Strategic Studies
Prof. Vittorio Emanuele Parsi; Prof. Riccardo Redaelli
This course aims to explore the main issues developed by politilogical literature concerning war, and in a more general sense, the use of force for political reasons. Particular attention will be given to the phenomenon of violent Islamic activism and to the doctrine of R2P (Responsibility to Protect).
Module I: Prof. Vittorio Emanuele Parsi (40 hours)
The course is organised into two parts: the first part focuses on the analysis of modern strategic thought. Therefore, students will be provided with an overview of the subject, the phenomenon of war will be investigated, and particular emphasis will be placed on its relationship with politics. Finally, students will explore the problem of strategy in its operative dimension.
The second part of the course deal:s with the following theoretical and empirical topics:
2)the obsolescenceof great wars;
3)the Revolution within Military Affairs;
4)the theory of democratic peace;
5)asymmetric conflict;
7)humanitarian conflict and peace operations;
8)weapons of mass destruction;
9)arms control.
In accordance with the academic calendar and with the tutor’s permission, students may suggest the following additional topics.
Modulo II: Prof. Riccardo Redaelli (20 hours)
- FromNational Security toHuman Security. The elaboration of the R2P concept (Responsibility to Protect).
- The case-study of Afghanistan and Iraq.
- Military thinking in the Muslim world.
- The concept of jihad in the classical doctrine and in the contemporary era.
- The answer to the technological superiority of Western military: the shahid.
- Al-Qa‘eda: doctrine, structure andstrategic evolutionof Qaedism before and after the 9/11.
- The new strategic thinking of China: string of pearls and “mazza dell’assassino”. The answer of the USA and India.
For Module I
In addition to the course notes, the reading for Module One is the following:
G. Giacomello-G. Badaletti,Manuale di Studi Strategici. Da Sun Tzu alle 'nuove guerre', Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2009.
C. Stefanachi, ’Guerra indolore’. Dottrine,illusioni e retoriche della guerra limitata, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2011.
For Module II
In addition to the readings of Module One:
Course Notes.
Study materials specialist for geographic areas or thematic that will be made available on the lecturer’s personal page (to the item “didattica – materiali per il corso di Studi Strategici”)and that forming an integral part of the examination program.
The course will be conducted through lectures, seminars and special lectures. For the seminar part students will then read in advance the readings indicated, that will form the starting point for class discussion.
There will be one written examination.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.