters should include graphs and charts allowing a fairly efficient analysis of the data. Inter-group design studies are to include clear charts summarizing experimental data.