Gertrude (Trudy) W. Abramson, Ed.D.
Professor, Computing Technology in Education
Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences
Nova Southeastern University
DeSantisBuilding, Room 4071
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL33314-7796
Scholarship and Service
Updated March 2012
1994- Professor, Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences (GSCIS), Nova Southeastern University (NSU)
19901994. Associate Professor, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, WilliamPatersonCollege (WPC) of New Jersey
19851990. Assistant Professor, Department of Education, BaruchCollege, CityUniversity of New York (CUNY)
19801985. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Studies [tenured], Rockland Community College (RCC), State University of New York (SUNY)
19771980. Instructor of Business Data Processing, RCC, SUNY
Ed.D. Communications, Computing, & Technology in Education, ColumbiaUniversity
M.Ed. Instructional Technology, ColumbiaUniversity
M.A. Mathematics, Statistics and Computing in Education, ColumbiaUniversity
B.A. Elementary Education, BrooklynCollege
A.S. Business and Data Processing, RCC, SUNY
New YorkState Permanent Certifications: Teacher of Early Childhood Classes, Teacher of Common Branches.
Courses Designed and Delivered
(Most recent terms)
DCTE 760 Instruction Delivery Systems (IDS), winter 2012
DCTE 898 Directed Research (DR), winter 2012
DCTE 732 Online Program Administration (OPA), fall 2011
DCTE 775 Field Studies in Assistive Technology (FSAT), winter 2011
MITE 675 Assistive Technology (AT), fall 2010
DCTE 730/830 Online Learning Environments (OLE), summer 2008
DCTE 799/899 Information Age Literacies (IAL), summer 2005 [retired]
DCTE 770/870 Courseware Design and Development, summer/fall 1998
DCTE 735/835 Authoring Languages, winter/spring 1997 [retired]
(2012). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Collaboration and Engagement. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 2(1), 3-4.
(2011). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: In Memoriam: Steve Jobs. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 1(4), 3-4.
(2011). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: On-Campus, Online and Blended Learning. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 1(3), 3-4.
(2011). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Academic and Industry Presence. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 1(2), 3-4.
(2011). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: New Decade, New Journal, New Technology. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 1(1), 3-4.
(2010). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Scholars and Friends. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 24(1), 3-6.
(2009). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Technology that Improves the Quality of Life. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 23(4), 3.
(2009). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Elegance in Written Language. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 23(3), 3-4.
(2009). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: New Beginnings. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 23(2), 3-4.
(2009). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Society, Technology and Education. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 23(1), 3-4.
(2008). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Online Collaborative Knowledge Base Development. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 22(4), 3-4.
(2008). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: The Evolving Learning Environment. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 22(3), 3-4.
(2008). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Written Communication and Learning. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 22(2), 3-5.
(2008). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Social Networking Tools. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 22(1), 3-5.
(2007). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: In Memoriam: Gabriel Ofiesh, Ph.D. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 21(4), 3-4.
(2007). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: About Mentoring. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 21(3), 3-5.
(2007). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Digital Toys and Learning Tools. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 21(2), 3-4.
(2007). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Big, Small and Virtual Conferences. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 21(1), 3-5.
(2006). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Classroom Amplification Technology. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 20(4), 3-5.
(2006). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Learning Styles, Lurkers and Parasites. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 20(3), 3-4.
(2006). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Opening Gates in Teacher Education. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 20(2), 3-5.
(2006). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Simulations and Games. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 20(1), 3-4.
(2005). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Teaching as a Profession. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 19(4), 3-4.
(2005). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Applied Learning Technology. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 19(3), 3-4.
(2005). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: No Time for School? Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 19(2), 3-4.
(2005). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: The Lowest Common Denominator Redux. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 19(1), 3-4.
(2004). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: The Refereed Journal. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 18(4), 3-4.
(2004). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Review of the Literature in the Internet Age. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 18(3), 3-4.
(2004). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: A Learning Society. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 18(2), 3-4.
(2004). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: The Lowest Common Denominator. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 18(1), 3-5.
(2003). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Supporting faculty in distance learning. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 17(4), 3-5.
(2003). Farewell to Dr. Sylvia Charp. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 17(3), 42.
(2003). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Compensation and workload in distance learning. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 17(3), 4-6.
(2003). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Teaching time for distance learning. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 17(2), 4-6.
(2003). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Development time for distance learning. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 17(1), 3-4.
(2002). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: The proof of the pudding. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 16(4), 3-4.
(2002).From the Desk of the Executive Editor: The pendulum swings. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 16(3), 4-5.
(2002).From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Critical analysis across the distance. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 16(2), 4-5.
(2002).From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Essential literacies for successful living. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 16(1), 4-5.
(2001).From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Pipe dreams. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 15(4), 4-6.
(2001).From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Mind to mind. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 15(3), 4-5.
(2001).From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Striving for information literacy. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 15(2), 4-5.
(2001). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Is it cost effective? Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 15(1), 4.
(2000). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Onsite professors support distance learners. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 14(4), 4.
(2000). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: E-learning becomes respectable. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 14(3), 4.
(2000). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: As the paradigm matures. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 14(2), 4.
(2000). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Greater expectations. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 14(1), 4.
(1999). From the Desk of the Executive Editor: Reengineering learning. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 13(4), 4.
(1999). The editor's pulpit: In retrospect. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 9(4), 2.
(1999). From the desk of the Executive Editor: Professional conferences. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 13(3), 4.
(1999). From the desk of the Executive Editor: Tools of the trade. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 13(2), 4.
(1999). The editor's pulpit: Technology in schools, 1999. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 9(2-3), 2.
(1999). From the desk of the Executive Editor: Learning time for busy people. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 13(1), 4.
(1998). The editor's pulpit: Luddites, Neo-Luddites, and Digerati. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 9(1), 2-4.
(1998). From the desk of the Executive Editor: Instruction delivery systems. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 12(4), 4.
(1998). Telecommunications: Graduate, in-service and faculty use. Technology and Teacher Education Annual 1998, 1046.
(1998). The editor's pulpit: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 8(4), 2-3.
(1998). The editor's pulpit: Adapting instruction to the medium. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 8(3), 2-3.
(1998). The editor's pulpit: Software that teaches. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 8(2), 2-3.
(1997). Telecommunications: Graduate, in-service and faculty use. Technology and Teacher Education Annual 1997, 1106-1107.
(1997). The editor's pulpit: Exemplary interactive software. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 8(1), 2-3.
(1997). The editor’s pulpit: School as scavenger hunt. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 7(4), 2-3.
(1997). The editor’s pulpit: Educational applications of cutting-edge technologies. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 7(3), 2-3.
(1996). The editor’s pulpit: Cyberspace issues and more. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 7(2), 2-3.
(1996). The editor’s pulpit: Expanding horizons. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 7(1), 2-3.
(1996). The editor’s pulpit: Accommodating change. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 6(4), 2-3.
(1996). Computers in kindergarten. Invited editorial for Early Childhood Today, 10(5), 52.
(1996). Keys to the future. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 6(1/2), 5.
(1992). New Dimensions of Learning Technology. Invited editorial for Educational Technology, (32)1, 42.
(1996). Teacher Education in the Use of Technology-BasedLearning Systems. Editor.VA: Learning Technology Institute.
(1995). Learning with LinkWay. OH: SouthWestern Educational Publishing. (Textbook, software, and teachers’ manual).
(1993). TechPro: Information Processing Simulation. [with Cordelia Twomey, Ph.D.] OH: SouthWestern Educational Publishing. (Textbook, software, and teachers’ manual).
(1985). Learning aboutComputers: IBM Logo and DOS. MA: Kern International, Inc. (Textbook with software.)
(1981). Principles of Data Processing. [with John Beers] NY: RocklandCommunity College Press. (Monograph.)
(2012). Writing an applied learning technology proposal. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 2(1), in press
(2011). Reflections on pre-service teacher education. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 1(1), 28-30.
(2006). Has the gender gap closed? Learning and Leading with Technology, 33(8), 6-7. [with C. Stephenson]
(2005). The substance of education and social science proposals. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 19(4), 6-12.
(2004). Metacognition and online communication. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 18(4), 6-14.
(2004). Developing a virtual self: Mastering the skills of online communication. Proceedings of SITE 2004, Fifteenth International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (on CD) [with Mark Harris & Nancy Thibeault].
(2003). Online teaching and learning books in print. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 17(3), 7-32. [with Nancy Burkhart, Nina Darisse, Barbara Neequaye, Marilyn Olander & Cheryl Ward]
(2002). Improved communication through online discussion. Proceedings of SITE 2002, Thirteenth International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (on CD).
(2001). Information literacy initiatives by business, government and colleges. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 15(2), 23-24.
(2001). Organization of the first information literacy workshop (with Stanley Winkler). Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 15(2), 6-9.
(2000). Intel science talent search and an interview with Cynthia Lien. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 14(3), 28-29.
(2000). Protecting the integrity of instruction systems. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 14(2), 6-12.
(1999). Counting is not the solution. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 13(4), 10-16.
(1999). The evolution of a new conference: An Interview with Raymond J. Fox. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 13(2), 10-12.
(1999). Women and computers: Four generations, one family. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 9(2-3), 20-24.
(1998). Ten web sites for educators. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 8(3), 19-21.
(1998). How to evaluate educational software. Principal, 78(1), 60-61.
(1998). Report review: Report to the President on the use of technology to strengthen K-12 education in the United States. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 8(1), 22, 24.
(1996). NECC’96 media and messages: McLuhan revisited. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 7(1), 19-21.
(1996). All aboard the Net via the Web. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 6(4), 5-10.
(1996). Fine-tune teaching with a presentation manager. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 6(3), 15-17.
(1995). Reflections on technology in teacher education. In Abramson, editor. Teacher Education in the Use of Technology-BasedLearning Systems. VA: Learning Technology Institute.
(1995). Authoring systems and constructivist learning. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 5(3/4), 10.
(1995). Hypermedia-based teacher education. HyperNexus: Journal of Hypermedia and Multimedia Studies, 5(1/2), 14-15.
(1995). Case study review of Lion King Print Studio. The Computing Teacher: Journal of the International Society for Technology in Education, 22(6), 51-53.
(1995). The educational computing course. Technology and Teacher Education Annual - 1995, Proceedings of SITE ‘95, 308-309.
(1994). Helping teachers create high-order, highly-motivating, hypermedia-based learning experiences. Part II: IBM LinkWay. SIGTC Connections: The Journal for Technology Coordinators, 10(2), 5-18.
(1994). WEB teaching networks in Taiwan. T.H.E. Technological Horizons in Education Journal, 21(6), 64-67.
(1994). Report on the STATE 94 Conference. Educational Technology Review: International Forum on Educational Technology. Autumn/Winter 1994, 52-53.
(1993). Technology and the teacher education accreditation process. ED-TECH Review: International Forum on Educational Technology, Autumn/Winter 1993, 27-30.
(1993). Linkway features and design. The Computing Teacher: Journal of the International Society for Technology in Education, 21(2), 16-18.
(1993). The information processing/keyboarding simulation. Collegiate Microcomputer, 11(2), 128-132, with C. Twomey.
(1993). Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT): Education improvement planning conference.Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 9(2), 13-14.
(1993). STATE, NCATE, ISTE, and STATE 94 Panel. Educational Technology Review: International Forum on Educational Technology. Autumn/Winter 1993, 67.
(1993). The dilemma of preparing preservice teachers: Sharing ideas at STATE 93. Educational Technology Review: International Forum on Educational Technology, Spring/Summer 1993, 67.
(1993). Academic computing as a learning community. Perspectives on General Education: A Newsletter. WilliamPatersonCollege, 1(6/7), 2.
(1992). Helping teachers create high-order, highly-motivating, hypermedia-based learning experiences. Part I: HyperCard (MAC). SIGTC Connections: The Journal for Technology Coordinators, 9(1), 1-7.
(1992). Digital images in hypermedia productions. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 5(3), 3-8.
(1992). STATE 92 Conference Overview. AACE (Association forAdvancement of Computing in Education) News. Spring/Summer 1992, 8.
(1992). New Dimensions of Learning Technology. Insights: A Quarterly Newsletter, The Institute for Technological Solutions. Winter,1992, 4-5.
(1991). Carmen Sandiego makes learning fun. The Reading Instruction Journal, 34(4), 2226.
(1990). Using a computer tool to build a life skill. The Computing Teacher: Journal of the International Society for Technology in Education, 18(2), 811.
(1989). Developing effective CBI: essential issues for alphatest consideration. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 2(2), 2330.
(1989). Oral business communication enhanced by video cassette technology. The Journal of Education for Business, 64(4), 165168.
(1988). Strengthen teaching with technology: Educational computing at Baruch. ACE INK, The Newsletter of the Association of Computer Educators. 6(3).
(1986). Computing issues for teachers. TRACE, The Review of the Association for Computer Educators, 3.
Keynote/Invited Presentations
(2007). Asynchronous learning across academic disciplines. Invited Symposium Leader. Tel Aviv University, Israel. October 7.2007.
(2005). Mastering the soft skills of online communication. Invited Speaker. NASA Advances in Learning Technologies. Hampton, VA: March 16, 2005.
(2004). The state of E-learning a decade after Mosaic. Invited Speaker. E-Learn 2004. Washington, DC: November 4, 2004.
(2004). The evolving discipline of online teaching. Keynote Presentation: Interactive Technologies 2004. ArlingtonVA: August 18, 2004.
(2001). Collaborative asynchronous reflection improves teaching practice. Keynote speaker. Opening Gates in Teacher Education. February 12-14, 2001. First Internet-based teacher education conference. Sponsored by the University of Tel Aviv, Israel.
(1999). American education: Reflections and predictions. Convocation address: Findlay University, OH, April 27, 1999.
(1994). Historical context of technology in education. Mapping our way on the Information superhighway. By invitation of The Plattsburgh Research Institute for Defining Education, State University of New York, April 15, 1994.
Conference Presentations
(2012). As the Technology Evolves: 120 Years of Distance Education. New Learning Technologies 2012, Orlando, FL, February 15, 2012.
(2011). Next Generation E-Portfolios: Educational, Professional and Personal Applications. Interactive Technologies 2011 SALT Conference, Reston, VA: August 17, 2011. With G. Alex Ambrose.
(2011). The Chief Online Learning Officer (COLO): A Business Imperative. New Learning Technologies 2011, Orlando, FL, February 23, 2011.
(2010). Disruptive Technologies and Organizational Change. Interactive Technologies Conference. Arlington, VA, August 18, 2010. With Dave Mylott, Ph.D., Antonio Rincon, Ph.D. and Major Mark Givens.
(2010). Federal Suppliers and Universal Design. New Learning Technologies 2010. Orlando, FL, March 3, 2010. With Antonio Rincon, Ph.D.
(2009). Managing knowledge and communications. Interactive Technologies Conference. Arlington, VA, August 19, 2009.
(2009). Enhance your professional image with publication. New Learning Technologies 2009. Orlando, FL, February 18, 2009.
(2008). Adding value to e-learning with blogs, wikis and podcasts. Presenter and panel moderator with Avril Best, Jennifer Bigus, Rick Kiper, Sandra Lebron-Lozada, Marilyn Olander, Brenda Stutsky and Yvette Dulohery. Interactive Technologies Conference.Arlington, VA, August 20, 2008.
(2008). Web 2.0 tools improve teaching and collaboration in English language classes [Discussion of research paper with Mahmud Shihab] National Educational Computing Conference. San Antonio, TX: June 30, 2008.
(2008). Doctoral candidates in computing technology in education [Birds of a feather session with Steve Terrell, Mahmud Shihab and Donna Cady] National Educational Computing Conference. San Antonio, TX: June 30, 2008.
(2008). On the job performance following augmented reality training. [with Randy Mayberry]
New Learning Technologies. Orlando, FL, February 21, 2008.
(2007). Sound-field amplification: Applied universal design. Interactive Technologies Conference. Arlington, VA: August 22, 2007.
(2007). Teach the teachers well: teaching and learning with today’s tools. Presenter and panel moderator for the SIGTE panel discussion with Jo Ann Carr, Fran Sikorski and Camilo Willis. National Educational Computing Conference. Atlanta, GA: June 26, 2007.
(2006). Toward ubiquitous computing: One-to-one across the states. A panel session with Jack Mara (Ph.D. 2005), and doctoral candidates Bob Day and James Spruill. Interactive Technologies Conference.Arlington, VA, August 23, 2006.
(2006). Technology-supported solutions for special populations. A panel session with
doctoral candidates Cheryl Ward, Qi Wang, and Tien-Chen (Alex) Lee. International Virtual Conference for Teacher Educators: Opening Gates in Teacher Education, 2006. A virtual, bi-lingual conference based in Israel, February 13, 2006.
(2006). Library services for distant learners. New Learning Technologies. Orlando, FL, February 8, 2006.
(2005). Becoming an expert asynchronous communicator. Interactive Technologies Conference.Arlington, VA, August 24, 2005.