Prof. Gilberto BerríosUniversidad Simón BolívarID1112 – Sec 07

E-mail: Departamento de IdiomasApril-June 2015

Office: EGE-207DCourse outline Monday 1:30-3:30 Sala Comp 4 (AUL)

Wednesday 1:30-3:30 MEM108




/ Contents / Activities / Tests / Other
1 / Apr 6-10 /  ID1111 review; introduction to ID1112: definition, classification, description, and comparison & contrast
 Definition (FOR 8-11) /  RS 75-76
2 / Apr 13-17 /  Introduction to graphic organizers (FOR 50-53)
 Definition (FOR 11-16)
Spider concept map (FOR 51) /  RS 72-74
3 / Apr 20-24 /  Classification (FOR 18-22)
 Hierarchy concept map (FOR 51); Venn diagram (FOR 52) /  RS 77-79
 RS 84-86
4 / Apr 27 - May 1 /  Description (FOR 16-18)
 Vocabulary building: adjectives, sense data words
 Spider concept map (FOR 51); Double cell diagram (FOR 52) /  RS 80-83
 RS 108
5 / May 4-8 /  Comparison & contrast (FOR 22-25)
 Grammar: comparative and superlative adjectives
 Expressions of proportion (e.g., twice as much)
 Comparison matrix and Double cell diagram (FOR 52) /  RS 90-91
 RS 87-89
6 / May 11-15 /  Exam week /  Rdng1 (Mon)
 Dept1 (Wed)
7 / May 18-22 /  Chronological order (FOR 25-31)
 Flowchart concept map for chronology and process (FOR 51)
 Timeline graphic organizer /  RS 92-94
 RS 95-98
 RS 99-100
8 / May 25-29 /  Process, i.e. dynamic description (FOR 32-40) /  RS 106-107
 Voc (Mon)
9 / Jun 1-5 /  Cause & effect (FOR 40-47)
 Fishbone diagram (FOR 53)
 Grammar: real conditionals (if + will, if + present) /  RS 102-105
10 / Jun 8-12 / Review of indicators (FOR 48-49)
 Summarizing (FOR 54-56)
 Spider map and other graphic organizers as summarizing tools
(FOR 53) /  RS 109-111
 RS 112-113
11 / Jun 15-19 /  Exam week /  Rdng2 (Mon)
 Dept2 (Wed)
12 / Jun 22-26 /  Course review; final grades
Wed, June 24: National holiday (no class) /  Voc (Mon)


  • Focus on reading & Reading selections (April 2015, 8th edition).

You may also find an English-English dictionary useful.

Office hour: Wednesday 9:30-11:00. If this is not convenient, make an appointment.

Teacher’s web page:

Here you can find resources for practicing vocabulary and reading skills. Anybody can enter this page, so feel free to recommend it to your friends if you think it will help them.

Class web page:

This page is only for students registered in ID1112 section 07. Here you will take all your reading and vocabulary quizzes.

Evaluation:Departmental exams are 90-minute, 25-question multiple-choice reading comprehension tests. Dictionary allowed (only English-English). Date and room to be announced.

Departmental 1 25% / Departmental 2 25%

Readingquizzes test your reading comprehension with different types of questions. Dictionary allowed (either English-English or bilingual or both). These exams will take place in Sala de Computadoras 4 (AUL top floor).

Reading Quiz 1 15% / Reading Quiz 2 15%

The vocabulary quiz tests your knowledge of frequent vocabulary, both in isolation and within context. No dictionary. You have two chances to take it (Sala Comp 4). You keep your best grade.

Vocabulary Quiz 20%