Julia H. Tucker, M.S.

Professional Experience

MedTech For Solutions 2015-present

Embryology and Andrology

·  All aspects of embryology and andrology in the assisted reproductive technology laboratory

Carolina Conceptions 2012-present

Embryology and Andrology

·  Oocyte retrieval, Conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and Assisted hatching

·  Fertilization assessment, cleavage embryo and blastocyst culture, embryo grading and selection for transfer.

·  Oocyte, cleavage embryo and blastocyst cryopreservation

·  Work on laboratory quality control and quality assurance procedure.

·  Maintain and adjust the IVF laboratory equipment, such as CO2/O2 incubator, micromanipulation, laser system

·  Conduct standard semen analysis and sperm preparation for IVF/ICSI and IUI cycles.

·  Work on clinical data statistical analysis and management, particularly PGS/PGD analysis

Finally Farm, LLC 2013 - present

·  Assist Trainer in management and maintenance of 32 horse boarding and training facility

·  Prepare and administer feed, supplements and medication for horses

·  Assist with horse show schedule and attendance

Cranfill, Sumner, and Hartzog, LLP 2007-2011

·  Office Assistant and Receptionist at busy law firm with over 100 employees

·  Served as the first contact for clients and professionals

·  Organization and filing of cases

·  Phone and Conference Calendar management

Master of Science in Animal Science, Reproductive Physiology 2012
North Carolina State University

·  Study of beef heifer reproductive physiology

·  Comparison of two estrus synchronization protocols for their effectiveness in heifer fertility

·  Focus on the success of the two protocols and the economic impact to producers to maximize profitability by decreasing cost of the procedures while increasing fertility

·  Preformed AI and ultrasounds for identification of follicular development throughout the cycle and later for pregnancy identification.

·  Blood sample collection in the field and performed tests specific; i.e. radioimmunoassay

Bachelor of Science, Animal Science 2010
North Carolina State University
Major: Animal Science Minor: Genetics