ProCredit Bank a.d. 17 Milutina Milankovica St ,11070 New Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Press Release

ProCredit Bank’s Energy Efficiency Loans

Belgrade, 17thApril - Annual savings on heating costs provided by the installation of thermal insulation on the exterior walls of an apartment or a house, can help each family budget increase by about EUR 700 per year, which presents almost two additional salaries in Serbia.

More than 74 percent of family homes and residential buildings in our country have insufficiently good or even no insulation at all, although the savings achieved by this improvement is always sufficient to make such investment pay off in a few years’ time.

Due to this very reason, this spring ProCredit Bank has prepared a very favourable offer in terms of energy efficiency loans, thanks to which all interested citizens can use the months to come to improve their homes which will allow lower power consumption, lower monthly costs, but the greater life comfort.

-ProCredit Bank energy efficiency loans cover a wide range of applications. With these loans under very favourable conditions the citizens may install insulation in their homes, replace old windows or doors, modernize the heating system, install a heat pump or buy energy efficient household appliances. The big news in our offer are our housing loans for the purchase of new and more energy efficient apartments, with 4 per cent interest rate plus 6M EURIBOR which iseven better when compared to subsidized housing loans - said Igor Anic, a member of the ProCredit Bank Executive Board.

According to his words, the financial support to the implementation of energy efficiency improvements is only part of a partnership offered byProCredit Bank experts to all who are interested in such investments. The second and often most important aspect of this cooperation, highlights Anic, are reliable recommendations of ProCredit Bank advisors and detailed calculations of cost benefitensured by EE solutions, on the basis of which it is easy to assess the extent to which the planned investment is justified and the savings it provides for the family budget.

For any additional information please contact:

Ivan Aranđelović
Senior PR Specialist

Tel: +381 11 331 5551

Mob: +381 63103 53 86


O ProCredit banci: ProCredit banka je do sada ukupno investirala više od tri milijarde evra u Srbiji. Odobreno je više od 375.000 kredita, od čega 80 odsto čine plasmani malim i srednjim preduzećima, preduzetnicima i poljoprivrednicima. Depozitna baza Banke premašuje iznos od 340 miliona evra, izdato je 200.000 platnih kartica, dok ukupan broj klijenata iznosi više od 280.000. U svojim kreditnim aktivnostima Banka je fokusirana na mala i srednja preduzeća, preduzetnike i poljoprivredne proizvođače, dok poseban značaj u poslovanju pridaje odgovornom bankarstvu i razvoju kulture štednje među klijentima. ProCredit banka je deo ProCredit grupe od 21 finansijske institucije koje posluju na tri kontinenta (Evropa, Afrika i Latinska Amerika).

ProCredit Bank a.d.MilutinaMilankovica 17, 11070 New Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Info center: 0 700 700 000, + 381 11 20 57 000, Fax: + 381 11 20 77 905, E-mail: ,
Registry number: 17335677, PIB: 100000215, Gyro-account: 908-22001-32 in ProCredit Bank a.d. Reg. no. in APR: 8269/2005
Registered capital: 48.639.652,45 EUR, Paid-in-capital: 48.639.652,45 EUR
Chairperson of the Executive Board: Svetlana Tolmacheva Dingarac, Chairman of the Board of Directors: Borislav Kostadinov