E85.1429/2093.001Choral ConductingSpring 2011

Prof. Ira ShankmanRoom 779 Monday 4:55-6:35


This course provides students with practical procedures and materials for conducting choirs. Students enrolled in this course will demonstrate essential conducting techniques, become familiar with choral literature of different periods and styles, and learn to analyze and synthesize music scores for conception, interpretation, rehearsal, and performance. Expectations include:

  • consistent participation, both as a conductor and performer for the other members of the class
  • on time arrival and attendance every week
  • preparation of weekly assignments for conducting in class.
  • written reflections of Videotaping
  • observation and written reflection of a choral clinic held at NYU. Dates and times forthcoming.

Attendance Requirement:

A maximum of one absence is allowed for the entire semester. Additional absences may result in a lower grade.

Procedures and Grading:

Students will conduct at almost every class session. Students are also expected to practice outside of class. Any and all conducting exercises in the class are fair game for grading purposes. Class participation is an important factor in determining grades.

Repertoire to be studied

“Laudate Nomen DominiTye (1505-1571)

“Fa Una Canzona”Vecchi (1550-1605) “Fair Phyllis I Saw” Farmer (1565-1605)

“Weep O Mine Eyes”Bennet (1575-1614)

“Hallelujah, Amen” from Judas MaccabaeusHandel (1685-1759)

“Kyrie” from the Mass in GSchubert (1797-1828)

“Sanctus and Benedictus”from the St. Cecilia MassGounod (1818-1893)

“Chichester Psalms” 2nd MovementBernstein(1918-1990)

“Every Time I Feel the Spirit”Spiritual

January 241. Course Requirements and overview

2. Handouts

3. Difference between instrumental and choral conducting

4. Repertoire(Those listed in bold are for midterm and final 5. “Laudate Nomen Domini”, “Fa una canzona”

Homework: Prepare “Laudate Nomen Domini”, “Fa una canzona”

Term Project: Begin study of the 2nd movement of “Chichester Psalms” for the final. Baton will be used for this piece

January 311. Conduct “Laudate Nomen Domini” and “Fa una canzona” 2. Look at “Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting”

Homework: Prepare to conduct“Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting”

February 71. Conduct “Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting” Videotaped

2.Look at “Weep O Mine Eyes”, “Kyrie”

Homework: Prepare to conduct“Weep O Mine Eyes”, “Kyrie”

February 141.Conduct “Weep O Mine Eyes”,“Kyrie”

Homework:Read through“Hallelujah, Amen” – Review Madrigals

February 21(No Classes)President’s Day

February 281. Work on “Kyrie”,”Hallelujah Amen”

2. Conduct Madrigals

Homework: Prepare for Midterm: “Kyrie”

March 7“Kyrie”Midterm/Videotaped

Homework: Prepare to conduct“Hallelujah Amen” MARKING SCORES!

March 14(No Classes)Spring Break

March 211.Conduct “Hallelujah Amen”

2. Work on“Every Time I Feel The Spirit”

Homework:Prepare to conduct“Every Time I Feel The Spirit”

March 281. Conduct“Every Time I Feel The Spirit”Videotaped

2.Work on “Lift Thine Eyes”

Homework:Prepare to conduct “Lift Thine Eyes”

April 41.Conduct “Lift Thine Eyes” 2. Prepare Chichester Psalms

April 11“Chichester Psalms” rehearsing

April 18Instructor not in class(Passover) Student run rehearsing and practice

April 25“Chichester Psalms” rehearsing

May 2“Chichester Psalms” FinalVideotaped

May 9“Chichester Psalms” FinalVideotaped

May 16Videotape Viewing by appointment