1)Traveler completesthe PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUEST form.
2)Traveler completes the REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-BUILDING TRAVEL form.
3)The PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUEST and theREQUEST FOR OUT-OF-BUILDING TRAVEL form are presented to Principal or Supervisor for approval.
4)Principal or Supervisor supplies Funding Source and approves by initialing and signing.
*Please double check all information for accuracy before submitting*
5)The PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUEST and the REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-BUILDING TRAVEL form along with all required information will be sent to the Federal Programs Office.
6)Conference content will be approved by the Elementary or Secondary Curriculum Director.
7)The Federal Programs Office will research and estimate the cost of each portion of the trip (i.e. registration fees, meals, transportation, hotel, etc).
8)The PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUEST and the REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-BUILDING TRAVEL form will then be sent to the Curriculum Director and Administrative Supervisor for signature approval.
9)The PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUEST and the REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-BUILDING TRAVEL form will be sent back to the Federal Programs Office who will make ALL travel arrangements including airline reservations (if applicable).
10)If the cost of any portion of the trip varies by more than $50 from the cost estimate, the Principal or Supervisor will be notified and must approve the more expensive cost.
11)After approval the Federal Programs Office will make final arrangements, process requisitions and purchase orders, and request district checks if necessary. Federal Sub forms will be sent to building secretary.
12)Before the conference an email will be sent to the traveler letting them know the traveler’s packet is in school mail.
13)A traveler’s packet includes: memo with instructions and conference information, reimbursement form (blue copy of travel form), registration confirmation, hotel confirmation, and flight itinerary (if applicable); per diem check for allowable meals and incidentals will be issued after the trip.
14)Traveler will check out a district credit card at the Finance Office to pay for hotel and MUST present OUT-OF-BUILDING TRAVEL form.
15)After the traveler returns, they will sign on the reimbursement form (blue copy of the REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-BUILDING TRAVEL form), attach all applicable receipts and return them to the Federal Programs Office. Hotel receiptsMUST be turned in to the Federal Programs Office before receiving any travel reimbursement.
16)District credit card MUST be returned to the Finance Office immediately after returning from trip.
RPS does not reimburse for mileage or meals to the NWAESC.
Hotel Check In: You must present personalcredit card for incidentals at time of check in.
Meals and Incidentals:
- Allowable meals will be paid at the fixedper diem rate of $7 breakfast, $8 lunch, and $15 dinner. Meals and Incidental checks will be issued after conference/workshop.
- Mileage will be paid at $.42 per mile. The starting point figuring mileage is the district office. When more than one (1) individual is traveling, car pooling is REQUIRED.
- In the event you are overpaid for meals and incidentals, it is your responsibility to return district funds immediately.
Meals will be allowed or disallowed according to:
- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is not provided by hotel or conference host.
- Breakfast is not provided on the day of departure.
Cancellations: Cancellations MUST be made by traveler’s supervisor and MUST be approved by the Administration. The reason for cancellation MUST be submitted in writing to supervisor for approval.
- The traveler will be responsible for reimbursing the district for cancellation penalties on unapproved cancellations which are determined by Administration. Including but not limited to: registration fees and hotel deposits.
- Penalties applied for “no showing” are the sole responsibility of traveler.
Parking Fees, Taxi, Shuttle, and Toll Fees: will be processed as reimbursements – with receipts and supervisor’s approval.
Checked Bags: Each employee traveling by air will be reimbursed for one (1) checked bag – with receipts – NOT TO EXCEED $25 EACH WAY ($50 roundtrip) – RPS is not responsible for overweight baggage fees.
Traveler is responsible for turning in reimbursement form (blue copy of your travel form) along with any hotel receiptsafter returning from trip to the Federal Programs Office.
Expiration of Reimbursement Payment: Reimbursement forms not received within the same school year of date of the trip by the Federal Programs Office will expire for reimbursement.