Professional Learning/Continued Professional Development Application Process

The process of applying for PL/CPD will now be completed via the BlueSky system.

The following document provides guidance on how to apply for PL/CPD.

How to apply

Log into your BlueSky account

Select CPD from the tab at the top.

You will be presented with this page:

You should select ‘add new professional CPD activity’. This will begin the application process.

There are two classifications for applications.

Professional Learning refers to ongoing learning that occurs through reflection, discussion, training, reading and many other activities. The professional learning of teachers should have a measurable impact on student learning outcomes. For other staff, there should be measureable outcomes, which should be directly related to your area of professional competence.

Examples might be a specific programme designed to improve learning in a specific area such as looking for learning, or using Big Maths. Based on the course outcomes, there will be a measureable impact on student learning once the Professional Learning is embedded in practice.

Continued Professional Development is generally taken to include specific programmes of study or required courses that are required for your job, but may not be necessarily tailored to your specific needs and may be so general in nature that measureable outcomes would be difficult to determine.

Examples might be IB or IGCSE course or professional conferences to which The College is required to send a representative.

The depth of detail included in the application form is dependent on the above categories.

Professional Learning Application

Please enter PL followed by the name of the course/activity.

Intended outcome should include your action plan. You should address the following questions in detail:

  • What will be the impact on learning?
  • How will I measure it?
  • When will I measure it? (Dates should be included here)
  • How will I follow it up?
  • Who will I follow it up with?
  • How is it linked to the CIP/SIP?

Enter date of application and the date of the activity as above.

Details of the course/activity should be entered here specifically addressing how it will allow for the intended outcome to be achieved. Location should be detailed.

The resources section should give details of anything you may need to achieve the intended outcome. This may include release time/meeting time.

This section asks you to details cover requirements, but please note, you MUST still speak to your designated cover person to make the relevant arrangements and to ensure that cover can be provided. It is advised that you do this before completing the application.

Proposed PL hours allows you to keep a record of your hours of training.

If the PL activity is an external course then you should tick the appropriate box and complete the following information.

You will be asked to complete a number of fields:

Course Provider

Course code – leave blank

Is the course mandatory? If so, you will be asked for a renewal date.

Send booking form – leave blank

Period of absence – number of school days

Course cover costs – leave blank

Course fee

Course expenses which is 200rmb per day

Course Hotel fee which is usually 800rmb per night

Course flight fee

Please note, all figures are in GBP.

Source of funding – Ducks, Juniors, Seniors, Whole school or Administration are the available options. If you are unsure then please leave blank.

Then select next step. You will then be presented with a page where you must link your PL activity to the CIP and your performance management targets.

Select the arrow at the side and this will allow you to select the relevant objectives.

Save your application.

Continued Professional Development Application

An application for continued professional development requires less detail than the professional learning appication as this activity is usually something that is compulsary.

The same fields require completion but much less detail is required in the intended outcomes.

For example, an IB Coordinators conference would simply require a statement such as ‘ To keep up to date and informed of the changes to the IB Dipola Programme’.

Approval procedure

The Line Manager

Once you have saved a copy of your application, it will automatically be sent to your line manager. The line manager is responsible for ensuring that the relevant information is providede and they will also be responsible for ensuring that the intended outcomes/action plan is implemented and followed. The line manger should only approve the CPD activity if they are satisfied with the application.

The Line manager can find the application under the Manage tab.

The Professional Learning Coordinator

Once approved by the line manager, the application will need to be approved by the Professional Learning Coordinator. The PL Coordinator will liase with the relevant head of school for budget approval, the cover supervisor to ensure that cover can be provided and will also ensure that all parts of the application procedure have been followed. They will then agree the application.

Heads of School

Heads of School will be notified of all PL/CPD activites through discussion with the PL Coordinator and through Bluesky. They can leave a note in support of any applications. This will appear at the bottom of the application in the notes section.

Cover Supervisor

The Cover Supervisior will also receive a notification of PL/CPD activities and has the ability to leave a note on the application as shown above.

Once approved by both the Line Manager and the Professional Learning Coordinator, the PL/CPD activity can be booked.

The activity will remain incomplete until the evaluation process has taken place.

A copy of the approved application can be printed off here for finance purposes.

Evidence to support the intended outcomes of the activity can also be uploaded here.

Changes to a PL/CPD Activity

Any changes to your application or action plan should be updated on the system as soon as possible. This can be done by selecting the CPD tab, and then selecting the relevant activity.


To complete a PL/CPD activity, you are required to complete an evaluation. You will receive regular notifications to remind you to do so. No other applications will be approved until this process has been completed.

The evaluation can be completed by selecting the CPD tab and then the relevant PL/CPD activity.

You should then complete the first 3 fields:

You should think carefully about your action plan from your application when completing this. You may wish to copy and paste your action plan from the intended outcomes section of your application into next steps and make any adjustments that you think are necessary following your course. You may then mark the PL/CPD activity as complete and save.

Long Term Impact

This section of the evaluation should be completed at a later date when you feel that your activity has been implemented and you can comment on the impact on student learning.

Again you should select ‘edit CPD activity’ and this will now display a combined document of your application and evaluation. You are also required to rate impact.

Line Managers are required to ensure this process takes place. The Professional Learning Coordinator will over see the process and follow up when necessary.