Program Rationale/Purpose Statement:
The Tiffin University MBA concentration in Sports Management assists students in enhancing managerial skills while recognizing the unique demands of the sports industry. The primary goal of the concentration is to assist students in reaching personal, educational and professional objectives in a sport-specific environment.
Marketing / Recruitment Target Statement:
Many students in the concentration are employed in the sport and recreation industry, however, the program attracts individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Students may be working as graduate assistant coaches having recently graduated with undergraduate degrees. There is also evidence of veteran students who have an interest in a career change. The common theme among students in the concentration is a desire to work in the sports and recreation industry.
Goals of the Program/Corresponding Classes:
Graduates will apply managerial knowledge, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in a meaningful supervised practical experience at a sport organization (broadly interpreted). SRM670
Section One: Describe all department activities with respect to improving student learning in the major. This may include new faculty hires, course revisions, assignment creation, rubric revisions, goal evaluations, etc.
Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic year.
Section Three: Describe analysis of assessment data and action plans for upcoming academic year.
Intended Outcomes/Assessment Criteria:
Intended Outcomes 1:(D – Career Readiness – Program Specific)Graduates will apply managerial knowledge, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in a meaningful supervised practical experience at a sport organization (broadly interpreted).
Assessment Criteria:100% of students in SRM670 will achieve an above average or outstanding rating from a worksite supervisor on the overall rating of the mentorship evaluation form.
Section One - Activity Statement:
Students continued to excel in mentorship experiences in locations such as the University of Louisville, University of Michigan, Spalding, and Wisconsin Stephens Point Athletic Departments; with arena football league franchises (Jacksonville Sharks and Philadelphia Souls); with the FC Dallas of Major League Soccer; and with several sports management agencies (Greene, Merrit, AWP). A decision was made to begin a search for a full-time Sports Management professor (preferably with a terminal degree) to begin in January 2015. For the FIRST time, the assessment criteria has been achieved!
Section Two - Results of Outcomes Activity:
100% / Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
Summer 2013 (6/6) = Fall 2013 (5/5) Spring 2014 (6/6)
Total 17/17
Section Three - Analysis and Action Plans:
The assessment will continued to be used in 2014-15. It was the first time 100% was achieved.

Updated: Aug 2014