691ZSpring 2013;Module 3.5-4


PROFESSOR:Glen Bradford


OFFICE:Google Hangout

OFFICE HOURS: ByAppointment


A willingness to get creative with your idea of what constitutes “working out”

Textbooks: Act As If, byGlen Bradford

4-Hour Workweek, by Tim Ferriss

Talent is Overrated, by Geoff Calvin

48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene

The Art of War, bySun Tzu

The Goal, byEliyahuGoldratt

TheInternet and allavailable public information



You need to be breathing. You need to be open to the idea that you might be able to make changes to the status quo. Perhaps these changes are changes that you’ve considered before but never implemented. Perhaps you have seen other people make these changes.


This course is designed to introduce you a life approach where relevant ideas and ways of doing things are considered and choices are made and consequences are lived with. Reason is subjective. Conviction is no substitute for logic. Begin by doing and constantly learn along the way.Our main objectiveis toestablish good mental processes that are followed by progressive action.Specifically, this coursewillfocus on the following:

Defining your preconceived boundaries of what is possible and what is not

For any given decision, simplification into a yes/no problem

For any problem, envision where a yes gets you and where a no gets you

Pick yes or no

Once picked, carry out with that behavior until it doesn’t make sense to

Learn what it means to be wealthy and how to become wealthy if you aren’t already

Value and Price and the difference between the two

Measure all things in terms of your own health and time, both mental and physical

This is an introductory, fast paced foundation building course


Theclass willmeet onceaweekfor16weeks. It is expected that to show your face at class you must have taken incremental action at least once in the past two weeks.It is expected thatyougive atleast one presentation duringthe semester showcasing how you have made actions that are a resultant of a cognitive process that you have decided to change inside yourself on purpose.You areallowed to utilizeother classes and allavailable resources to accomplish theobjectives in this class.


Allpresentations willbe recorded and publishedto YouTube and other publically

available news outlets.

Quizzes willtakethe first 10 minutes of class andwillbeover what you have learned in the last week.


Week 1 – Act As If

Week 2 – Act As If

Week 3 –Act As If

Week 4 – 4-Hour Workweek

Week 5–4-Hour Workweek

Week 6 –4-Hour Workweek

Week 7 –4-Hour Workweek

Week 8 – Talent is Overrated

Week 9 – Talent is Overrated

Week 10 – 48 Laws of Power

Week 11 – 48 Laws of Power

Week 12 – 48 Laws of Power

Week 13 – The Art of War

Week 14 – The Art of War

Week 15 – The Goal

Week 16 – The Goal


Tosuccessfullycompletethis course,you willbe expected to:

Make progressive changes to your thought processes that drive measurable action

Make measurable progress towards your goals

Be anactivelistener


Have you made any changes?30

Do you feel more effective?20


Reading Quizzes15



*Gradesfortheseactivities are based on preparationand adherencetothe requirements discussed in class. Theyaresubjectiveto theteacher’s analysisto thequalityof the submission. That said, positiveperformanceearns bonus points at thediscretion of the teacher. Failingto attend ascheduled presentation results in a 0 forthecourse.