Dear [Company representative],
The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) are pleased to invite you to our joint Professional Evening with Industry (PEI). Our goal for this 3rd Annual event is to bridge three sectors: the student, the professional and the community.
NSBE seeks to develop intensive programs for increasing the recruitment, retention, and successful graduation of underrepresented minority men and women in engineering and science. SWE strives to stimulate women to achieve their full potential as engineering leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force, and demonstrate the value of diversity. SHPE aspires to be “the source for quality Hispanic engineers and technical talent” and present students with opportunities to cultivate professional skills in preparation for academia and industry futures.
Professional Evening with Industry
Tuesday, November 15th
5-8 PM
UCSD Campus: Price Center East Ballroom
As a corporate representative and an exemplary leader in your field, you will have access to the next generation of talented UCSD engineers. The schedule of the event will include catered dinner, keynote speakers, and a career fair; where your company representatives will have a chance to review resumes and meet current student engineers.
Please consider being part of our effort in building a competitive technical workforce for the future. Further information can be found at Logistical details and instructions will be sent post-registration.
Thank you for your time and support.
For specific questions, please contact any of the following individuals.
Elizabeth Alvarez Moustapha Adoum
SHPE Vice-President External NSBE Co-Chair
(818) 973-6508 (510) 213-2405
Dawn Lam
SWE Vice-President External
(714) 623-4055
Contact InformationCompany Name
Representative Name(s)
Phone / Fax
Registration/Donations: Please check one and specify amount enclosed.
Golden Donor: $2500+
-Co-headliner for event
-Unlimited recruiters, parking, and dinner
-Company hosted/branded day at UCSD with all Jacobs School diversity organizations
-Plus all benefits listed below / Amount:
Silver Donor: $1500
-Three recruiters, parking, and dinner
-Company advertised on all marketing materials
-Opportunity to present at any organizations’ General Body Meetings
-Plus all benefits listed below / Amount:
Standard Registration: $700
-Two recruiters, parking, and dinner
-Company name recognized on all 3 organizations’ website promotion
-Resume CD / Amount:
*Make checks payable to “Society of Women Engineers”
Please Note: Money will equally be distributed amongst the three organizations.
Mail completed form along with check payment to the address below.
Society of Women Engineers
Jacobs Hall, Suite 1400
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0429
La Jolla, CA 92093-0429
Fax: 858-822-3903
Tax ID Number will be forwarded immediately after checks are received.
Company Registration Ends November 6, 2011