Classroom Technology



Professional Development &Specialized Support Services

Integrate Classroom Technologies into Daily Instruction

To improve academic performance for 21st century learners

  • Improve rigor through technology-based, 21st century instructional strategies.
  • Expand usage of technology already in your schools.
  • Systematically support change of teacher practice during digital conversion.


Meet Our Experts...... 6

Success Story...... 7

Classroom Technology Instruction...... 8

Classroom Technology Leadership...... 12

Using Classroom Technology Effectively

Even with the push for 21st century skills, educators know that technology alone does not impact student achievement. Pearson’s professional development services focus on teaching with technology, not solely on the technology. Teachers learn how to align digital tools and lessons with standards and objectives to make lessons more effective, with practical ideas for immediate classroom use.

Improve Rigor through Technology-Based Strategies

Educators learn how to:

  • Identify opportunities to choose, show, and discuss 21st century skills in the classroom.
  • Facilitate rigorous expectations and active higher-order thinking and learning experiences.
  • Flip their classrooms in a mastery or inquiry-based learning environment.

Expand Use of Technology

Educators learn how to:

  • Integrate interactive whiteboards into the curriculum.
  • Create technology-rich lessons.
  • Leverage Web 2.0 in instruction.

Systematically Support Change of Teacher Practice

  • Educators learn how to:
  • Manage a 1:1 classroom.
  • Differentiate instruction with technology.
  • Impact classroom-level change in student achievement and excellence.

Our workshops and job-embedded professional development services are customized to the technologies available in each school or district and to the skill levels of the participants. We work with individuals and groups to help every educator leverage today’s classroom technologies to improve student achievement.


English Language Learners

Response to Intervention

Common Core State Standards

Online Services

Meet Our Technology Experts

Pearson works with more than 1,000 authors and researchers to bring you practical, evidence-based professional development programs and resources. Our close association with key authors and architects of the Common Core State Standards ensures that the spirit and pedagogical approach of the initiative is embodied in our educational materials, assessments, and professional development.

A few of the experts we work with include:

Mark Edwards, Ed.D.

Pearson Consulting Author

  • Pioneer of 1:1 computing in public schools
  • 2013 A. Craig Phillips North Carolina Superintendent of the Year, Harold W. McGraw Prize in Education recipient in 2003, and eSchool News Magazine’s 2002 Tech Savvy Superintendent
  • Served as the Dean of the University of Northern Alabama’s College of Education
  • Author of Every Child, Every Day: A Digital Conversion Model for Student Achievement

Jonathan Bergmann

Flipped Learning Expert

  • Lead Technology Facilitator for the Joseph Sears School in Kenilworth, IL
  • Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching in 2002 and was named semi-finalist for the Colorado Teacher of the Year in 2010
  • Bachelor’s degree is in Science Education from Oregon State University and he holds a Master’s degree from the University of Colorado at Denver in Instructional Technology

Aaron Sams

Flipped Learning Expert

  • Director of Digital Learning and Director of Admissions at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA
  • Awarded the 2009 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching
  • B.S. in Biochemistry and an M.A.Ed., both from Biola University

Success Story

Professional Development Streamlines 1:1 Implementation

Coleman Independent School District

Coleman, Texas


After outfitting teachers with laptops, Coleman ISD went on to provide every student in Grades 4–12 with a laptop over a period of three years. However, administrators recognized that most teachers needed support on integrating the new technology into classroom instruction and homework assignments.


A local Pearson consultant led sessions on 1:1 computing and modeled lessons using laptops and technologies such as interactive whiteboards, with an ongoing focus on curriculum alignment. He routinely observed a class, re-taught it using technology, and then asked the teacher to try it. “Pearson helped us troubleshoot every problem,” says Curriculum Director Lorrie Payne. “It was clear that we needed a consistent model of instruction to unite all our staff.”


Teachers can now help and train each other, and their improved technology skills have positively impacted student achievement across the district. “We no longer need the same level of support. I didn’t realize how vital our Pearson training was until I saw districts that didn’t have it,” says Ms. Payne.

TAKS Pass Rate

2008 / 2011
Science / 75% / 88%
Social Studies / 89% / 99%

“There’s no way we would have had the success we’ve had without Pearson. Pearson helped us save our teachers from frustration and reach a high level of technology integration very rapidly.”

—Lorrie Payne

Curriculum Director

Coleman Independent School District

Classroom Technology Instruction

Creating Technology-Rich Lessons

Number of Days: 1

Build a deeper understanding of how technology can be used to make lessons more effective. In this workshop, participants gain practical ideas and tools to use immediately in their classrooms.

NOTE: This workshop can be adapted to the specific content areas or educational levels of your group (for example, middle-grade math).


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and define the effective use of technology.
  • Evaluate a lesson and identify methods to improve its use of technology.
  • Write a dynamic, technology-rich lesson plan.

Target Audience:

K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators

Number of Participants: 25

ISBN: 114041

Differentiated Instruction with Technology

Number of Days: 1

Explore how technology can be used as a tool for differentiating instruction. This workshop prepares K–12 educators to use technology for supporting differentiation in the classroom to positively impact student learning.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify ways to differentiate instruction.
  • Discuss why data is a crucial component of differentiation and how tools are available to collect and interpret this valuable data.
  • Create a lesson that effectively uses technology to differentiate instruction and learning.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators

Number of participants: 25

ISBN: 114119

Integrating an Interactive Whiteboard into the Curriculum

Number of Days: 1

Learn how to integrate interactive whiteboards into the curriculum. During this in-depth, content-driven workshop, participants look at various tools and uses; review, analyze, and respond to lessons using the tools; and begin to think about ways to effectively integrate any or all of the tools in their own classroom. The workshop is customized for the whiteboards available in each school and for the content areas represented by the participants. An online diagnostic tool that is used to evaluate current skill levels is available for further customization.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Create or modify a learner-centered, technology-rich lesson using an interactive whiteboard.
  • Identify product-specific tools and resources available for curriculum integration in identified content areas.
  • Explore online resources available for curriculum integration.
  • Engage in thoughtful discourse related to effective technology integration.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators

Number of participants: 25

ISBN: 114245

21st Century Skills and the Digital Classroom

Number of Days: 1

Teachers and district facilitators who are new to classroom technology concepts can benefit from this foundational professional development program. It will familiarize participants with 21st century skills and help them transfer that into their classrooms.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of 21st century and digital literacy concepts.
  • Learn practical steps for adapting lessons to incorporate digital literacy.
  • Identify opportunities to choose, show, and discuss 21st century skills in the classroom.

Target Audience:

K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators

Number of Participants: 25

ISBN: 114189

Leveraging Web 2.0 in Instruction

Number of Days: 1

Integrate Web 2.0 tools and the vast number of resources available on the Internet into instruction to create a more active, student-centered, and collaborative social learning experience for students. In this in-depth workshop, participants look at various tools, such as wikis, blogs, podcasting, and social networking, and explore how to integrate any or all of these tools in their own classroom.

Customized Focus: This workshop can be customized in one of the following ways to accommodate a district’s specific needs:

Managing Work and Resources in the Cloud

Internet Search and Research Strategies

Digital Citizenship: Literacy, Networking and Cyberbullying

Google Tools

Teacher Communication and Collaboration Tools

Social Networking (Edmodo, etc.)

Pod and Video Casting across Curricular Areas


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of using Web 2.0 tools as part of the classroom structure.
  • Design a classroom-ready product based on the customized focus selected.
  • Understand how to safely and ethically integrate concepts of information sharing, social networking, and collaboration in the school environment.

Target Audience:

K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators

Number of Participants: 25

ISBN: 114225

Classroom Technology: Coaching and Modeling

Number of Days: 1

Job-embedded professional development helps K–12 educators leverage the technology available in their classrooms to increase student learning and understanding. Based on a preliminary needs assessment and consultation, Pearson Classroom Technology Consultants work with individual teachers and/or small teams to achieve desired outcomes for integrating technology into daily instruction. Coaching and modeling services can include collaborative lesson planning, coaching, co-teaching, observation and feedback, modeling effective lessons, and more.

Target Audience:

K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators

Number of Participants:

Individuals or small teams of up to 4 participants

ISBN: 114211

Managing a 1:1 Classroom

Number of Days: 1

1:1 or digital conversion initiatives in a district introduce teachers to a host of new challenges in the classroom. This workshop assists educators in managing the use of new technology in their classroom and anticipating changing dynamics that technology might introduce. Participants explore effective and ineffective classroom management strategies in a technology-rich classroom as well as new instructional practices for a 1:1 environment.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate challenges and benefits that occur in the 1:1 classroom.
  • Explore a variety of technology-rich management strategies.
  • Identify at least three classroom management techniques and instructional techniques to apply in your classroom.

Target Audience:

K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators

Number of Participants: 25

ISBN: 114185


pd21 is a personalized, online professional development system that helps teachers seamlessly integrate technology and 21st century instruction into their classrooms. The system includes a library of over 150 classroom-ready integration activities that promote job-embedded professional development, impact learning, and increase student achievement. pd21 provides

multiple formats of practical, effective content, including self-paced workshops, tutorials, and instructor-certified workshops;

district-wide solutions that support systemic change;

support for standards-based 21st century lesson design; and

job-embedded professional learning, including a library of classroom-ready projects.


By using this system, users will be able to:

  • Understand key concepts in the effective use of classroom technology.
  • Transfer understanding into classroom use of technology-embedded lessons.
  • Monitor progress of professional development activities to support systemic change.

Target Audience:

K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, District Leadership

ISBN: pd21 annual license 25–99 teachers: 117370

ISBN: pd21 annual license 100–299 teachers: 117390

ISBN: pd21 annual license 300–499 teachers: 117380

ISBN: pd21 annual license 500+ teachers: 117371

Mobile Device Rollout


A successful mobile device rollout requires strategic planning with scaffolded levels of support throughout the district and community. For educators who are most comfortable with desktop computers, this workshop explains how to care for and use a laptop, netbook, iPad, or Tablet PC to expedite learning, access resources, and communicate.

This workshop is tailored to the district’s needs. It can be used to identify and reinforce district policy and security measures students must follow as well as to train teachers or parents and students.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize basic functionality of the device and conduct proper care and maintenance.
  • Identify and locate resources for integrating the devices into instruction.
  • Observe proper security measures, including Internet security procedures for parents and students and student guidelines for acceptable use.
  • Understand district technology resources and be able to connect from home.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators, Parents, Students


ISBN: 114249

Technology and the Project-Based Classroom


Student-centered 21st century classrooms facilitate rigorous expectations and active higher-order thinking and learning experiences. During this workshop, participants examine the key elements in managing technology and project-based learning at the classroom level. They learn tips for effective planning, implementation, and assessment as they develop new skills necessary for the successful conversion to a technology-rich, project-based classroom.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate the role that rubrics, exemplars, and performance play in the monitoring and assessment of project-based learning experiences.
  • Identify systems that effectively manage a project-based learning classroom environment.
  • Design a standards-based lesson plan which incorporates technology and an effectively managed project-based learning experience.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators


ISBN: 114107

Foundations of Flipped Learning:Blended Model

Length: 1 day on-site and 6–8 hours online

The flipped classroom uses modern technology to create a sustainable, reproducible, and manageable environment for student-centered learning. With the transfer of foundational knowledge occurring outside of class time, students are asked to take ownership of their own learning. Educators are able to personalize each class and increase time spent with each student. This flipped-mode workshop is based on the pioneering work of Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams and built in partnership with the Flipped Learning Network. Learn what flipped learning is, why it works, and how to flip a classroom.


By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Determine what to flip in a classroom.
  • Decide where in the learning cycle to incorporate a video lesson.
  • Develop intentional content.
  • Flip a classroom in a mastery or inquiry-based learning environment.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators


ISBN: K–12 focus: 119351

Digital Conversion: Every Child, Every Day


Achieving success in a digital conversion involves much more than introducing technology. It means changing the expectations of teachers and students. It involves identifying the resources needed and setting up a technological infrastructure. It requires teachers to invest in self-improvement and prepare new ways to teach. It means raising the bar for accountability and methodically collecting data to ensure the digital conversion is improving student achievement. In this workshop, based on Superintendent Mark Edwards’ book Every Child, Every Day, participants lay the foundation for improving student achievement through a digital conversion.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the different elements needed for digital conversion to impact student achievement.
  • Visualize effective 1:1 instruction.
  • Identify the key changes needed during a digital conversion.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the digital conversion process in their district.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators, District and School Leadership


ISBN: 119317

Teaching 1:1 for Student Success


Based on the highly effective model in Every Child, Every Day by Mark Edwards, this workshop is designed for teachers in districts that are contemplating or undergoing a digital conversion. Participants focus on how to impact classroom-level change in student achievement and excellence. They explore the vision for digital conversion and learn how to actively participate in the change required to support every child, every day. Participants also examine how the teacher’s role changes from the “Sage on the Stage” to the “Roaming Conductor” in support of an engaging and interactive classroom environment.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the shift this conversion requires in instructional design and classroom organization.
  • Determine the changes needed to support a rigorous 21st century classroom that aligns instructional practice with student achievement success.
  • Identify resources and develop skills needed to move an individual classroom environment to support peer engagement and a coaching model.
  • Build a plan for implementing needed changes.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators