Home Economics Project


Name4-H Age Birth Date

ProjectBreads, Clothing, Knitting, Crocheting, Consumer Education, Child Care and Foods

Year in projectName of club

Year in 4-H Signature of the project leader

For larger projects add additional pages.

A. Statement of my project goals and objectives for the year. (4-H member states in their own words what they plan to do.)

B. What new skills did you learn this year?

C. List any activity related to this project in which you participated such as group meetings, classes, tours.

D. Has this project helped you with another project or club work?

E. Have you helped others with their project? If so, what did you help them with?

Project Inventory

An inventory is a list of supplies and equipment which you own. When you start your project list the supplies which you own and will use in this project. Do the same at the close of the project.

Supplies, and Equipment Owned

Item / Quantity / Beginning Inventory / Closing Inventory
Sample: Sewing kit / 1 / $30.00 / $27.00

Total Inventory [A] $ [B] $

Income From Your Project

List all income or sales from your project.

Date / Commodity / Buyer / Amount / Price
4-19 / Fabric / Heide Smith / 1 / $6.00

Total Income[C] $

Project Expense

Under project expense list all expenses not included in beginning inventory. Include supplies, equipment etc.

Date / From Whom / Item / Quantity / Cost
Sample: 8-5 / Craft World / Fabric cutters / 1 / $15.00

Total Expenses [D] $

Statement of Profit of Loss


1. Beginning Inventory4. Closing Inventory

(page 2-A)(page 2-B)

2. Project Expense (page 3-D)5. Project Income (page 3-C)

3. Total Expense (add items 1 & 2)6. Total Income (add items 4 & 5)

Profit or Loss

7. Total Income for project (item 6)

8. Total Expense for project (item 3)

9. Net profit or loss (subtract item 8 from item 7)

Exhibit and Demonstration Record

Event / Date / Class/Topic / Comments
Sample: Elko County Fair / 8-29 / Clothing vest / press better next year

Project Summary

Please write a short summary about this project. Tell what you learned and accomplished this year. Did you reach your goals? Why or why not? What interesting experiences (problems, interests, progress, feelings) you had with your project this year. Include special tours or speakers which were a part of the program, committee or leadership responsibilities, and teaching you did. Use additional pages if needed.