Proclamation 2015 K-12 Fine Arts Publishers

Alfred Music

Band, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Choir, Middle School 1,2,3, Orchestra, Middle School 3, Jazz Ensemble, Middle School 3, Choir I, II, III, Orchestra I, II, III, Jazz Ensemble I, II, III, World Music Ensemble I, II, III, Piano I, II, III, Guitar I, II,III, and Music Theory I, II

16320 Roscoe Blvd.

Van Nuys, CA 91406

Krista Hart, Manager, Trade Marketing andMaterials Adoptions

(818) 891-5999 x239

CEV Multimedia, Ltd.

Principles and Elements of Floral Design

1020 SE Loop 289

Lubbock, TX 79404

Angela Dehls, Adoption Coordinator

(806) 745-8820 x735

Davis Publications, Inc.

Art, Grade K, TRS Edition Only, Art, Grades 1-5, Art, Middle School 1,2,3, Art I, II, II, Art Appreciation I, Art and Media Communications I, II, Painting I, II, Ceramics I, II, Design I, II, and Digital Art and Media I, II

8127 Mesa Drive B206-222

Austin, TX 78759

Scott Benson, National Sales Manager

(508) 612-2650

Drama Education Network

Theatre Teacher’s Resource Book, Grades K-5, Theatre, Middle School 1,2,3, Theatre Arts I, II, III, IV, Theatre Production I, II, II, IV, and Theatre and Media Communications I, II

P.O. Box 4659

Culver City, CA 90231

Jonas Basom, President and Founder

(310) 289-4410

Human Kinetics, Inc.

Principles of Dance I, II, III, and IV

1607 N. Market Street

Champaign, IL 61820

John Klein, Senior K-12 Education Consultant

(217) 351-5076 x2361

J. Johnson Music Publications

Music Theory I and II

5062 Siesta Lane

Yorba Linda, CA 92886

Julie Johnson, Owner

(714) 961-0257

Make Music, Inc.

Band, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Choir, Middle School 1,2, 3, Orchestra, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Jazz

Ensemble, Middle School 2, 3, Instrumental Ensemble, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Vocal Ensemble, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Band I, II, III, Choir I, II, III, Orchestra I, II, III, Jazz Ensemble I, II, III, Instrumental Ensemble I, II, III, and Vocal Ensemble III

7615 Golden Triangle Dr., Ste M Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Alan Bischof, Account Manager - Texas

(952) 818-3843

McGraw-Hill School Education, LLC

General Music Learning Systems, Grades K-6, TRS Edition Only, Art, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Choir, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Theatre, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Art I, II, III, IV, Choir I, II, III, IV, Music Appreciation I, II, and Theatre Arts I, II, III, IV

1513 Glenbrook Drive

Irving, TX 75061

Angela Amundsen, District Manager

(214) 471-4547

Neil A. Kjos Music Company

General Music Learning Systems, Grades 2-6, TRS Edition Only, Band, Middle School 1,2,3, Orchestra, Middle School 1, 2, 3, Jazz Ensemble,Middle School 2,3, Band I, II, III, IV, Orchestra I, Jazz Ensemble I,II, III, IV, World Music Ensemble I, II, III, IV, Mariachi I, II, III, IV, and Music Theory I, II

4206 West Point Loma Blvd

San Diego, CA 92110

Andy Robinson

(858) 270-9800 x6727

Patti DeWitt, Inc.

General Music Learning Systems, Grades K-5, TRS Edition Only, Music, Grades 2 -5, Pupil Edition,

Music, Middle School 1, Grade 6, Pupil Edition, Choir,Middle School, 1, 2, 3, Choir I, II, III, IV, and MusicTheory I, II

368 Riddle Road

Cedar Creek, TX 78612

Ronald Folkerts, Vice President

(713) 542-2090

Perfection Learning

Theatre Arts I, II, III, IV, and Technical Theatre I, II, III, IV

12188 Ashaway Lane

Frisco, TN 75035

Aaron Sever, Regional Sales Manager

(866) 252-6580 x1113

QuaverMusic, LLC

General Music Learning Systems, Grades K-5, TRS Edition Only

1706 Grand Avenue

Nashville, TN 37212

Amanda Reilly, Key Account Representative

(866) 917-3633

Tempo Press

Orchestra I, II, III, and IV

32332B Edward Ave

Madison Heights, MI 48071

Steven Luck

(248) 588-0808

Texas State Florists’ Association

Principles and Elements of Floral Design

P.O. Box 170760

Austin, TX 78717

Dianna Nordman

(512) 834-0361

The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc.

Principles and Elements of Floral Design

18604 West Creek Drive

Tinley Park, IL 60477

Kelly Jackson, Contract Sales Manager

(708) 623-1911