Professional Doctorate in Policy Research and Practice

Residential 5th-16th September 2016

Monday 5th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
09.15 – 11.05 / International Development Policy (IDP)
3 East 2.20 / Welcome and Introductions
James Copestake, Theo Papadopoulos, Robin Shields
10 West 2.02
11.15 – 13.05 / Educational Policy (EDP)
Hugh Lauder
10 West 2.01 / Science and Technology Policy (STP)
Phil Tomlinson
3 East 2.20 / Registration and administrative tasks
James Copestake, Emily Austin
10 West 2.02
13.15 – 14.05 / Welcome Lunch (with staff)
10 West 2.47
14.15 – 15.05 / Administration
James Copestake
10 West 2.01 / Introduction to Endnote
Lydia Maskell
3 East 3.1
15.15 – 17.05 / Endnote Q & A
Lydia Maskell
3 East 3.1 / Transformational Policy and Practice (TPP)
Theo Papadopoulos
10 West 2.02
17.30 / Close

Tuesday 6th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
09.15 – 13.05 / International Development Policy (IDP)
3 East 2.20 / Transformational Policy and Practice (TPP)
Theo Papadopoulos
10 West 2.02
13.05 – 14.05 / Networking Lunch (with staff)
10 West 2.47
14.15 – 17.05 / Educational Policy (EDP)
Hugh Lauder
10 West 2.01 / Governance in a Digital World (GDW)
David Miller
3 East 2.20 / Transformational Policy and Practice (TPP)
Theo Papadopoulos
10 West 2.02

Wednesday 7th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
09.15 – 13.05 / Educational Policy (EDP)
Hugh Lauder
10 West 2.02 / Governance in a Digital World (GDW)
David Miller
3 East 2.20 / Transformational Policy and Practice (TPP)
Theo Papadopoulos
10 West 2.02
13.05 – 14.05 / Lunch break
14.15 – 17.05 / International Development Policy (IDP)
3 East 2.20 / Policy Research Methods (PRM)
Robin Shields
10 West 2.45
16.15-18.05 / IPR Policy Research Seminar: Brexit, UK automotive and implications for industrial policy
Invited Speaker: Professor David Bailey (Aston University)
10 West 2.47
18:05 / Close

Thursday 8th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
09.15 – 13.05 / Science and Technology Policy (STP)
Phil Tomlinson
10 West 2.02 / Private Study / Policy Research Methods (PRM)
Robin Shields
10 West 2.45 / Private Study
13.05 – 14.05 / Lunch break
14.15 – 15.45 / Academic Writing Skills
Jackie Dannatt
3E 2.20 / Library Induction
Peter Bradley
Library 5.07 (meet in foyer)
15.45 - 16.05 / Break
16.05 – 17.05 / Library Induction
Peter Bradley
Library Level 1 Training Room (meet in foyer) / Academic Writing Skills
Jackie Dannatt
3E 2.20
19.15 / Evening Meal in Town
Woods Restaurant: 19.15

Friday 9th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
09.00 – 10.00 / Communications
James Harle,
Room TBC / Academic Writing Skills drop-in session
Jackie Dannatt
3 West 2.1 Writing Centre (on the campus Parade)
10.30 – 16.00 / Department of Social & Policy Sciences Postgraduate Conference
3 East 2.1
16.15 – 17.15 / Governance in a Digital World (GDW)
David Miller
3 East 2.20 / Communications
James Harle,
Room TBC
17.15 / Close

Monday 12th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
09.15 – 13.05 / Science and Technology Policy (STP)
Phil Tomlinson
10 West 2.01 / One to one tutorials /
Private Study
3 East 2.20 / Policy Research Methods (PRM)
Robin Shields
10 West 2.02
13.05 -14.15 / Lunch break
14.15 – 17.05 / Educational Policy (EDP)
Hugh Lauder
10 West 2.01 / Governance in a Digital World (GDW)
David Miller
3 East 3.1 / Policy Research Methods (PRM)
Robin Shields
10 West 2.02
17.05 / Close
17.15 – 18.30 / Academic Writing Skills optional drop-in session (Phase One & Two)
Jackie Dannatt
3 West 2.1 Writing Centre (on the campus Parade)

Tuesday 13th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
08.00 - Late / For those taking ‘International Development Policy (IDP)’:
Development Studies Association Conference
University of Oxford / One to one tutorials / Development Studies Association Conference
University of Oxford

Wednesday 14th September

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
10.00 – 18.00 / Institute for Policy Research and Centre for Development Studies Symposium
Evidence and the Politics of Policymaking: where next?
(Lunch is provided)
University of Bath, Chancellors’ Building
18.00 / Close

Thursday 15thSeptember

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
10.00 – 18.00 / Institute for Policy Research and Centre for Development Studies Symposium
Evidence and the Politics of Policymaking: where next?
(Lunch is provided)
University of Bath, Chancellors’ Building
18.00 / Close

Friday 16thSeptember

Cohort One (Year Two) / Cohort Two (Year One)
09.15-11.05 / Review of IPR and CDS Symposium
Nick Pearce and GrahamRoom
10 West 2.02 / Review of Development Studies Association Conference, IPR and CDS Symposium and Residential
James Copestake
10 West 2.45
11.15-13.05 / Review of Residential and discussion of next steps
James Copestake
10 West 2.02 / Assignment ideas and next steps
Theo Papadopoulos and Robin Shields
10 West 2.45
13.15-14.05 / Closing Lunch (with staff)
Lunch provided
10 West foyer
14.15-16.05 / One-to-one and small group meetings
3 East 2.20 / One-to-one and small group meetings
3 East 2.20
16.05 / Close