April 8, 2009
APRIL 8, 2009
Fran Borcalli, floodSAFE YoloMark Deven, City of Woodland
Warren Westrup, YoloCountyMark Cocke, City of Woodland
John Bencomo, YoloCountyStefan Lorenzato, YCFCWCD
Donna Gentile, WRARob Aragon, JTS Communities
1.Summary of DWR/USACE meeting on March 20, 2009
Fran reported that this initial meeting went well to enlist DWR/USACE support to continue the Cache Creek Feasibility Study. It is anticipated that the work will start around October 1st with a 3-way cost share (DWR/USACE/Locals). The previous feasibility study and environmental documents should be good so that the work does not have to be repeated and instead we can augment both where appropriate. The USACE will be required to make this determination.
Fran’s estimate for the feasibility study as presented in comments to the USACE Project Management Plan was $1.6 million for which 50 percent would be funded by the non-Federal sponsor. The non-Federal sponsor would be the Central Valley Flood Protection Board and they would require a cost share with the Local entities. The budget includes a nominal amount for geotechnical effort and new topographic data recognizing that substantial information should be available from DWR under its Urban Levee Evaluation Program and its Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation Project.
Fran distributed a schedule for implementing the Cache Creek Project from the feasibility study through construction. This schedule was provided to DWR and the USACE at the March 20th meeting.
- Summary of meetings with Congressmen, April 7, 2009
Messrs Marble, Davies, O’Halloran, Deven, Cocke, and Borcalli met separately with Congressmen Herger and Thompson to discuss the 2010 Federal Appropriation requests for Cache Creek. Congressman Herger had time for a field trip to the CacheCreekSettlingBasin. Both meetings were positive, productive and informative. Both Congressmen stated their support for the project and acknowledged their shared districts impacts.
It is planned that contact will be made with both Congressmen during the upcoming Cap-to-Cap event in which Messrs. Marble, Davies, and O’Halloran will be participating.
Fran will continue to work with each of the Congressmen’s staff to further progress on the funding for the project.
- Cache Creek/Cache Creek Settling Basin Flood Risk Reduction Alternatives (attached)
Fran re-distributed the list of potential alternatives to reduction flood risk for Cache Creek. These alternatives are currently in the draft scope of work that DWR and the USACE are reviewing for continuing the feasibility study. The PAC discussed the benefits and impacts of all the alternatives in detail. Fran suggested removing alternative #4 from the list. The floodplain on the north side needs to be identified in order to better determine the flood risks. Also potential out-of-bank flood areas need to be identified because erosion is continuing. Fran indicated that the protection on the North side of Cache Creek is improving with time as DWR completed three bank erosion repairs with set-back levees in 2007. DWR plans to complete two more repairs in 2009 and anticipates another two to be completed in 2010. The PAC agreed that the 2x2x2 should review this list of alternatives.
- Expectations for “low hanging fruit”
The PAC agreed it would be beneficial for the floodSAFE Yolo Pilot Program to demonstrate dealing with additional issues besides Cache Creek. Each agency needs to define what it means by “low hanging fruit” projects. It would be helpful for the next Annual Report to develop this list. Several projects were discussed for the list: WalnutCanal arundo removal, LiDAR, City/County Drainage Manual, Cache Creek Hydrology Study (Ford), and LOMR. The floodSAFE Yolo program also incorporates the IRWMP Cache Creek Sloughs, Canals & Creeks Program. Stefan mentioned cleaning out the Cottonwood Slough is a flood management issue. Partnership relationships on Farmers Central is an item to include in the Annual Report (YCFC can’t maintain but can clean out;Woodland can’t clean out but can maintain). Also mentioned, modeling assists to provide a better understanding of the system hydraulics and floodplains to prioritize projects. It is important to understand the risks involved before undertaking a project to alter the hydraulic characteristics of primary flood conveyance channels. Panos, Tim, Stefan and Fran agreed to meet and discuss the “low hanging fruit” projects list.
- LucyCo Communications scope of work and budget
Fran, Tim and Mark Deven met with LucyCo to review the scope of work. It is important to inform the elected officials about floodSAFE Yolo’s progress first to garner their continued support and then focus on public outreach. The PAC approved continuation of LucyCo’s development of marketing tools for floodSAFE Yolo with input from Fran, Tim and Mark. The goal is to have a finalized 2nd Annual Report by the end of June. LucyCo Task Order 1 – Annual Report and Program Chronology was distributed for review.
- Cache Creek Settling Basin Symposium
The PAC agreed this symposium was needed to have all the relevant parties involved in discussing issues and solutions. Fran reported that DWR agreed to be a co-sponsor of the event (financially) and a supporter. USACE is also interested in participating, along with Tuleyome and possibly Conaway Ranch. June is the target date for the half-day symposium. Attendance is anticipated to be at least 150 people. Fran will continue to work on the details of planning the meeting.
- Sierra Railroad Crossing – White Paper
Mark Deven reported that the white paper is being developed by MBK Engineers, funded jointly by the cities of West Sacramento and Woodland. The white paper is an academic exercise to determine if there is a nexus for a project to be jointly pursued. There could be multiple benefits for Woodland in relocating the railroad, including a reduction in flood stage. The white paper outline should be ready by the end of this month.
- Budget status
Fran distributed a budget status through February 2009 for PAC review. The income from LiDAR data payments (~ $10,000) needs to be included, along with the expense of the arundo project (~$26,000).
- Other Items
- Rob Aragon, who works for one of the Conaway Conservancy owners, introduced himself and indicated that he is working closely with Tovey Giezentanner and will be participating on behalf on the Conaway Conservancy.
- Mark Cocke discussed addressing the issue of mercury in the settling basin.
- Fran agreed to meet with Rob Aragon to bring him up-to-date on activities and provide background information about floodSAFE Yolo.
- Stefan will be meeting in April with the Sloughs, Canals & Creeks program partners to discuss projects and an action plan.
- Next PAC Meeting: May 13, 2009, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Summary of Action Items
- Agenda Item # 3: floodSAFE Yolo needs to define and characterize risks for all areas. 2x2x2 should review the Alternatives.
- Agenda Item #4: Need to define what we mean by “low hanging fruit”. Need to identify these kinds of projects for annual report. Panos, Tim, Stefan and Fran will get together and discuss “low hanging fruit” projects.
- Agenda Item # 6: Tim and Fran will set the program for the symposium. June target date, ~150 people, ½ day program. (4/21/09 – Fran asked Donna to call the HeidrickCenter and inquire about availability and costs for the morning of June 22 or June 25)
- Other Item: Fran will get together with Rob Aragon and give him background info on floodSAFE Yolo Pilot Program
- Other Item: Stefan will develop Sloughs, Canals & Creeks action plan. He will be meeting with the partners on 4/23
Submitted by:
Fran Borcalli, Program Manager
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