Product Fulfillment Notes

Product Fulfillment Notes

 2006 CyberGrants, Inc.

Product Fulfillment Notes

Table of Contents


2Validation Errors

2.1Checking for Validation Errors

2.2About Payee Validation Errors

2.3Validation Error: The product to be shipped is no longer active

2.4Validation Error: Product shipping restrictions......

2.5Validation Error: You may not have more than one open license order per request

3Changing Payee Information

4About Order Status

5About Payment Status

Revision History

Date / Description / Author
01/18/06 / Created / David Ghikas
01/25/06 / Added suggestions made by Alexander Wolk. / David Ghikas
09/12/06 / Updated for new CyberGrants User Interface / Charles Perkins

1 Overview

When the CyberGrants software is used to donate product it behaves in a similar way to a product fulfillment system. Product orders are sent to different electronic trading partners depending on what is ordered.

2 Validation Errors

A number of validation rules are applied to avoid having the orders rejected by the trading partners.

2.1 Checking for Validation Errors

You can check for validation errors by utilizing the Order Validation Tool (OVT). This tool displays any errors (E) or warnings (W) associated with the request that could potentially affect the fulfillment. You must confirm that all errors have been corrected prior to submitting the grant. The grant will not be fulfilled if errors exist and/or the “I agree” box has not been checked.

You must scroll down and “Revalidate” the OVT each time after correcting any errors in order for the tool to be updated. It does not automatically update after you simply save changes to the request:

Within the OVT is the “Ok to Go” Report. This report needs to be run in order to check for additional software-specific validation errors. Clicking the “OK to Go” link will launch the report in a new window.

You can check the report for orders and order lines that have a status of Errors. The following is an example:

2.2 About Payee Validation Errors

Most validation errors are related to payee information. Common errors include missing address information. A validation error associated with a payee will cause all payment lines associated with the payee to have validation errors. If you correct the payee validation error for one payment line you will also have fixed the validation errors for the other payments that share the same payee.

2.3 Validation Error: The product to be shipped is no longer active

Items are added and deleted from the product list every month. It is possible for a product to be active when it is added to a request but to become inactive when it comes time to order it. The inactive part must be removed from the request in order to correct this error.

2.4 Validation Error: Product shipping restrictions

Certain products cannot be shipped to some countries and must be removed from the request.

2.5 Validation Error: You may not have more than one open license order per request

It is policy to have only one open license order per request. This is done to simplify the management of license keys. This condition could occur if:

  1. You have product payments for open license items going to two or more payees. Either modify the open license payment lines so that they share the same payee or create a separate request for each payee; or
  2. You are trying to add open license items to a request where there already exists open license items in a Process or Shipped state. In this case you must create a separate request to order the new open license items.

3 Changing Default Payee Information

Most requests will require only one payee. You can also assign a payee to a specific CyberGrants order. Using multiple payees and multiple orders allows you to ship product to more than one geographical location in the same request.

Every request has one default payee. The default payee will be used to process each CyberGrants order so long as an order level payee has not been assigned.

To change the default payee information click on the (Change Default) link.

Select the (Create New Payee) radio button:

Update any fields necessary. Note that the fields for the new payee information have been pre-populated to reduce the amount of data entry required. Please be sure to complete all required fields marked with an Asterisk.

To assign a payee to a specific order Click on the Edit link next to the Order ID in the Order Fulfillment Summary.

Uncheck the Use Default Payee checkbox.

The Payee Information will now appear as follows:

Note that the fields for the new payee information have been pre-populated to reduce the amount of data entry required.

From the above section you may change the payee information as follows:

Desired Outcome / Required Action
Assign the default request payee to this payment. / Click on the check box labeled Use Default Request Payee.
Create a new payee just for this payment line. / Click on the radio button beside the (Create New Payee) label and uncheck the box with the Make above selected payee the default payee for the current request label. Modify the payee information as required.
Create a new default payee for the request. / Click on the radio button beside the (Create New Payee) label and check the box with the Make above selected payee the default payee for the current request label. Modify the payee information as required.

After making the changes to the payee information is important to remember to click on the Save All button.

4 About Order Status

The order status is used to identify where a payment is in the product fulfillment process. The order status can be one of the following values:

Status / Description
Errors / A validation error was found. Product fulfillment will not proceed until all validation errors for the request have been fixed.
Validated / The payment has been checked and does not contain any validation errors. The payment line is being held for reasons other than validation errors.
Oktogo / The payment has been checked and does not contain any validation errors. The payment will be ordered by end of day next business day.
Ordered / The payment has been ordered by the electronic trading partner.
Rejected / The order was rejected by the electronic trading partner.
Confirmed / The order has been received and has passed validation by the electronic trading partner.
Shipped / The order has been shipped by the electronic trading partner.

5 About Payment Status

The payment status is used to identify where in the grant fulfillment process a payment is. The payment status can take on one of the following values:

Status / Description
Contingent / The payment line has been put on hold by the request owner. The status can only be changed manually by the request owner.
Deferred / The payment line has been put on hold because of validation errors. The status will automatically be changed to Scheduled once the validation errors are fixed.
Scheduled / The payment line has been scheduled for product fulfillment.
Process / A product order has been placed but the electronic trading partner has not shipped it yet.
Paid / The electronic trading partner has shipped the product order.

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