Professionalism Real Skills for Workplace Success

3 unit(s) 3 lecture hour(s) 16 number of weeks

Description:Development of job-seeking and working relations tools and skills for students preparing to enter the workforce. Create marketable resumes and job search/interview strategies. Develop working relations competencies for greater on-the-job productivity and career success.

Entry Level Skills:Upon entering the course, the student should be able to:

  1. Employ various techniques to recognize and use new vocabulary.
  2. Demonstrate skills to employ reading strategies and the reading process.
  3. Demonstrate skill in selecting and using appropriate study skills.
  4. Demonstrate basic research skills.

Demonstrate skill in writing and editing short assignments with the use of a computer word processor.

Expected Outcomes/Objectives:(written in the context of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO).

Given a lecture and classroom setting students will:

  1. Identify and demonstrate human relations principles needed in the work place including:
  2. Self-management
  3. Workplace basics
  4. Relationships
  5. Career Planning Tools
  6. Create and present an effective business presentation.
  7. Produce an effective resume and cover letter.
  8. Demonstrate effective interview skills in a professional interview.

As determined by student performance on assignments, examinations, and/or other participation

Text: Anderson/Bolt, Professionalism Skills for Workplace Success 2ed, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2011

Out-of-Class Assignments: 6 hours per week (or equivalent)

  1. Reading, studying, and reviewing chapters in the textbook and handouts.
  2. Preparing a cover letter, resume, and follow-up letter.
  3. Practicing interviews.
  4. Practicing a professional interview with a business person from the community.
  5. Evaluating their video camera interview and professional interview.
  6. Writing about self-development regarding human relations skills.
  7. Analyzing case studies.
  8. Preparing a presentation.

Expanded Description of Content and Methods:

I. Working Relations

  1. Importance of human relations in the workplace.
  2. Attitude and personality
  3. Personal and career goal setting.
  4. Stress, time, and personal management.
  5. Power, politics, and ethics.
  6. Business etiquette and professional behavior.
  7. Diversity and workplace discrimination
  8. Customer service.
  9. Productivity and quality
  10. Responsibility and accountability in the workplace.
  11. Communication skills in the workplace.
  12. Motivation, teamwork and leadership
  13. Conflict management.
  14. Vertical and horizontal working relationships.
  15. Succeeding in a new job or assignment.
  16. Training, development, and continual learning

II. Resume Development

  1. What is a resume?
  2. Why you need a resume.
  3. Elements of an effective resume
  4. Resume formats.
  5. Creating your unique resume style.
  6. Creating a professional resume image.
  7. The cover letter.
  8. Preparing a resume for computer scanning.
  9. Resumes on the Internet.

III. Interview and Job Search Strategies

  1. Networking and job search skills.
  2. Job search process and strategies.
  3. Research for added success in an interview.
  4. Interview techniques.
  5. Questions commonly asked in an interview.
  6. Employee rights and discrimination
  7. Illegal interview questions.
  8. What to wear for an interview.
  9. What to bring to an interview.
  10. Practicing the interview.
  11. Interview follow-up letter.

Professionalism Real Skills for Workplace Success

Schedule subject to change according to class progress

1 / Intro/Ch. 1 / Chapter 1-Your Attitude and Personality
2 / Ch. 2-3 / Chapters 2-3-Goal Setting and Life Management
3 / Ch. 4 / Chapter 4-Time and Stress Management
4 / Ch. 5 / Chapter 5-Ethics, Politics, and Diversity
5 / Ch. 6 / Chapter 6-Etiquette and Dress
Goal Setting Report Due
6 / Ch. 7-8 / Chapters 7-8-Customer Service/Quality and Human Resource Management
7 / Ch. 9 / Chapter 9-Communication
8 / Ch. 10 / Chapter 10-Accountablity and Workplace Relationships
9 / Ch. 11-12 / Chapters 11-12-Team Work and Conflict Negotiations
10 / Ch. 13 / Chapter 13-Job Search Skills
11 / Ch. 14 / Chapter 14-Resume Package
12 / Ch. 15 / Chapter 15-Interview Techniques
1st draft resume due and 1st draft cover letter due
13 / Ch. 15
cont. / Mock Interviews
Final resume and cover letter due
14 / Ch. 16 / Chapter 16-Changes in Employment Status
15 / Presentations and review / Presentations due
16 / Final Exam

Professionalism Real Skills for Workplace SuccessCourse Outline