Becta | CLC Annual Performance Agreement

Blackpool CLC


Annual performance agreement

April 2008 – March 2009

CLC Director: / Ian Riley
Signature: IR / Date: 5/03/08
LA representative: / David Lund
Signature: / Date:
Chair Partnership/Management Board: / David Lund
Signature: / Date:

Becta identified national priorities April 2008 - March 2009

N1 - Support schools to improve their use of technology through the promotion of rigorous self-review including the SRF

N2 - Support schools in using learning platforms to improve outcomes for learners

N3 - Training teachers in e-safety issues

N4 - Support the LAs BSF planning and implementation

N5 - Support the adoption of hand-held technologies to improve outcomes for learners

N6 - Support the adoption of IWB/interactive technologies to improve outcomes for learners

N7 - Support the Home Access programme

N8 - Support schools in personalising learning

N9 - Supporting the use of technology within KS3 with a focus on increasing the proportion of learners progressing by at least 2 levels during the key stage

N10 - Supporting the use of technology within 14 – 19 developments (including Diplomas)

N11 - Supporting school in extending learning opportunities

N12 - Support the continuity of learning at transition, particularly KS2 to KS3 through effective use of technology

N13 - Development, Research and Application of Emerging Educational Technologies

N14 - Training/Supporting Teachers in the Implementation of emerging educational technologies

N15 - Support the use of technology with the Foundation and Primary curriculum to improve outcomes for learners

N16 - Support the use of technology in EAL and SEN developments to improve outcomes for learners

National Priorities / Blackpool – Local Priorities
N4 Supporting the LA in BSF Planning and Implementation
N9 Supporting the use of technology within KS3
N10 Supporting the use of technology within 14-19 developments (with particular support for the Creative and Media Diploma)
N11 Supporting schools in extending learning opportunities
N13 Development, Research and the application of emerging educational technologies
N14 Supporting teachers in the implementation of emerging educational technologies
N15 Support the use of technology within the Primary curriculum / L1 – Supporting the planning, aims and implementation of the new KS3 curriculum
L2 – Supporting schools in the use of media technology to support and enhance the curriculum and to engage and motivate students
L3 – To offer secondary schools the OCR iMedia level 2 course at KS4
L4 - To support schools in the use of video conferencing
L5- To provide the LA with research on the results of student consultation on the development of Special School planning under BSF
L6- To support primary school curriculum in the use of innovative technology to support student engagement with literacy
L7- To support all schools in delivering specialised technology support for the curriculum e.g. animation, robotics, CAD/CAM
L8 – To engage members of the local community in establishing shared media facilities and a community radio station
L9 – To widen access for members of the community wishing to follow non-traditional routes through education and training opportunities

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© Becta 2008

Becta | CLC Annual Performance Agreement

Local context

Number of staff:

Education staff (including CLC manager) = 4

Administrative staff = 3

ICT Support and Development Officer

Site Manager


Presentation theatre with 100-person capacity

3 PC learning rooms

Professional TV Studio

Apple Mac media suite

3 seminar rooms

Video editing suite

2 professional development suites


Project wiki:
Links to other BECTA national priorities ongoing in the authority:

N1: IAG provided by LA Consultant and ICT technical staff 2007.

N2: Roll out of Fronter VLE in 2006. Supported by ICT Adviser and ICT Consultant staff. Has 1000 monthly users

N3: CEOP training given to school ‘ambassadors’ in 2007 through LA Education ICT Manager. CLC will offer support for training for the LSCB members where appropriate.

N6: Comprehensive rollout of IWB and voting technology 2006-2007 within LA schools has already taken place with a comprehensive training program.

N7: 2007-08 Home Access programme supported by LA ICT Manager to 600 students.

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© Becta 2008

Becta | CLC Annual Performance Agreement

Objective no. 1

(Links to local priorities shown underneath)

/ Activities proposed / Time
scale /

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/ Evidenced by?

/ Costs/ Resources required to deliver
(CLC use only)
Support the Local Authority’s BSF planning and implementation
L1, L2, L4, L5, L9 / To be an active partner in the LA’s Wave 5 BSF planning by:
·  Providing a research base for the use of mobile, media and emerging technology in teaching and learning. This includes encouraging and supporting school’s own research
·  Using communications technology for student consultation during BSF planning
·  Providing information, advice and guidance to partnerships and schools on the integration of new and emerging technologies such as media facilities into their curriculum
·  To provide access to research on current best practice on the use of ICT in the curriculum
·  To provide a test-bed for technology
·  To provide training for teachers in the use of new media technology with the intention of encouraging adoption by schools. / April 2008- March 2009
By March 2009
April 2008 – March 2009
March 2009
By March 2009
By March 2009 / To provide all schools (including primary and special) with a summary report on research on the ‘Big Experiment’ that took place at the CLC in 2007 and to provide a research methodology for a schools’ own action research
To produce a student consultation report from 18 students from the three special schools in Blackpool to inform BSF planning in this area.
To provide guidance to all schools and offer training on the use and integration of TV, video and animation in a creative and stimulating curriculum as part of the schools’ Strategy for Change document
To provide a symposium for all schools by Don Passey(1) of Lancaster University on current research findings on the use of ICT in the curriculum.
To develop a reliable and robust video conferencing system in the Authority.
To train teachers from 25% of all Blackpool Schools on the use of portable TV Studio facilities and how it can be integrated into a creative and collaborative curriculum.

(1) Don Passey: Senior Education Researcher, Lancaster University

Objective no. 2

(Links to local priorities shown underneath)

/ Activities proposed / Time
scale /

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/ Evidenced by?

/ Costs/ Resources required to deliver
(CLC use only)
Supporting the use of technology within KS3 with a focus on increasing the proportion of learners progressing by at least 2 levels during the key stage
L1, L2, L4, L7 / ·  For the CLC to become an active member of secondary subject network meetings run by the LA’s Advisory section.
·  To run training sessions for teachers and students on the use of technology that enhances the development of student literacy. This will include, for example Mission Maker, video conferencing, animation and print-based solutions. / By March 2009
By March 2009 / For CLC staff to attend the termly subject network meetings in English, Science, Humanities and Design Technology to identify need and encourage the use of new and emerging technology in the curriculum.
To provide taught training sessions modelling the use of the technology to 50% of secondary schools and to offer taught sessions for all secondary schools.
Objective no. 3

(Links to local priorities shown underneath)

/ Activities proposed / Time
scale /

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/ Evidenced by?

/ Costs/ Resources required to deliver
(CLC use only)
Supporting the use of technology within 14-19 developments.
(Creative and Media Diploma)
L2, L3, L4, L7, L8 / ·  To continue to be an active delivery partner for identified units in the local 14 -19 Consortium on the Creative and Media Diploma to be introduced in September 2009
·  To offer OCR iMedia L2 qualification to 16 students (2 students from each school) as a taught course at the CLC. / Planning completed by March 2009 / IAG DVD produced for local schools by October 2008 using the CLC’s media facilities.
Level 2 course planned and approved by March 2009. Contribution of the CLC identified and costed.
For all students to pass (course is a simple pass)
Objective no. 4

(Links to local priorities shown underneath)

/ Activities proposed / Time
scale /

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/ Evidenced by?

/ Costs/ Resources required to deliver
(CLC use only)
Supporting schools in extending learning opportunities
L2, L6, L7, L8, L9 / ·  Use of TV Studio and Radio Studio by local school groups and youth community groups in extended hours.
·  To offer entry level, level 1 and 2 NOCN courses on Video production and editing and Radio production.
·  To offer students the opportunity to commence the CLC’s online ECDL qualification.
·  To offer students the opportunity to complete the Edexcel Level 1 Referee’s Assistant online training course.
·  To extend the CLC’s hours of opening to allow evening access for students and community members
·  To provide CLC outreach facilities to primary and secondary schools / All by March 2009 / Establishment and use of a web-based Community Radio streamed web radio facility.
For the course to be successfully completed by 80% of participants
For the course to be successfully completed by 50% of participants.
To have 10 students predicted to complete and pass the qualification.
To produce a sustainable model of staffing to enable new courses to be established and 2 additional courses to be established in media production industries.
Star Lab portable planetarium used by 10 schools on their premises or CLC.
Classroom data-logging kit and portable TV Studio used by 2 secondary and 5 primary schools.
Objective no. 5

(Links to local priorities shown underneath)

/ Activities proposed / Time
scale /

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/ Evidenced by?

(How will you know the objective has been met? – these should be qualitative and/or quantitative) / Costs/ Resources required to deliver
(CLC use only)
Development, Research, Application of Emerging educational technologies
L2, L4, L6, L7 / ·  To establish the use of video conferencing as a teaching and learning tool following the successful pilot of 2007-08
·  To experiment with the use of pupil and teacher wikis as a collaborative, creative tool.
·  To pilot and develop video streaming technology between the CLC and schools on the Blackpool Education network. To provide links within the LA VLE.
·  To develop experience and expertise in the use of game design environments as an educational tool
·  To offer practical guidance to schools and other LA educational settings on the integration of new media facilities in their school / By March
By March 2009
By March 2009 / All schools and other educational settings having access to information and practical advice on integrating video conferencing (VC) into the curriculum. A minimum of 10 schools to have used VC in the classroom (25% of schools)
Development of CLC VC loan stock.
To use a wiki as a means of participating schools collaborating on video conferencing projects.
Establish E-stream as a viable technology.
To enable 5 schools to be able to upload their own video files for encoding and streaming.
To pilot Mission Maker and Games Factory 2 with at least 3 primary schools and provide an evaluation of its potential as an educational tool with particular reference to boys literacy
To produce a ‘how-to’ guide for those schools wishing to establish sustainable TV and video facilities within their school as part of a creative, collaborative curriculum. To include guidance on TCO issues. Booklet and web based IAG available to all schools.
To offer professional video production training to other NW CLCs.
Objective no. 6

(Links to local priorities shown underneath)

/ Activities proposed / Time
scale /

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/ Evidenced by?

(How will you know the objective has been met? – these should be qualitative and/or quantitative) / Costs/ Resources required to deliver
(CLC use only)
Training and Supporting Teachers in the implementation of emerging technology
L1, L2, L4, L6, L7 / ·  To provide training in the use of the portable TV Recording Studio (VT 5) for use in schools by pupils and students.
·  To provide training for teachers in the effective use of video conferencing in the classroom / March 2009
March 2009 / To train teachers and other staff (and students where appropriate) from 10 schools and encourage and support its use in the curriculum.
4 secondary schools (50%) having taken part in a planned VC session to the National Space Centre.
Objective no. 7

(Links to local priorities shown underneath)

/ Activities proposed / Time
scale /

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)/ Evidenced by?

(How will you know the objective has been met? – these should be qualitative and/or quantitative) / Costs/ Resources required to deliver
(CLC use only)
Supporting the use of new technology in the Primary Curriculum.
L2, L4, L5, L6, L7 / ·  To collaborate with LA Strategy Consultants and Advisors to ensure a coherent and efficient support mechanism for primary schools and to be aware of developments in PNS support for schools.
·  To provide specialist technology support within the curriculum.
·  To develop the KS2 Design Technology Tram project in collaboration with Blackpool Transport
·  See N13 Activity 4 / March 2009
March 2009
March 2009
By March 2009 / For CLC staff to attend and contribute to Advisor and Consultant meetings (AIS meetings) once a term and to meet with AIS staff when appropriate to ensure continuity of support offered to schools. 10 schools to be prioritised for literacy support.
A minimum 50% of primary schools (15 schools) to collaborate with the CLC on either NXT Lego (Control and Monitoring) for KS2, animation as a literacy support tool or the use of Kar2ouche as a literacy development tool
To have produced a teaching kit for KS2 (Y5/6) using the local medium of tram transport and design to encourage the greater understanding of design, make and evaluative processes in KS2 Design Technology. Kits produced for all 29 Blackpool primary schools.

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© Becta 2008